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Is pubic hair making a comeback?

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I have been waxed for so long it would take Miracle Grow to produce anything!.
ive noticed the same... i like it
I have some on top. creatively trimmed
lips get waxed or I shave
I usually shave, but i want to go with the full laser hair removal.

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Smooth is sexy, but the right amount in the right place drives one wild.
On men a bit is ok, but on women it makes oral sex far less enjoyable. If you shave your armpits then why wouldn't you shave your pussy?
I've only ever slept with one girl who was fully shaven. 99% of the chicks I've bedded have had pubes. Most with a decent landing strip and one or two with the full beaver
The pre-pubescent look just doesn't do it for me.
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"There is no such thing as good luck or bad luck; only adequate or inadequate preparation for a statistical universe." - Robert Heinlein
doesnt really matter to me, i like them bald or landin strip, thats just my preference
I Prefere shaven, but a landing strip, or neatly trimmed that's fine with me ;)
Back in the 80's, I convinced my wife to shave. She did, and I loved it. But, when she had her physical with a female Air Force OB-GYN she came home crying. The doctor was very abusive and actually called my wife a slut. I am glad to see times have changed, LOL.

I have never seen an ugly pussy!
Defo prefer soft and smooth for heightened tactile pleasure. A landing strip or otherwise well-cultivated love garden can certainly increase visual pleasure, but nothing beats a willing tongue on smooth bare skin where it counts most.

I have alway liked a little fuzz down there as long as it is kept trimmed.
Nice and trim is nice, anything is annoying and distasteful, so I hope not.
i wanna know why some people find pubic hair sexy.
because i aint touchin' it if it aint shaved or waxed
The hair must go! It's so much more enjoyable without hair in the way.
spank me hard please
I like to see a little creative trim job, landing strip or something. Completely shaved does look a little too prepubescent. I myself have been waxed since the wedding day. Before that I did use a body trimmer keeping chest hair, etc. very short and thinned out while still being soft & not shaved stiff & prickly. May go back to that soon.

I am definitely not into that thick hairy bush stuff. That looks like you need to put on a pith helmet, khaki safari clothes and take a machete to it!
I have to admit that no pubic hair seems a bit odd to me. But a neatly trimmed triangle looks nice.

If you have a few moments to spare I would love some comments on my trip to the dentist
I prefer pubes ...
Ferþu hal!
Laser hair removal is the way to go. Expensive, but so worth it.
A comeback?
Don't you mean a Growback?

I still prefer a trim landing patch, it does help with the aim.
Removing all the hair seems a little... underage?

my opinion only, don't get up in arms against me...
I like nothing. Smooth. I shave as often as possible.. Hair there kind of grosses me out some.
Love Always,
Country Cutie
I hope not... I love it nice n smooth...
It fuzz now but not for much longer
I have never been a fan of it, either on girls or myself.
Nice and smooth is always the best
i hope its not but i do like the landing strip
I'm natural, got thick black curls. But I do every two months get it trimmed. Maybe I'm old fashioned lol.
I like some hair, so I have to say neatly trimmed is best.