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Do you spend more time on the web than watching TV?

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1 watcher
Some interesting statistics landed on my desk today.

They show the amount of TV watched by adults is, on average, 13.4 hours per week.

The average internet user, 17.6 hours.

Would you say these survey figures are accurate?

Personally, I don't like the passivity involved with watching TV - sure I'll watch it if there's a good movie on, interesting discussion show, or I wish to catch up with the news, but most of the programs I see when channel surfing come across as mindless to me.

Assuming I was stuck at home, alone, I would much rather spend my leisure time either reading a book or interacting with people online, learning, having fun.

What are your media consumption habits? Poll attached.

I spend more time online than watching TV. There are only a couple of shows that interest me and most everything else has me falling asleep within fifteen minutes. I can't keep my eyes open!

Books come in a close second for me.
Web, by default. I don't own a television.
Waaaay more time online! Partly because there's never anything good on tv, so im either watching films or have the tv on in the background if there is the odd thing i wanna watch
The problem with these kinds of stats is always the timing.

Right now, with the Barclays Premier League & UEFA Champions League on the telly, you will be hard pressed to drag my sorry ass away from a live game. Otherwise, I tend to agree with the ladies so far as, apart from Top Gear, there's not a lot to watch on the telly.

I will add the caveat, however, that I do limit my TV and on-line time in line with the restrictions I place on my daughter as I am old school in my belief that you need to be up and out to meet real friends and be ACTIVE. So, TV and on-line time is really 'down time' in our house.

**piously pushes keyboard away with an overinflated aura of self-importance**
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
I spend way more time on the web. I think I have switched on my tv once in about two months. I watch tv shows and movies on my laptop.
I'm online far more than watching TV.

I hate silence though, so I like having either music or the TV on in the background when I'm home, although 90% of the time it's just background noise.
Online time is more than T.V. time definitely, for me. Reading and listening to the radio (because I usually have it on in the background pretty much all the time, come in right up there with messing around on the net.

At times though, it depends on what's going on with 'life'. Crappy weather equals staying in; so I'm either reading, playing games with the kids or hopping online for a bit. Busy with the family, friends, activities and stuff with the kids...sometimes I don't touch the computer for days.
I'm like DD, I like the TV if for no other reason than having another voice in my apartment. I use both internet and tv as background info. Pretty much the entire time I'm awake and at home I am on msn and usually lush, or at least my lap top is. I tend to have both on in the background while I do other things. So, I think I'm about even with both the tv, and internet.
Well, most of my work is done online, so that's 8 hours a day right there. And then I spend a few hours of "me time" online every day, chatting, watching porn, reading stories. I get my news online too. I think I spend no more than half an hour a day on TV. I like shows that tickle my brain, and unfortunately, there aren't many of those.
Geez I think lately I maybe watch less than I'd say bout 4 to 6 hours of TV a week maybe? I have plenty of people tell me I spend way to much time online. But that being said I also use it for talking by mic to my girl.

Besides way more fun online since finding Lush not to much worth watching on TV these days.
Definitely on-line most of my day is spent either doing business or browsing - TV has certainly taken a back seat although there are a few slots I watch. Percentage-wise between being on-line and TV, I'd say; 90% on-line and 10% TV
Looks like TV is a clear loser.

The figures are a little skewed, there's a big increase in the number of people multi-tasking - wireless laptops and netbooks make surfing the web in front of the TV a lot easier these days for example.
What is TV?

Seriously, the shows are so bad and the commercials are too many, for me to watch TV for a good length of time.

Having your own home theater is the only way to fly these days, and why not watch a movie without commercials?

I get the interaction with friends and can scope out news, music, and vids online. This is 2010, and I'm not forced to sit in front of the TV for the remainder of the night anymore.
Quote by nicola
Looks like TV is a clear loser.

The figures are a little skewed, there's a big increase in the number of people multi-tasking - wireless laptops and netbooks make surfing the web in front of the TV a lot easier these days for example.

That's me!!! Part of my job is to actually watch popular TV shows so I can stay up to date on words, phrases, fashion, music... but I find most TV so floofy that it is playing as the background noise while I chat, write, grade papers, research ideas, work with students, read. It has become my radio.

There are only a few rare shows I will actually give my full attention too.
Living life and enjoying life are two different things... just need to figure out how to do both at the same time to live it right!

Woman... GO FLY A KITE!!!!! Take a slideshow walk with me on a walk through the parks of Inner Mongolia, China. Then enjoy the tale of a very traditional day in the life of a white Woman in China.
Ok, who spends their leisure time watching a cheese sandwich?
Quote by nicola
Ok, who spends their leisure time watching a cheese sandwich?

Not me but watching one would only happen while it's in a frying pan LMAO
Quote by mercianknight
The problem with these kinds of stats is always the timing.

Right now, with the Barclays Premier League & UEFA Champions League on the telly, you will be hard pressed to drag my sorry ass away from a live game.

Me too. I'm glued to the tv when my favorite teams play but when some of the lesser ones are playing I surf the web at the same time or play some low limit poker. Wonder how they factor in some of us that need multiple stimulation... Most of the time I got both going (iPad owners will understand this) so I guess I'd same same for me. Also I watch netflix on the computer but it's really tv. Also my tv is connected to the Internet. Seems like the line gets blurrier everyday.
In the early to late 1980s I was selling/installing C-band satellite television systems to people wanting 200-400 channels of retardism. By 1984 I was into big screen Mitsubishi sets, 12 foot satellite dishes and home theater systems and I was fairly well addicted to the movie channels and pirated sports broadcasts.

Now I have a coupla 26" Sharp (tube type) tv sets that sometimes get turned on, with the 18 inch DirecTV dish almost always set to the NFL Network (this time of the year) as background noise.

I can't even get excited about the flat panel tv systems anymore. Bah...I might get one when the price point for a 50" drops under $350.00
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
I actually just canceled cable TV service altogether just a few weeks ago and I don't bother with trying to get something over-the-air. Honestly, I just don't miss it. I'm way too busy with my geeky little projects!
Yes, I do spend more time online than watching tv. Social networks and forum's are a way to reach out to people and interact. TV is just feed interesting articles to read....etc...
I'm on the internet a lot more than the tv. But, like many people have said already, having a lap top makes keeping an eye on the tv a lot easier than it used to be. The background noise can help, but when I'm deep in conversation or reading a really good story on here, I'll turn the tv down a lot or mute it.
I spend much more time online than watching TV. Besides much of my work is done online or offline but on computer. Sometimes I may have the TV on when I am online but really not watching it. But mostly will have music playing.

But I must admit, I waste just as much time surfing for useless info as most people waste watching TV.
More time online
Absolutely spending much more time on line than watching T.V.. To me the sitcoms suck, the news is anything but encouraging & haven't seen any movies that interest me. Occasionally catch a nature program or some kind of documentary on the local educational channel. Much more informative than the "big" networks & a hell of lot less depressing
I'm online more, but I'm also watching more of the shows I follow on my laptop these days.
Way more time online biggrin xx
More time online!! I lose interest in shows far too easily.