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Are Straight Men Comfortable With Making Love To a Transsexual Woman?

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Do straight men feel comfortable with making love to a transsexual woman?Do they have any reservations,and would they want to know that the person had a sex change ,or get a suprise afterward?

Miss Kelli Ann Snow ???
Great question, Im just not sure what to think or how I would feel!
I have to think about his whole concept!
Honesty is the best policy
Quote by roccotool
Carpe Diem

Red out
Quote by Kelliannsnow
Do straight men feel comfortable with making love to a transsexual woman?Do they have any reservations,and would they want to know that the person had a sex change ,or get a suprise afterward?

Im not a guy, but If I was with a guy that was a women to begin with... Id want to know before the time.
If I was a guy and found out the girl I was screwing was really a guy especailly after the fact I'd be royally pissed! That's the kind of info you need to put out there up front. I don't care how many operations you have or how much hormones you take you are what you are!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
I guess if I was a guy, being that they have such huge egos, I'd want to know ahead of time so I could make the choice. A lot of guys are homophobes too, and they would think that would make them gay. Although, I don't see how.
The concept of actually doing it with a (well done) post-op T isn't apalling to me. But I'd really want to know up front. That's not necessarily first date stuff, unless the date is heading that way already. Not from a homophobic point of view, but because I'd feel betrayed by not knowing it. It really seems like a BIG thing to hide from someone you want to be that intimate with.
Quote by Mr_Sfstk8d
The concept of actually doing it with a (well done) post-op T isn't apalling to me. But I'd really want to know up front. That's not necessarily first date stuff, unless the date is heading that way already. Not from a homophobic point of view, but because I'd feel betrayed by not knowing it. It really seems like a BIG thing to hide from someone you want to be that intimate with.

Well put. That's what I was trying to get across. If you want to be intimate with someone, I think you should be honest with them.
Agree. As long as she had the balls (figuratively speaking) to tell me up front, then I guess everything else would depend on how well we got along together, and whether we were that attracted to each other. I'd be mad as hell if she didn't tell me and I found out later on, though.
I don't know if I could get over the sex change fact and knowing they cut, diced, snipped, tucked, folded and rearranged a cock and balls into a faux vagina. You would basically be sticking your dick into a pile of cock'n'balls.

Maybe if the tranny was extremely attractive and totally female looking I could take one for the team, but I don't know if I would be turned on enough knowing it is a guy who looks like a girl.

If they were hairless, soft and feminine looking, maybe I guess. Would be tough mentally.

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade

En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av.
Quote by Primal
I don't know if I could get over the sex change fact and knowing they cut, diced, snipped, tucked, folded and rearranged a cock and balls into a faux vagina. You would basically be sticking your dick into a pile of cock'n'balls.

Not to be insensitive or anything but this part of your post Primal made me LMAO!!!!!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
You guys say one thing but when a a cute face smiles back in your direction, all you want is to get into the girl's panties. And, if you find a dick in there, from my extensive experience you straight guys go nuts. You all think of it as a enlarged clit. I've had dozens of men,and this is from about 99.9% of the guys that have come to bed with me. They go out of their head in lust when they see my boy clit. They seem like they can't wait to get it in their mouths. I enjoy it, also. They suck & suck they can't wait to get a mouthfull of my cream. And, when I finally do pop into their mouths they swallow it down greedily, like they can't get enough.
Go figure!!
I'd probably jump at the chance. I'd love to find out ohow realistic she felt. But I have bisexual tendencies anyway so my opinion may not count.
Quote by Bunny12
I don't care how many operations you have or how much hormones you take you are what you are!

I think too much emphasis is put on gender. There are plenty of people who feel as though they were born into the "wrong gender". If they believe they are a woman, have taken the hormones, and had the operations, then really what's the difference except for their chromosomes? Even if they haven't had the operations, I think gender is more than what we are biologically. It's what we feel like. My best friend in highschool was transgender. He told me that when he moved to our school he had made the transition from female to male. I have always thought about him as male and got into the LGBT scene in London because of him, and now have a different outlook on things.

So to answer the question (eventhough I am not a guy), I would be comfortable having sex with a trans, but would like to know beforehand
I think anatomy and biology determine gender, however I think people should act however makes them feel right.

I don't agree though that gender is mental, that is I mean, just thinking you are something is a lifestyle philosophy or choice or something. I obviously haven't thought this out very much. I my point I guess is that you can't rely only on mental and ignore biology.

If that were the case, I could say in my head I am a unicorn, but my biology would betray me of course. Sure, gender can have a mental aspect, but you can't just ignore biology, or maybe its just me that can't, I don't know!

Anyways, as long as people aren't hurting anyone, be whatever you want.

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade

En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av.
I don't think a straight man would be comfortable making love to a transexual woman. Just my opinion, but to each his own.

I've seen transgender people that were very attractive looking but to knowing all the facts to me would be like bungie jumping it may look very interesting but I'm not taking that plunge!
communication is a part of sensuality.. letting the other person know about you is what begins the arousal.. if something isn't ventured equally by both (or more) parties then you are just going through the motions.. I wouldn't feel betrayed.. just left out..
if i was a guy id like to know if i found out after we had sex id prolly be mad but id get over it after a few hours
Most gay guys would be uncomfortable having sex with a woman. Most lesbians would be uncomfortable having sex with a man. I can guarantee there are plenty of straight women who would be most uncomfortable having sex with a Transsexual Man or Transsexual Woman. So if a straight guy was uncomfortable about having sex with a Transsexual Woman why should that be any different? Why should we care?

The objective reality is that most straight men and women do not see Transsexual Women as Women. I think that is because to most people sex and gender are one in the same. There are two sexes, male and female as well as some genetic anomalies. Gender is another story. Questions of gender are very complex and I think beyond the scope of this forum.

Nonetheless, IMHO, the question is not a good one.
To me that is a non-issue. What difference does/would it make?
Kinda depends on the person...... OOOPS! Don't It Always!!!
Quote by stephanie

Kinda depends on the person...... OOOPS! Don't It Always!!!

agree, though it might swing it if I wear dressed up too
i would ...they're hot ..
if u see past the fact that they were guys ... u would see a very beautiful person
n if u get to noe them they're also normal people lk u n me ...
n if u ask me sometimes i tink tat they're better than a women .. best of both worlds man ...
i would do a ts any day ...xoxoxo

P.S... any ts reading this post add me on ym - or msn - would luv to be frens wit 1 ... n maybe more ..;)
P.S... any ts reading this post add me on ym

No, no they are not. It's because straight men like women.
Quote by Guest
You guys say one thing but when a a cute face smiles back in your direction, all you want is to get into the girl's panties. And, if you find a dick in there, from my extensive experience you straight guys go nuts. You all think of it as a enlarged clit. I've had dozens of men,and this is from about 99.9% of the guys that have come to bed with me. They go out of their head in lust when they see my boy clit. They seem like they can't wait to get it in their mouths. I enjoy it, also. They suck & suck they can't wait to get a mouthfull of my cream. And, when I finally do pop into their mouths they swallow it down greedily, like they can't get enough.
Go figure!!

I find it interesting that the words: Blech and Belch ... are composed of the same exact letters. While I feel a certain amount of empathy towards my fellow human beings, and especially towards those who either assuredly are or feel themselves to be trans-gender(ed) - I can unequivocally state, that I'm not attracted to them in a sexual manner.

I'm also sure that they don't give one shit about my interests or lack thereof, and I imagine they would be offended by any expression of pity or persecution.

More power to them and the rest of us, who deal with our own unique situations.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.