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How much stock do you put in astrology, as it relates to relationship issues? Personally, I tend to think it's pretty accurate in some general ways. my wife is a Pisces and I'm a Taurus. This gives us a good mix. What do you think?
Hmmm i read my horoscope and it sometimes rings true but i dont take it seriously
Quote by Jonas1004
How much stock do you put in astrology, as it relates to relationship issues? Personally, I tend to think it's pretty accurate in some general ways. my wife is a Pisces and I'm a Taurus. This gives us a good mix. What do you think?

Why do you think that is a good mix?

Doesn't other planets contribute to a good mix, such as the moon placement?

In a relationship (meaning romantic) isn't the aspects of the sun/moon/venus and mars required?

Personally I think it is rubbish. You and you wife are good togather becasue you are good togather not because your star sign says so.

if you extend that train of thought out it would mean that all Pisces and Taurus would be compatable, which they are not. I also means that all of one star sign have similar personalities which is also not true
As Jackknife said, it might be all rubbish. I'm on the fence with astrology as to its accuracy, but I definitely don't believe in putting any weight on "this star sign is a perfect match for that star sign". Even in the realm of astrology, star signs paint a pretty broad brush stroke.

For those interested, here's a link to a cool site (the best I've seen) that will give you a free short portrait based on all aspects of your astrology chart (sun, moon, ascendent, and where all the stars were aligned at the exact time of your birth). You do have to use your time of birth and location to get an "accurate" report. You can also get free reports for "relationships" and "love sex and flirtation" if you know the details of your partners birth data.

I just look at astrology as a "fun thing"... I wouldn't make any life or relationship decisions based on it. Having said that, I do see some interesting accuracies when you look at someone's chart as a whole...
Don't care much about it. Does it save you from sin and death?
The Great US President, Ronald Reagan thought so highly of astrology, he and his wife used the technique to help him make decisions which ultimately affected the lives of hundreds of millions of people in America, and around the globe.

Must be something to it.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
An old friend of mine is really in to astrology, so gave me my profile a long time ago. I laughed at some of it, but some of it is surprisingly accurate. It also looks at the foods and nutrients you like and need. This is something I had never thought about before, but being born at different times of the year (traditionally and to some extent still today) would mean exposure to different types of foods in the womb depending on what was in season. That has to have some affect on your body and what it needs in the future. I would definitely never use it to determine a mate, but I think there is more than a little logic behind it.
Look up Richard Dawkins
Id rather enjoy a little harmless Astrology than the harm that religion does.

How Horoscopes Work

Many, if not most, people who read their horoscopes will tell you that they only do so for entertainment purposes and don't actually give any creedence to the forecasts. But many of those same people will also tell you that they "know lots of people who really fit their descriptions." You may be familiar with those descriptions yourself--people born under the sign of Taurus are bull-headed, Capricorns are stubborn goats, etc. etc. etc. And lots of people believe they fit their own signs especially well.

How do astrologers achieve such uncanny accuracy? By making the descriptions generic, often contradictory (you enjoy people but also need to be alone sometimes, right?) and by filling them with things people want to believe about themselves. Tell someone that people of their sign are independent thinkers yet they value the insight of others while remaining true to their ideals but very adaptable, and most everyone will go "Yeah! That's me! I'm terrific like that!

Read more:
I'm a scorpio and some things are amazingly accurate... however, its not the beginning and ending for me... smile
It is amusing and should be treated with curiosity, but nothing that you have to base your life's decisions around.
Good for a giggle, I suppose
For the most part, I believe it's rubbish. Astrology is a fun time waster to read etc, but I don't think it fully determines our personalities, love lives, futures and everything about us. Just because two peoples star signs can be predicted as 'not compatible/compatible' it doesn't mean the relationship is going to fail or thrive based off that.
My world-view is reality/fact based. Astrology is bunk.
Millionaires don't need astrologers. Billionaires do. - JP Morgan

If you think astrology is all about your Sun sign and a paragraph in the paper you have no idea. I could tell you tomorrow will be a good day to get laid and be just as accurate whether I know your Sun sign or not. If I knew your accurate birth details and had my husband's skill I could tell you a lot about yourself with a high degree of accuracy.

I am a Leo. As do many Leos I love to be in the public eye. I also have three planets in Virgo. They tend, amongst other things, to make me a died-in-the-wool pain in the arse pedant. I don't have any major placements in Scorpio so I guess I get my horniness from my mother.

Looks like we're in for a nasty spell of wether.

Gracie Goes To Hollywood's - True

The Night They Tried to Close RUMPLATIONS Bar (with JamesLlewellyn)

i always find it funny how some people will say they're not into astrology - yet list their sign on their profile. weird... anyhoo, i dig it. i don't live my life by it, and know TONS of people who contradict their sign, but i find it interesting. i also enjoy meyers briggs; i'm sure there's some correlation.

Say. Her. Name.

Quote by Beffer
My world-view is reality/fact based. Astrology is bunk.

What is your experience of astrology? That which passes itself off as astrology is indeed bunk. Your so-called horoscope in the paper bears no relationship to the real thing. Astrology is based on real astronomy, the position of heavenly bodies in relation to one another. It is, if you will, the opposite of the butterfly effect, we are affected as much by the macrocosm as we are by the microcosm.

Looks like we're in for a nasty spell of wether.

Gracie Goes To Hollywood's - True

The Night They Tried to Close RUMPLATIONS Bar (with JamesLlewellyn)

Quote by GraceW
Astrology is based on real astronomy, the position of heavenly bodies in relation to one another.

Yeah, but then it adds some meaning/interpretation to that which is definitely not based on astronomy at all.


Quote by honeydipped
i'm sure there's some correlation.

Isn't that the definition of astrology?


Quote by GraceW
I have consulted the stars, and I predict you are going to wear a hole in that bonnet.

The stars obviously lack toonowledge.


My parents, especially my mother, were very into astrology. Which is odd, given that we were also devout United Methodists, but whatever. I decided at an early age that astrology is pablum spoonfed to those with the simplest of minds.

Yes, I'm a Virgo, but now with NASA's new calculations, I'm either a Leo or a Virgo/Leo mix. Do I share traditional Leo traits? Yes. Do I share traditional Virgo traits? Yes. Could the person I am (reserved personally yet aggressively friendly to strangers, perfectionist, willing to risk life and limb to defend those whom I love) also be some other sign? Yes. So yah, it's all a bunch of hooey.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

Quote by GraceW
Are you sure?

Why? Are you suggesting my Tarot cards are lying?


Quote by HeraTeleia
My parents, especially my mother, were very into astrology. Which is odd, given that we were also devout United Methodists, but whatever. I decided at an early age that astrology is pablum spoonfed to those with the simplest of minds.

Yes, I'm a Virgo, but now with NASA's new calculations, I'm either a Leo or a Virgo/Leo mix. Do I share traditional Leo traits? Yes. Do I share traditional Virgo traits? Yes. Could the person I am (reserved personally yet aggressively friendly to strangers, perfectionist, willing to risk life and limb to defend those whom I love) also be some other sign? Yes. So yah, it's all a bunch of hooey.

You do in fact have all twelve signs in your mix. It is where those signs are which makes you who you are. I am a Leo. My husband has a weakness for Leos, I doubt he would have married me otherwise. I have three planets in Virgo, including my Moon. I annoy the crap out of my husband with my perfectionism and pedantry.

Looks like we're in for a nasty spell of wether.

Gracie Goes To Hollywood's - True

The Night They Tried to Close RUMPLATIONS Bar (with JamesLlewellyn)

I know I am a Capricorn, but have never paid much attention to Astrology.