Juggling the timing of visiting my Stage 4 mom in hospital with ensuring my kids properly decompress from learning her diagnosis, the temporary suspension of their school and recreation activities, separation from their friends, and them having to be with me all day (and vice versa). We are going to chip away at our list of To Do things in the home and garage. Call it sweat labour, if you will, but little kids have little hands and those damn Venetian blinds aren't going to clean themselves. We will learn in the next couple of days what the school system is preparing for home studies. Regardless, they will have a balance of learning and activity, more love than they'll know what to do with, and under the watchful eye of Poppa Ping, more tightly bond their already close relationship as brother and sister.
We are both retired, so quarantine at home is life as usual. The news has my wife in a tizzy, and that it is making her ill. Ran out of eggs today and went nuts trying to find a pick-up location so I wouldn't have to risk going into a store to keep her happy.
No dice.
Went to the local WalMart before noon. No eggs, last box of mixed eggs so scrambled is all we will be having. No potatoes, last bag of sweet potatoes. Lots of fruit and produce. No cold cuts, but the deli looked well stocked. Bread aisle empty but being stocked. Some meat, not much.
Meijer's was going to open in a month across the street--put that off for a month.
And the real reason I went out: my keyboard crapped out and I'm typing on the new one. Again, no pick up.
Most lasting effect: I pulled out of being a poll judge a week or so ago. The primary was finally pushed back to June this year so I dunno what I'll do if they call to get me back.
If I live that long.
Battling anxiety over everything. Went to the grocery at 7:30 am trying to avoid a crowd only to find a crowd. They had just put out gallons of milk and the crowd rushed to grab the max allowed - 5. Selfish asshats! No doubt the milk was gone within the hour. I can't get in the senior living center to see my parents, and Mom is very upset. My son's school has been cancelled, and he is in a 6 month lease in a major city, now without a job too with things closing. Work is a nightmare as my clients need their geek to fix all their issues arising from employees trying to work from home. I fear many more months of this. Hopefully, things will settle down soon. Oddly, the dog food aisle at the store was sparse, but plenty of cat food. Ha! More dog lovers than cat lovers, I suppose! Ha!
With everything closed until further notice I have become a kindergartener homeschool teacher as well as helping my girl with keeping up with her dance for her recital later in the year. I also have my two great nephews here. One is 2 and one is 6 their parents still have to go to work. My sons and husband are still able to work but not sure how long. It makes me very very anxious. My oldest son (22) had just bought a house, a truck and has a new baby to care and pay for. He doesn't have much back up as everything he had went into his house. My youngest son (19) is living with his girlfriend and I talk to him often. I have to worry about my mother-in-law (80) and my mom (58) who both live here and both are in the very high risk categories with heart issues as well as breathing and many other medical issues. We are stocked up from just being at the butcher for our annual deer. The shelves are bare everywhere. People are buying up baby wipes and formula on top of the toilet paper etc. This is scary for moms with babies who need this. We just received notice that the first case has been diagnosed in my county. It's definitely getting closer and closer. We are not supposed to be out between the hours of 8pm and 5 am.I'm grateful for my lush friends to have others to talk to during this time. Please stay safe everyone.
Retired and living in the country so most of the time we're self-isolating anyway. Biggest issues for me are they closed my gym (rightly so) but I'm afraid that without a place to work out and the equipment there, I'll just hang out, eat and put on weight. The other thing I'm missing is our horseback riding group has cancelled all of our group rides until May. We can ride by ourselves but it's not as much fun. Will definitely miss the camaraderie with the group.
Schools are closed earlier after first term so, less driving in traffic. Kids got heaps of homework for the holiday and if the situation persists, video tutorials will also be added to keep the curriculum running on schedule. While our city is not that affected (Only 60odd cases in South Africa on 16/3) I did observe some gloves and masks but not overly so. Impulsive buying is at the order of the day and some shelves are empty. One shopping chain promoted a full range of meat, fresh produce and groceries but not really my favourite outlet. I get by with what I need on a day to day basis. Border closures have not affected us that much but the real risk in South Africa are the townships where facilities are not up to scratch (I'll avoid politics) and disease could spread rapidly.
Well, I am a part teacher and part network admin for my school system. The good news is that means I stay employed because while classes aren't being held, many schools are trying to handle some academics through their networks. I am unhappy that my plans for St. Patty's Day (and the following day of recovery) will be at home with a few close friends instead of the pub we usually frequent. I did make a homemade corned beef, took 6 days brining in my fridge, but it came out great! The menu will include that and potatoes and other root veggies to soak up the beer!
Shopping has become a pain, but so far the stores around me haven't run out of anything critical (like coffee). I have stocked the pantry and freezer in my normal early month shopping before the insanity broke out, so I think I'm set. I will say that no trips to NYC for a while, which is a little disappointing because I love to shop there! Gotta go, I have a chocolate dump cake (using Guinness, of course) to make!
Everyone, please stay safe and I hope healthy until we know the extent of this problem. I am so tired of hearing about what might be and I am doing my best to ignore the politics of it -- although that's hard. I will miss the start of Baseball season (Let's Go Mets!), but hopefully, things will settle down soon. I love you all!!!
Meddle Not In The Affairs of Dragons, for we are Crunchy and Good with Ketchup!
I'm working from home, grocery shopping is a pain.
I’m a nurse and work in a private hospital in the UK, so it's inevitable I will come face to face with the virus at some point. Within the last few days management have taken the steps to ensure our intensive care unit is available to receive the overflow of patients that our over-stretched National Health System can’t cope with.
Of course, we’re all concerned with what’s going on, but we must approach our work “one day at a time”. Most of the talk about Covid-19 around the tea machine is how ridiculous the general public are about toilet paper. One colleague told me, that's the first time she's noticed how collectively stupid people are. But hysteria will do that to humans. Stay calm, lets face this together. Gabby x
The biggest change for me has been the commute to work. There is a school right up the street from where I live. The school day ends just as it's time for me to go to work. My complex has only one entry/exit. If I don't leave before the school lets out, my exit is blocked by a long line of school buses and cars that were stuck behind them waiting for them to load. Now, I can leave later, plus traffic is sparse, both in the city and the highways.
I cannot go out at all (other than to doctors). I’m now housebound, home schooling and having to rely on others to shop for me. My kids are very anxious about the whole thing and I’ll admit my anxiety has sky rocketed.
All those things that I do to keep myself mentally well are unavailable to me and it’s frightening.
Don’t tempt the lonely and perverse
F the toilet roll manufactures.
Recycle your own.
Why should they have all the fun.
I've never been so active online and never slept so much.
No clubbing, no concerts, no parties, No Nothing.
The company i work for is involved in countermeasures against coronavirus so i am insanely busy although my role is nothing compared to what medical professionals and first responders are doing. On the upside my commute is now from my bedroom to the dining room table which is a plus. I'm pretty much a lone wolf anyway so the social distancing has less impact on me personally. Not sure what it's like where you are but everyone is looking at each other in fear these days, wondering if THAT person is going to give them the virus. Not that I'm shaking hands and kissing people but I'm probably more friendly and positive towards people lately; may as well, I figure things are bad enough.
I am working from home most of the time which means I have to break up more arguments between my daughters who are also home from school
Bored out of my mind today ~ was sitting out on the back porch watching 2 small lizards battle it out I normally dont find such things entertaining but being stuck inside just about anything is entertainment right now. I had my dog on my lap and she was losing her mind she definitely wanted to get in on the battle. Finally had to take her inside I guess I’ll never know which one won.