Coffee. The energy drink comes after 7 hours in the ER with 3 more to go
A ridiculously large amount of coffee (I take it with cream and sugar) at home in the morning; probably another three or four more 16 oz. cups from the hospital cafeteria throughout my shift. Caffeine does nothing for me, so energy drinks are pointless.
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For those who haven't, try Turkish coffee.
Nespresso like the Cloon-dog.
I can't stand the taste of coffee and definitely no energy drinks in the morning. I am wired enough. I am a typical British tea drinker though.
Sometime a bit of hot Honey Bunch tea, but not every morning.
Vegetable juice good alot, but never have coffee or any energy drinks.
Too much of coffee/energy drinks ist sooo bad for ya, und cause slow brain death, long term memory loss.
Like my mind the way it ist now thank you very much...smiles
Ya have alot of coffee or energy drinks und ya not remember someone's name ya met at a party last month, but everyone else ya know remembers their name?...smiles
For me it's a cup of tea.
Coffee. I like energy drinks, but I could not drink one first thing in the morning.
Coffee.......Julie Andrews
My Karma just ran over your Dogma
Tho i am not supposed to drink coffee... Lately it is the one that makes me go on there dreadful long days.
Can you say Double shot!