Than we can work as a team, blindfolded! "Way to go Smokesticks!"
Ever since I can remember, I have wanted to be able to go invisible at will. "Invisibility" would be great, but there would need to be a condition -- I must control it, if not I don't want it.
The abilty to get others to do what I wanted by controlling thier mind. I could get away with all sorts.
the ability to fight and defeat the evil villian, Cancer.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
I would love to be able to transport from one place to another in seconds instead of having to rely on public transport (don't mention learning to drive, as I can't for health reasons).
I actually like Jonny Torch from Fantastic 4, FLAME ON!!!!! Being him would be pretty cool. I would like to be a Jedi, or like a wizard in Harry Potter, or maybe have powers like in the Final Fantasy's (you know the video game yeah?) Traditional superheros dont do alot for me.
I'd want to read minds...people never say what they really feel
I would either fly or have x-ray vision. i can't decide
Flying, so i don't have to sit in traffic with all the other dumb ass drivers
The power to completely and accurately predict the future. Then I could help us all avert disaster, plan for famines and droughts, avoid stock market crashes and invest so that everyone would make money and eliminate poverty but I would not tell anyone who would win future Super Bowls and World Series. Sorry about that!
I would like to be invisiable, when I want to be. Show up at the door, once I know she is horney.
To blink my eyes or twitch my nose and I'm at my destination. I HATE to fly or be in the car for a long period of time....
No one can make you jealous, angry, vengeful, or greedy -unless you let him.
- Napoleon Hill
Easy: Telepathy and telekenesis.
reading people's mind :-)
How about the kind of omnipotent power Q had in Star Trek? Very seductive.
Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth. I f@#$%&g hate lies.
Via hot tub, delaurean, or whatever - I would like to have the power of time travel.
I would want to be able to to be invisible. Imagine what mischief one could get into if they could render themselves invisible. I would also want super powers such as telepathy to read others minds and to be able to fly.