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Gay marriage likened to incest

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Active Ink Slinger
Sprite - Though the practice is not something I am interested in, the statements and facts about the offspring of incestuous relationships notwithstanding, why is there anything inherrently wrong if two consenting adults chose to have (or for that matter live in) an incetuous relationship? I can't recall learning anywhere that being in a heterosexual relationship guarantees there will be offsring.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by DLizze
Sprite - Though the practice is not something I am interested in, the statements and facts about the offspring of incestuous relationships notwithstanding, why is there anything inherrently wrong if two consenting adults chose to have (or for that matter live in) an incetuous relationship? I can't recall learning anywhere that being in a heterosexual relationship guarantees there will be offsring.

i think that inbreeding is the original objection - also, incestual relationships usually stem from abuse, i think that's a fact, tho i'm too lazy to look it up right now.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MulliMoonlight
sprite: "i'm not sure how you reconcile those positions. quite honestly, i'm curious as to how you can say that you are anti-gay and yet not homophobic or close minded and then, claim to be Christian as well. "

Being anti-gay and being homophobic are two different things. You can disagree with the lifestyle while still loving and accepting the person. Christian doctrine says to love all people, it doesn't mean Christians have to love their choices.

The Bible states a clear position against homosexuality, to follow Christian teachings you must be anti-gay.

Im Catholic, i was raise as catholic, went to catholic school, etc, so yes i know all that is written in the bible. i just have a few questions for you.

Are you a virgin? because clearly it says that you should get married before having sex and of course it also says it should be only to procreate so im sure you never use any pills or condoms right? because thats also against the rules, one more question if you follow the "rules" so good what exactly are you doing in an EROTICA Story site, again pretty sure is against the rules!

Im saying all this because by your concept of what means to be a Christian and to follow Christians teachings you must follow ALL the rules not just the ones you LIKE!

Im not gay, but because i wasnt born that way, not because its wrong or because im Catholic.

Its so frustrating when people try to cover their real believes behind a religion.
Please! Don't be gay. The higher power is the way.

So, was having a discussion with a co-worker about this since the gay rights activists are collecting money in town, due to this bit of nonsense (see the tag line above).
His fundamental view was this: "What is the basic function of marriage?" My response, as I relented to the obvious, and needed response procreate.


My question: So, if a woman was unable to bear a child, or a man was unable to inseminate a woman, then their bond should not equate to marriage?

Just another issue I have with this whole "Christian" thing. When can we just be people?
latinfoxy- I have never stated that I am Christian or follow their beliefs. World religions and theological discussion is my area of expertise, so I am very familiar with the teachings and beliefs of most major religions. I am only describing the Christian point of view as it relates to this topic.

Also, though it would take a long time and many verse references to explain it, the Bible does not teach that the only purpose of sex is to procreate.

DLizze- That's exactly what I was going to say.
Can I remind you all that it is against site guidelines to discuss or make mention of the subject of . I can see that the comments made thus far were harmless but let's please not continue the discussion in this vein.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MulliMoonlight
latinfoxy- I have never stated that I am Christian or follow their beliefs. World religions and theological discussion is my area of expertise, so I am very familiar with the teachings and beliefs of most major religions. I am only describing the Christian point of view as it relates to this topic.

Also, though it would take a long time and many verse references to explain it, the Bible does not teach that the only purpose of sex is to procreate.

DLizze- That's exactly what I was going to say.

Ok sorry for assuming you were, but then how come you not been a Christian can assure that for someone to be one they have to be Anti-Gay. yeah i read what you said about your studies and all that.

My point is that not all Christians are Anti-Gay, yes the more extremist are but that doesnt represent the majority of them just the loudest!

And if you are gonna say its because its in the "rules" i think on my last post i expose several things that are in the "rules" and most of Christians dont follow does either.
Sorry, hit quote instead of edit.