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At what age do people "get it?"

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If you have to ask, you don't have "it"

Either way, humans always have that moment where they feel like they know everything because our lives change. Frankly, I'm surprised no one has ever brought up the idea that there is nothing TO get...
I will let you know when I get it. I don't get it yet. sad
Oh dear, I think I stepped in "it".
Active Ink Slinger
Personally, there is something to get from everything good, bad or in between. There is a problem with over absorption and where to put it all though. In my late twenties, I decided not to absorb so much because I didn't want it a part of me. Closed my eyes and didn't see, held my ears and didn't hear, plugged my nose and didn't smell or touch it. Again in my thirties, I opened my senses once more to try to understand some things. In doing so, I taught myself how to see beauty or at least some understanding in pretty much everything.

When do people get it? Don't think we get it. Does a dog get his life? Is his process any more or less complicated than ours? He thinks and survives, has desires and reacts, is taught and learns, raises his young and creates generations and dies good or bad.

If you're asking -When do we get what we want to get? I'd say, Every Day : ) Merry Christmas Everybody : )
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
Constant Gardener
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
I don't get it and I never want to reach the point where I do.
I find tons of ppl older than me (im 19+) and they dont seem to get anything at all, kinda make you wanna punch em in da face! Seriously, as if they are born to annoy you even if your saliva is dried. I dont understand what "things" we have to get, but if you say most things, i got the hang of it Hehehe.
Active Ink Slinger
Some people need a high five ... in the face ... with a chair.

I'll give it so they can get "it".
i would have to say the prime age when women and men get it is in their late thirties and well into their forties as the hormones are raging hotter and they are more in tune with their hormones and know what they want and how to get it and what they want to try that is new and exciting that they have only dreamed about and never done and are more open abou it and willing to go the distance for sexual fulfillment on a higher scale.
i would have to say the prime age when women and men get it is in their late thirties and well into their forties as the hormones are raging hotter and they are more in tune with their hormones and know what they want and how to get it and what they want to try that is new and exciting that they have only dreamed about and never done and are more open abou it and willing to go the distance for sexual fulfillment on a higher scale.
Active Ink Slinger
This all sounds like the king's suit of clothes to me.
Get what?
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
I don't think there's a set age for "getting it". It's based soley on the person and their experiences and how those experiences have shaped them. I mean there are some people in their 40s or older who still haven't grown up. There are some people who truly never "get it".

I've taken a couple of psych classes just for fun (I know what you're thinking, but just hear me out) and there's this stage we reach at the end of our life spans called Integrity vs Despair. This is the hindsight phase in our lives, and we look back on the lives we lived. If we look back and have little or no regrets, then it's Integrity. If we look back and think of all the "should-haves" and "could-haves" and see that our lives didn't amount to much, then it's Despair.

"It" is different for everyone. But unless you live your life to the fullest potential, "it" will pass you by, and by the time you're aware of that, it'll be too late.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Active Ink Slinger
As humans, we have a love-hate relationship with age. We are also extremely ageist, though, which is sad. I think the more experiences you go through in life, the more you chill, because part of what makes us afraid of things in life is the unknown. It can be harrowing not to know what to expect; hence, wisdom with age. The more you experience, the more confident you are about dealing with the tribulations life throws at you.

Older people will always feel like younger people are making foolish decisions, because they cannot relate anymore...they know too much now. As the saying goes, "Youth is wasted on the young". Personally, what irritates me about youth is the misguided arrogance of thinking they know so much. The more you know, the more you realize how little you know, right? But I'm sure I thought I knew everything when I was younger, too. It is ignorant bravado that keeps us from becoming frozen with fear when we are younger. If we knew everything that we know as we get older, we wouldn't do a lot of things that end up teaching us the life lessons we need in the first place.

Bravado, then wisdom. It's this transition that keeps us going and growing, from cradle to grave.

I'm a loner, Dottie. A Rebel...

at 19 I always thought that my elders (anyone older then 25) didn't get it...... wow was I n for a shock you only get it when you realize that is exactly what others are sayi.g about you as well. you will be the only one to get it due to you perspective at that point in time, it c
keeps changing. so just keep looking, its as far as your nose........
You get it when you let the little things in life go and open your mind...
Active Ink Slinger
about 25yrs
at 16 you think you know it all - at 18 you know you know it all- but by 25 you realise how little you do know/how much you have to learn (hopefully!!!!!)
The Bee's Knees
hmmm... i don't think i got it til 30. although i find myself still scratching my head

Say. Her. Name.

Active Ink Slinger
I think the older you get, the more you understand that you just don't know everything.
the more you accept that... the closer you are to "getting it". In my humble opinion, tolerance, humility, compassion and understanding are the keys to "getting it" but they are not always easy to obtain.

I think that's the natural progression but some people strive to understand these things early in life. I commend them.