It's discussed in casual conversation within most people I know, so not at all!
Absolutely not.
I love to masturbate, every day, and it feels completely natural to me.
I've watched my girlfriends do it, let them watch me do it too.
It's fairly normal for girls to masturbate.
EVERYTHING us females do that involves our own pleasure is Bf4i349YPAyoEQgq
It's still to do it on the bus. Apparently.
Of course it is nasty, unacceptable and , why on earth do you think we love it so. I have 20 something daughters so you can guess that it has been a longtime since I was in that age group.
I masturbate most everyday and now I missed a day recently, but not sure just when that was.
Not anymore. But it is so sad to think that it once was, when very few things in life are more beautiful than a woman masturbating. That's why there is "I Feel Myself."
*giggles* God, I hope it's not considered still, especially since I do it multiple times a day, every day!
If it is the case it shouldn't be... Only normal..
I like things that are ..
shouldn't be natural thing to do
How can something so beautiful and natural be ?
Unfortunately, yes. recently, a female friend of mine heard a noise coming from her 15 year old daughters bedroom early one morning. When she quietly opened the door to peak in, she saw her daughter rubbing herself under the sheet, and apparently having an orgasm. She called me, all upset and asked for my advice about what she should do, should she mention it to her daughter. I told her to say and do nothing. Maybe I was wrong, but I figure that she going to do it anyways. You don't want to embarrass her and certainly cant punish her for masturbating. Better she do it there, than somewhere else.
I hope not or I'm bloody central... But, in all seriousness, yes--my female friends go beet red if I talk about masturbation and they deny having ever done it.
Why should it be? Almost everyone does it right? I vote no :P
I am very old and personally never considered it . I used to feel sorry for any woman that did feel pressure that is was .
I guess I was ahead of my time? I always loved sex and always felt every one (yes, even women lol) should be comfortable with their sexuality and sex.
I think women my age are still afraid to admit that they masturbate because of the way we were brought up. However, think about all the toy manufacturers that are around and have been around for years and years. I still meet people who say they never do but always seem to have a toy to use on them when I suggest it. Ooops TMI
I think that to watch a woman masturbate is one of life's sexiest scenes. If course, I mean that she's doing it for me, as well as herself. And if its OK with a partner, then it just has to be OK on her own. Midn you, I always like to join in...eventually......hehe
When living apart from my wife it was good to turn her on so much that she master bated in from of the web camera for me, very very horny
When living apart from my wife it was good to turn her on so much that she master bated in from of the web camera for me, very very horny