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How are you perceived?

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Active Ink Slinger
Ever wonder how you are perceived by the people looking in?

I thought this would be a neat topic, maybe get to know more of the people here in Lush World!!!! If you are comfortable, please do online and real world!

Real life; cool, cautious, aloof, confident, a gem of a proper lady, demanding, stand-offish, intimidating, eccentric, crazy, a ball of energy, extrovert, intelligent, a push-over, overly confident in who I am and my abilities, child-like in the way I see life, someone who will go to Hell and back in bare feet for someone I trust and respect, but once that respect is lost I will still assist, be kind and polite, but there will be a cooler undercurrent. To some I probably appear always "high", but once my guard is lowered I become more me, quiet like. I don't get angry (well I do, its just rare), I sing, I dance, I have no problems walking up to a stranger when the mood strikes me to give them a hug, all while walking down the street by myself or with someone there. A smile is more of than not plastered on my face.

However; when the mood strikes me, I love to turn around and just floor the people I am around. I'll start talking about anal plugs, questioning about BDSM, handcuffs, then in the same breath, a political question or a biblical question, then about this new song I heard.

When I walk into a room, people are intimidated of me. This giant of a woman, with large eyes, who puts on a front of nonchalance, who doesn't really interact with anyone until I know all the players in the room. This is where the ones that know me get a kick. My mother used to complain that my personality is larger than life, and I am very disarming. People's first impression of me as I said is one of aloofness, icy, etc... within twenty minutes, I can have a room eating out of the palm of my hand. Which I am working on as I know it is not the best trait to have.

Online? Well that is a totally different ball of Gouda. To some I seem loud, obnoxious, crazy, overly confident, insane, wishy washy, talkative, the centre of all attention whores, man-seeking, oh what other adjectives can I think of? Let's see... in any case, sure. I can be all these things, sure, but can't we all?

Side note- what I find interesting, and utterly thigh slapping down right hilarious, is the women in the online world who call me a "man chasing whore". I do not chase, I do not seek out a man, they come to me.

Dealing with drama, I will let the part of me out that I don't like letting out to play- the harsh, cold, business woman out to demand I get it. There is enough drama in teaching at a university, working in foreign country that this, my escape place, I don't need any extra. Or just ignore it with a shake of my head.

Ok, I am very sorry to all who read this, I don't really have a clue how people see me. Bottom line is, I know how I see myself. And I like who I see every morning in the mirror as I brush my teeth, even if I have silly hair or a pimple on my nose. Take me or leave me, I live in a world where there is sunshine all the time, daisies and horsies with ribbons in their hair, where the music is always playing and every moment is to be lived. Even if I am working. Or should be working.
Living life and enjoying life are two different things... just need to figure out how to do both at the same time to live it right!

Woman... GO FLY A KITE!!!!! Take a slideshow walk with me on a walk through the parks of Inner Mongolia, China. Then enjoy the tale of a very traditional day in the life of a white Woman in China.
Interesting thread idea, Woman.

I enjoyed reading your description of yourself!

My personality is pretty much the same on-line as off. I'm mostly a quiet person, but not in the shy sense. l won't say anything to you on-line that I wouldn't say if you were standing in front of me. More of a listener than a talker. If someone asks my opinion, I'm honest, but try my best to be tactful. Forgiving, friendly, level-headed, optimistic, sarcastic, creative, affectionate. I don't talk about myself much and can happily spend time alone, although I also really enjoy the company of others - more in small groups than large crowds.
You ladies shouldn't change a thing about yourselves,,you appear happy,.

My personality is more like Lisa's,, except I like to be in an even smaller group.
I can be unpredictable,, and I think people are cautious around me ,, Not knowing what to expect.
This gives me an edge to read others ,,before I enter-react with others.
If I dont care for company I'm in,, I know the way to my house ,,and where my quiet place is.
Active Ink Slinger
Agree with Lisa on how interesting this thread could be. Good one 'woman'.

By the way, in this horrendous PC world we live in, if I ever addressed any female by the simple descriptive of 'woman' I know I would get my face slapped - so thanks for having a user name that makes me both smirk & cringe! lol

In real life I am told that first impressions are intimidating. Although I always strive to have a welcoming smile on my face, the manner in which I enter a room has been likened to a Narco bust - I boldly stride in, eyes darting left & right to survey the scene and quickly assess if it's a place I want to be (hey, I was a cop for a long time!). I know I do not tolerate fools or "hippies" very well, however, I am working on trying not to scare the dear things. My philosophy of "you are where you are in life because of choices you made" was borne out of a childhood and life-style that helps me define everything in both black & white terms. Grey areas make me uncomfortable.

On the plus side, people seem to trust me and feel safe in my world (even if it can seem a little cold at times). My sarcastic sense of humour can be debilitating to the gentler souls in the world. I am a loyal friend who, like 'woman' would go to the ends of the world for you, but, if betrayed, I regret to inform that I am an unforgiving enemy. I genuinely do not get angry, rather I tend to seethe and get even. Although considered an extrovert, I have a strong need for privacy and quiet time and striking that balance is tough. I cried at the movie 'Ghost'.

On-line? Pretty much the same except a tad less politically correct. Oh, and I get to flirt unashamedly with the wittier females of Lush whilst exploring my literary talents. And, so far, I've been able to do all that without being labelled 'creepy' (I think).
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
i think people see me as someone who has a "barbie doll" image, i've been told that on many occassions and it always seems to make me angry. that is by no means who i am.
i ride motorcycles, play in the mud, like to get dirty with the best of them, but.....i am one who also enjoys the manicures, pedicures, and hair salon. i like to get dolled up and make a good impression.
Lollipop Girl
I am very quiet untill you get to know me offline, and then once i feel comfortable I talk lol. I always try to smile and make others laugh and smile. I try to be nice to everyone. Hmmm I guess I am about the same online as I am in person.
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

I never really thought about this before, but a few intense conversations with a close friend lately have forced me to consider this carefully.

Apparently I'm different people at different times. Sometimes, I'm the life of the party, center of the world, 10 feet tall (or at least 5'2-1/2"...) and bulletproof. Other times I'm quiet, reserved, moody, and can be toppled with a feather. Sometimes the smallest thing can unleash my anger, and other times I'm apparently an indomitable optimist who can't be swayed.

My hope is that they all add up to a coherent person, but lately I wonder...
I'm quiet until I get to know you and can come off as aloof and contained(but it's a a throw back to my shy childhood)...but as soon as I do know you I'm charming and funny and outgoing, straight talker with no airs and graces who flirts like crazy...I have definite opinions about things and could be called dark flip side is that is that I'm a commitment phobe who can't handle to be held for too long...and scared of my feelings...I normally use humour to deflect emotions....
I've found I'm almost as shy online as I am offline. In the real world, I am pretty quiet and tend to keep to myself. I prefer small gatherings than large and prefer quietly listening to conversation and speak only when I have something to say. I think people perceive me as shy and timid and then are shocked when they discover that I have a tattoo or that I'm a pilot and that I've even jumped out of a plane once. I wouldn't think a tattoo is such a big deal but people around me are pretty conservative and wouldn't expect someone like me to have one.

I'll tell you guys a secret. I love that people are surprised. How does that saying go? "You can't judge a book by its cover?"

I'm still rather new to having an online persona so I can't comment too much about that just yet.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by shygeek

I'll tell you guys a secret. I love that people are surprised. How does that saying go? "You can't judge a book by its cover?"

I so very much agree with you! When I walk around saying I want to get another tattoo! I get looks of utter shock. "Another!!!!" they say, then I chuckle and say, "I already have thirteen! What is fourteen other than an even number!"
Living life and enjoying life are two different things... just need to figure out how to do both at the same time to live it right!

Woman... GO FLY A KITE!!!!! Take a slideshow walk with me on a walk through the parks of Inner Mongolia, China. Then enjoy the tale of a very traditional day in the life of a white Woman in China.
Active Ink Slinger
I think I'm thought of as a creative, straight forward no BS ball busting dominate bitch with a kinky sweet side and that's just the real me here and everywhere!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
Active Ink Slinger
I really dont

If I was looking for friends I would be on

LOL...I am smartass...take it or leave it.....I could care less what anybody else thinks. If you want to be my friend then you might have a chance to strike up a conversation and get to know me(pick a never know).

Like me or hate me....I am not going to lose sleep either way!

I have a number of friends who have shot their odds and good luck!
Forum Whore
Quote by fystee
I really dont

If I was looking for friends I would be on

LOL...I am smartass...take it or leave it.....I could care less what anybody else thinks. If you want to be my friend then you might have a chance to strike up a conversation and get to know me(pick a never know).

Like me or hate me....I am not going to lose sleep either way!

I have a number of friends who have shot their odds and good luck!

I don't think I've ever told you that I greatly admire you for that.
"Your opinion of me is none of my business."
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Lady_Lydia
Quote by fystee
I really dont

If I was looking for friends I would be on

LOL...I am smartass...take it or leave it.....I could care less what anybody else thinks. If you want to be my friend then you might have a chance to strike up a conversation and get to know me(pick a never know).

Like me or hate me....I am not going to lose sleep either way!

I have a number of friends who have shot their odds and good luck!

I don't think I've ever told you that I greatly admire you for that.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by roccotool
"Your opinion of me is none of my business."

I totally agree!
What an interesting question. I'm different now from how I was say 10 years ago in college, but I don't know how much of that is being more mature and learning, and how much is living in a place where life and culture are quite different. Everyone always reminds me that I was always a joker, always a flirt, always in the mood for fun in high school and college. Now, living a hell of a long way away from where I went to college, I'm a little bit of a novelty being a resident American, but I'm known as a straight-shooter, a curiosity, and a guy with a different take than normal on most things. I like who I am either way I guess. I like the answer above "your opinion of me is none of my business"- so true. Can't lie though, it's fun to think about what others see when they see me.
Umm ok here goes mine:

In real life I'm very soft spoken, but my when I do say something, it's something it's something resourceful. I get embarrassed easily. If you tell me something naughty or if I get a bit gassy in public and someplace quiet, then my neck or around my eyes will turn red. I'm really a big nerd. I'm always working ahead of everyone. My job takes up most of my time but I love what I do. When I'm at work, I work with precision. I'm also selective about who I hang around. Some of the doctors I work around are just big snobs or anal assholes. Some of the nurses are tight assed fake bitches. I have few work friends but in my private life I'm very social, outgoing, and friendly(forgive me for calling my co-workers out of their name, but really, if you worked with them, you'd feel my pain!!). I'm really a huge goof ball. I like playing around with almost anyone to get them in a good mood. I'm always smiling quite frankly because I don't let things really get to me as there is a time and place to take things seriously. Yeah I consider myself a big mushie when it comes to my love life, but i'm also sort of guarded too I guess in a way. I'm a passionate lover who wears my heart on my sleeve. I'm shy and it takes me time to really get used to anybody. So to all those just meeting me, bear with me until I know you better, then you won't be able to shut me up! LMAO!!! I have a dark sense of humor. Most people don't get my humor, therefore, I don't tell many jokes. I'm very loyal, trustworthy, and non judgemental. I have heard from a numerous amount of friends that I have those traits within me, I'm guessing that's why they come to me wanting advice. Umm I'm random too, so I'm subject to say anything that has totally NOTHING to do with the topic being discussed. I'm just comfortable in my own skin and I strive to lift other's spirits. But on the other hand, I'm a total smartass at times, so if I say something kinda rude and out there, I'm mostly kidding...MOST of time, depending on my mood. I just overall care for people and want to do what I think is right in my life aside from spreading what my 27 years of life has taught me. Online I'm pretty much the same way. But going back to the question, how am I perceived? Hmmmm........ I don't know what others think of me..... But I don't care in a way because I'm me and if you don't like it, then suck it!(being a smartass again, heehee)
To be honest I am not really to worried about what people think of me. I mean I am a nice guy to just about anyone that shows me respect I give it back to them. There are people I know offline that think I am lazy at times and I fully admit that I can be BUT when I have to work I do work hard at what I do which can be an assortment of different jobs. I get bored easily. But from what I gather most people think of me as a nice guy that can be a bit of a smartass at times once I get to know ya and feel out what your sens of humor is as said some get my humor and others don't oh well.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Bunny12
I think I'm thought of as a creative, straight forward no BS ball busting dominate bitch with a kinky sweet side and that's just the real me here and everywhere!

I think people's first thought about me would be "Someone... please call the loony bin"

In real life I'm more of a soft and gentle person, I might not be as outspoken as I am on here because I have a family reputation that follows me around like a heavy sin. When I first meet someone new I'm a bit inclined to keep things to myself, which in turn makes them want to tell me everything about themselves for some mythical reason. I don't mind, I enjoy hearing people's stories, and everything they tell me I will take with me to the grave.

I think men and women will have different impressions of me at first glance.

I'm okay with however I am perceived as long as people don't hold it against me, if one doesn't like me, stay away from me, I don't give out hugs freely so it's not like I am holding you.
The Right Rev of Lush

I yam what I yam and that's all I yam.

Rumple Foreskin
RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN



"Life Is Too DAMN!!!! Short To Be Taken Too DAMN!!!! Serious."
who cares how you, (or you, or me, or her, or him, or whoever .... ) is perceived??

therapy may assist you in finding yourself ... or acknowledging yourself ... or buy a dog ... they will love you for who you are if you feed em and love em.


"I'm a pickin'..."
I pretty much do my own thing. The first think I wrote here before I decided to edit was stupid. I should have ignored this topic but I didn't. Anyway, WTF. I make mistakes sometimes.
Rookie Scribe
0 likes one knows me here so I can make up what I think others think of me...

On another venue I have been called a smartass and a ladies man...I don't think I'm either but, from my vantage point, I can't see so clearly...

...besides, I couldn't be a ladies man because I happen to know everything there is to know about women, or can I?!!....=)....seems to me that knowing what all women are like, I'd be crazy instead...