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Imagine you had all the money you needed where would you live and what would you do?

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(Sorry I doubled posted this - meant it for here not the Pub)
I'm living my dream of going where i want and doing what I want. But I've come to the conclusion I've could have done the same thing years ago.

So the second part of this is:

Why are you letting things stop you from fulfilling your dream?

Not your reasons for stopping you - like house payments, jobs, etc, rather why are you letting those things stop you.

As Thoreau said something like men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to their graves with the song still in their heart.
sexchange and pay my boys and grandchildren future
I would build my dream home in the mountains, travel and find a way help make the world a better place.
My main residence would probably be in the area it is now. However, I'd love to have "get aways" on the Virgin Islands, Costa Rica, Scotland, The Netherlands, France, Germany, and Istanbul. What would I do? Not rest until Istanbul was once again Constantinople. That, or make quality, high-def, 3D midget porn.
I would live in an area by myself. Most likely in the mountains close to the water. I would most likely try writing some stories and try to get them published and i would also work on my Cello and maybe do some performances. I've lived the crazy fun life and even though im 28, i have had fun and im ready to start settling down and looking for that special someone.
I would live in NYC on Central Park West. I would start a charity and manage its operations.
The answer to such a question is a moving target for me as both I and my attitudes change, mature, transition me from one thing to another. In a way what I would love to do is go back to when I was 20 and start over, but that is not possible, and I find myself wondering what sort of woman I would be 30 years later. Right now I am fairly content with who I am and what my life is about. I have a nice home, a lovely granddaughter, a marvellous daughter and son-in-law, and work. I suspect what I would like to do is have the resources to go and try out new things, whether that be climbing a mountain, learning to paint, having a long, long clothing optional holiday, and then come home and spend a fortune on new clothes. I would love to be free to indulge myself, but also to be able to serve other people in as selfless a way possible. I guess you could say that I want it all!
Just to name a few - I would buy a very expensive luxury RV and spend a year or so traveling around the cou ntry. Then after returning home, I would have my dream house built on a large piece of land in the country. I would become a perpetual college student, learning as many different things as possible. I would make sure that those who have been there for me would be very well taken care of, open a business, and start a non-profit organization.
There are so many things. But I'd definitely move to the mountains.

Outside of typicals...I'd travel the world and write a sex diary on my escapades. Scottish men, English, Greek, German, Spanish, Japanese, on, and so on.
I wouldn't be anchoraged to any one spot, but have a few home bases and also do a lot of traveling throughout the US as well as overseas. I'd revisit some of my favorite places: India, Nepal, Ireland, Oregon.. Go to a few places I've never been: Thailand..

I would spend a lot of time in Alaska-- in the summer months.

Of course I would spend the majority of my time on warm beaches.

I would attend many dance camps and dance classes and seminars , go to music festivals, yoga festivals , read and write, choreograph dances, Soak in hot springs...ride horses, ride elephants, play with dolphins..

Do volunteer work, set up charities and teach dance classes to inner city at risk youth.
I'd probably have all the money I'll ever need now if I didn't keep giving it away. I like to dream about beach homes in the south sea islands, or a penthouse in Manhattan overlooking the park, but I'm basically a simple girl, and my Native American upbringing has taught me that such material trappings just begin to possess you, and separate you from the real world. I've been blessed with so much already, grasping for more just seems petty and pathetic. I love my life, just the way it is.
I would move to Key West
Utopia, live peacefully
Probably travelling around the world and moving from place to place with the season I wanted at the time.
I would still enjoy the things I do now but not have to work.
More than likely take a friend or two to maintain the benefits they provide me with now and not have to worry who and where my next experience would be with.
I would love to live on the upper coast, either side of the country, secluded away from others so I could enjoy the views without the noise of traffic and trespassers.
I would travel the world and take photos.
I've travelled for business most of my adult life, so I don't really have wanderlust. However, with that said, I would love to go to Australia and New Zealand and live in each one for 6 months or a year. That's about it for the travel. I do however like the idea of buying an RV and traveling around the US. I would love to hit all the major air and space museums. The other thing I would do is spend a whole season following the F1 races.

I all ready have a house kind of in the mountains. I have one horse, but would like to have several more (and a mule). I'd also like to have a bunch of pure bred border collies to raise and train.

I'd also have a track car (Ariel Atom) or a race car (an old Honda or BMW) that I could tear up and wouldn't mind too much if I put it into a wall.

Other than that, I would do volunteer work - build homes for Habitat for Humanity, work with special needs people, volunteer at the animal shelter - that kind of stuff

Primarily, I would relax, take classes, watch a lot of movies, listen to lots of music, take up playing music again - that sort of thing.
Red is the color of sex and signs that say Do Not Enter

The best thing to hear in the middle of the night - Lick Me
Lately I've been thinking about moving to Toronto. Probably hook up with a hottie I know there...
I'd still live in NJ/NY because I like being able to see family whenever we wanted to see each other. And I'd get a new house, get my parents a new house, and build an orphanage. (Like Batman has)
While by no means rich, I do have all of the money I need. I am retired and have no interest in working at any job. I live near Chicago, and will not move somewhere else (unless IL gets even stupider with taxes). I would spend my time just as I do now, playing with clocks and women. I like figuring out what makes them tick, especially when they are not ticking.
I'd like to go and live somewhere that's warm all year round. I don't like extreme heat though. I went on holiday to the Canaries last summer. Maybe I'd get have my own villa there and find a hobby to take up to keep me busy. I've never felt especially entrepreneurial but I'd love to have that hobby be a business of sorts. I'd take someone special with me too.
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I think what was meant was all the money you want to create your dreams ... for me the dream has always been a school (and no not a sex school) that focuses on math and science ... having unlimited funds would allow for a very unique offering for children from many diverse backgrounds, provide the means to take them on field trips and see science in action in places they never expected (Roadside geology for fun and profit). I would have the funds to support music and art programs in schools that have all but cut them out in middle school and high school levels.

I have all the money I need for what "I" want to do with my life ... and I hope in the future (well I have already stared that future) to have the money to bring it to a reality in many more places.

As for living ... I can not really say, it is not the money that keeps me in one place, so more of it would not really change my home. As for a vacation home with unlimited money why bother with one? I could rent with no concern at any time the most luxurious properties and no hassle to take care of them.
If i had all the money i wanted to do what I wanted, after providing nest eggs for my nephews and nieces, setting up regular donations to a number of charities, possibly looking into setting up some sort of scholarship fund, I would travel the world and visit all the places I have on my bucket list. Along the way, I would try to meet as many Lushies as i could. When I returned, I might keep a place in the same are, though it would not be in my current home. I would buy myself a bigger place. But I would also look at either getting another place in a warmer climate, or like suggested above, rent something for somewhere when I wished to get out of the cold
Paris, Venice, and Santa Fe.
I'd have espresso in the morning. I would partake of good art, good books, good music, and good food.
I would live for six months in each county in Britain, photographing it's beauty before eventually writing a book with the best of my photographs that I would finance myself........

I'd buy a nice bit of land in the Scottish Borders and have a small holding and have a small animal sanctuary, I'm very passionate about animal welfare and being able to make the difference to the life of an abused or neglected animal would be amazing. Boring I know but when it comes to animals I'm a softy.
This is a boring answer, but I would do what I'm doing now, where I'm at now. Just call me content.
Move back to Texas and travel the world
I'd buy this car and travel across America with a guitar in my trunk.

Hopefully, a girl would also be willing to accompany me and we'd have plenty of crazy sexual adventures along the road, from New York to Los Angeles:

Sure I worry about stuff, but I am actually living the dream. Its not about money, or circumstances, or the general frustrations in life. Its about being content and feeling useful in the here and now. Am very blessed.