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Active Ink Slinger
go back and re-live your life from say 15yrs old or so with the knowledge you have now, would you? I know I would. LOL I'd be a motherfucking monster!!!!
I am torn.... I would LIKE to say YES.... but the things I went through have made me the man I am today. I am not sure I would be the same person if I went back and did it all over again knowing what I do now. The mistakes I made, the loves I lost or never had, the heartache, the joys and excitement, the fears and every experience I had all served a purpose. I am who I am.
Clever Gem
Quote by JohnC
I am torn.... I would LIKE to say YES.... but the things I went through have made me the man I am today. I am not sure I would be the same person if I went back and did it all over again knowing what I do now. The mistakes I made, the loves I lost or ni'm a clever geever had, the heartache, the joys and excitement, the fears and every experience I had all served a purpose. I am who I am.

I'd use it in a second, apparently I'm a clever gem these days, i'd love to go back with what I know now. I'd fix a lot, and maybe not quite be 35 and pushing that age in university. sighs ah well getting there now hey!
Advanced Wordsmith
I've actually thought about this before. However much I may want to there would be things I would have to go through a second time that couldn't be avoided. To be honest, I don't think I could cope with them again.
Active Ink Slinger
not from 15 but about 25 yeah certainly would
Cheeky Chick
This question rolls around everyone’s heads every now and then. I have to say yes, because I would fix a lot of things that went wrong medically, catch it before it was too late, maybe than I’d still have two kidneys. I would have tried harder to finish school in high school and not let what stopped me doing so. Sure I graduated and got my diploma but I should have done it the right way, like most all kids do. There is a lot of things I would change, but I know I am who I am because of what I have been through. Am I always happy with whom I am? No, not really but I don’t think that is due to how I have lived my life. I think it’s just what was meant for me to live through. My life could have been a whole lot harder than it was. I’d still go back though, and try to make it better.
Active Ink Slinger
to go back. i would study harder and to something more constructive with my life, but as for the mistakes, i don't regret my kids, so the biggest mistake i have made i would make again and again for my children.
Artistic Tart
you're goddamn right I would. Hell I'd do just about everything different. If I didn't spend so much time being such a smart ass I would actually have ended up smarter. Making better decisions anyway. I fucked up good. All the people that are all "I would never change a thing, its what made me who I am", I'm like what? To me that's just depressing. Like I am supposed to take pride in my own baggage and scars? Fuck that. Gimme the time machine. I can do better than this, surely.
Head Nurse
Like others, I have thought of this before. would I change things knowing what I know now? Honestly, probably not. I don't like regret, and those experiences have brought me to where I am today. I would not be the person I am now, good and bad, without that behind me. Now, that said, I really, really hope my children don't have to learn the same way I did!
Active Ink Slinger
This isn't the first time I've considered this option. Like a lot of the people here, I would take the option to "reload" my life and start from 15 again, with the knowledge I have today. To put it mildly, I am not where I want to be in life, and I think a large part of that is because of decisions I've made. After all, hindsight is always 20/20.

If we were talking about "reloading" our lives with the knowledge we had at fifteen, I wouldn't do that; there's not much I could improve upon with my 15-year-old knowledge.

It does sound like it'd make an interesting story, though....
Active Ink Slinger
I love all these answers, but I KNOW I would use my knowledge for evil hahahaha.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by terry20069
I love all these answers, but I KNOW I would use my knowledge for evil hahahaha.

I don't know specifically about evil, but I would feel free to use my knowledge of trends. ("Okay, I want to buy some shares of Apple and Google. Better throw in some University of Phoenix in there as well." "Okay, why don't I work on creating Facebook? I'll do everything right--no privacy concerns--and make millions!") You get the idea.
Active Ink Slinger
Oh, I don't mean evil as in trying to take over the world or something (saving that for the off chance I get super powers) I mean it as I would just be a badass. Gettin paid and gettin laid. That's it.
I truly mean no disrespect, but you are still pretty young now. Make the best of it, as opposed to wishing you could be 15 again and do the things you can do now (or know what you know now). I am sure that in 10-20 years you will probably look back to your current age and say the very same things. It is how life works.
HELL Yessssssssssss, without a doubt, FUCK Yes!, no question, definitely, in a heartbeat, absofuckinglutely, did i say yes?
Quote by trinket
HELL Yessssssssssss, without a doubt, FUCK Yes!, no question, definitely, in a heartbeat, absofuckinglutely, did i say yes?

I don't know if you are quite sure about that.... give it a bit more thought and I am sure you can really become certain in your answer.

Why look to the past? Look forward! What are you going to do with what you know now? Create as much value from your life as possible.

If you went back and did it all again, you'd probably learn a whole bunch of new stuff along the way and, by the time you caught up on yourself, you'd want to go back and see if you can do it EVEN better. Don't dwell on the mistakes you've made but concentrate on the great things you're going to do with your life.

It starts with you. It starts from NOW!
Alpha Blonde
Absolutely yes! I'd do soooo many things differently.
Active Ink Slinger
In a heartbeat. I'm an experiance slut, I want to know as much as possible, it would allow Me to experiance more. I am the man I am today because of what I have been through in the past, but being able to do it all again with hindsight, well the possibilities are endless. There are things that I wouldn't want to change and knowing the outcome would make them easier to deal with.
I think so, but only if it could be assured that everything I didn't change would go the same exact way. There's a few life events I wouldn't dare risk, but they're pretty easy to ensure happening.
I'm not sure I would, to be honest. My life hasn't been perfect and there's things I'd love to change. The problem is, whenever I contemplate an alternative course that I might take, I lose some good stuff as well as some bad stuff. I could change the route I went education and career-wise to get into something more to my liking but then I'd never meet my wife (we met in grad school). I could try to have more of a social/love life earlier than I did (I was late bloomer who had his first real romantic/sexual relationship at 24) but, again, the outcome changes and it wasn't a bad outcome.
Active Ink Slinger
I definitely would but just to enjoy the ride again... It's been GREAT!!! Whew!!! Loving it.... ;)
Great minds think alike but dirty minds work together.... ;)
Active Ink Slinger
I would love another shot at life. In hindsight I recognize many things I could have done much better. That young age does come with lumps though so I would hope to make it out of my teens with a good healthy attitude about life.
Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.
Active Ink Slinger
This question brings up the idea that there is the possibility of a second chance - what I'm trying to say that in most of us there is a sort of unrealistic feeling that we can live another life again. We don't really believe that this is a one way street - hard to describe what I'm saying but the closer I get to death the more this feeling dissipates as the reality looms larger. To answer the question the main thing I would have done is learned to play guitar earlier and not joined the stupid RAF at 15.
Nope. The things I have done are what made me what I am and given me the things I have. The biggest is my family!
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Nah. I lived a pretty sheltered life up until I graduated high school and moved to the other side of the country for college. In my mind, my life didn't really begin until then. I'm not harping and complaining, because I had/have a great life...but exactly 75% of it was rather sheltered. It was a time when I tiptoed and walked on eggshells trying my best to be what everyone wanted/expected me to be. So finally being on my own and making my own decisions and living for myself isn't something I take for granted. So no, there's nothing to go back and change, because everything has changed for the better.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

I have no regrets about anything in my life. I was meant to travel down this path and I'm very satisfied with it. God is good!!!!!