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Quote by Ping
For me, it's eyes and personality first.
If you have that, and only two eyes please, that's pretty important, I don't care what the physical description is,
because we are going to have fun.![]()
Quote by Ping
For me, it's eyes and personality first.
Quote by sweetsinner
I really don't think it was necessary to bring any kind of body shaming into this thread to highlight a point. Yes SP I'm looking at you.
As for the question...
To start with the word CURVY is ambiguous at best. It's a bizarre choice of words given it encapsulates something different between many individuals. Some women and men use curvy to describe petite women that have a certain body shape that is inclusive of sizeable breasts and hips. Some use it to describe having a bit of extra weight, others would understand it to mean properly fuller figured.
I have a full figure. I didn't look after myself and shit happens. You know what, that's not for everyone and that's cool. You don't have to like women that are larger. Nor do you have to tell them. Believe it or not those of us bearing those kind of curves are aware of your disapproval because we live in society where news and soical media is saturated by slim, slender, perfectly shapen and UNREAL women that have been photoshopped to high heavens and arseholes that feel it's entirely necessary to remind us that we don't fit their ideal of beauty. Trying to own your body is not easy when society only creates insecurity.
I also have curves as in the sizeable assets way. But I'm ridiculously disproportionate. I have never, ever when I was a slimmer Size 10-12 (which I think is a US 6-8) had a waist or hips. My torso is very straight. My childbearing did not bring with it the hips I was expecting. I have a pancake arse. But boy do I have boobs.![]()
I think I've had enough positive interactions to show me I'm still desirable. So own your curves. Own your fat. Own your unshapely disproportionate non-media perfect body and give yourself to someone who appreciates it for everything that it is.
I too find personalities most attractive. Period. I'm glad we are friends
Quote by kiera
I agree with what you have said. I disapprove of the celebrity role models all being stick thin, doesn't do our kids any good or our own confidence. Popping right back into shape after childbirth etc. I had huge respect for Madonna after she struggled with the weight loss after her first child.
Thin girls get lot's of stick too, though, women can be cruel. I am slim, I have always been slim, and I am one of those people who naturally pop back into shape quite quickly after childbirth, but I think breastfeeding really helps with that, which many mums won't do these days. But they love to hate me for it.
The mum's down my kid's school are horrible to me. Naturally, I must have an eating disorder; they are vile. It's not my fault, and they dislike me purely for the reason that I am slim. None of them know me but for no reason other than my size they talk about me behind my back, give me dirty looks and make snide comments at what I wear (jeans FFS, what's wrong with wearing jeans?) They wouldn't let me within a mile of their husbands, and I have actually had more than one come and pull their husband away when all I was doing was being polite and responding to a question they had asked me.
It's swings and roundabouts really. So long as you are happy with how you are, which I am, I like being petite, I moan about not having tits but it's never going to happen, I've accepted it. As long as you are happy with who you are and how you look, Fuck what anyone else thinks. If you're not happy, change it, it's that simple.
Quote by sweetsinner
Hey sweetie
I wasn't meaning to imply at all that slim / skinny girls have it easy, merely that I can only convey from my experience. I'm really sorry you've had the flipped side of the coin and especially so viciously. I just don't understand the motivation to be unkind to people in general. My weight and image issues are what makes me socially anxious and it can be entirely insidious and I would never want others to experience that feeling.
You are totally right, and the saturation is of a vastly unrealistic body type, whether you are skinny or fuller figure or just average sized, because there is an interplay of so many other things. No hair, no stretchmarks, no freckles, no tan lines, no scars, perfect tan, perfectly tiny non existent pores, overdone eyelashes, the list goes on. It really just typifies an idea of femininity that for the most part, women don't actually align with. It just sets such an awful expectation to young girls from any perspective!!
I mean really it's taking this thread to a whole different topic of conversation but we are all SO much more than our physical attributes. I wouldn't want someone who was strictly interested in me for that reason.
My Anti-Valentine Entry 💔
My first EP and a top ten from the Pride Competition
Hanging in the background but around
Quote by SereneProdigy
So, you're essentially saying that these two girls would have equal chances with you? Impressive...