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A doctor gives you 1 hour to live...

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Huge plate of rump steak, chips, onion rings and peppercorn sauce followed by the best orgasm ever. Hang on thats going to take about 62 minutes... forget the orgasm.
Make phone calls to special people and tell them what they mean to me
Quote by Becky4Texas
Make phone calls to special people and tell them what they mean to me

Honestly, probably this ^^^^

Selfishly, go to the Ford dealer and take a Shelby Mustang out for a test drive and find out for myself just how fast that thing can go! Obviously, I wouldn't tell them about the diagnosis first...
Speed home to be with my son while talking to the love of my life on the phone and write a quick goodbye I love you note for everyone else.

Now I have to go read something happy before I cry.
I'd spend it with my son, or talking to him on the phone as long as his two-year-old attention span would allow if I couldn't be there in person. Maybe try and get to a body of water as well to soothe my soul before the end.

Failing that, I'd max out my credit card at the nearest brothel for the nastiest sex money can buy. Go out with a bang and all that.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
I would say goodbye to my family & partner, then drink some spiced rum & coke while eating a home cooked meal.
I would hug my wife, kiss her goodbye then lie down

with her and wait to be ushered into heaven.
if i'm being completely selfish, i'd like to spend my last hour listening to my favorite music through the years. more than likely in my car while driving on the interstate. i want to leave with an amazing soundtrack.

Say. Her. Name.

I would be completely selfish and fuck Stephen Colbert silly.

To be unselfish I would ring everybody I knew and tell them and I love them and have a final goodbye.
One hour to live? To be that precise? You'd already be unconscious and on life support. The discussion would have been with your next of kin.

*sigh* okay...taking off my scrubs...

In the most theoretical of senses, I'd simply kiss each of my sons on the forehead, tell them that their mother loves them, that love transcends death, and that Mum needed to go lie down for a bit. Then I'd take my oldest aside and tell him to call for an ambulance in 75 minutes.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

I was with a friend at his end just recently. He had brain cancer. All his friends and family were there. We sang hymns and told him how much he was loved and how we'd meet again. He took his last breath with a smile after saying he saw his mom.

7 billion on this planet. All will die. All will suffer sickness hardship and pain. Life is a privilege that is better appreciated before the last hour.
Given what HT says above, if it was possible to drop dead on that 60 minute mark exactly,
but had exactly 59:59 of active life to live, I'd take a few bad guys with me who have irreparably
and maliciously hurt people, especially if those victims were children and/or any animals.
hopefully i'll have it perfectly timed for daylight savings so i can get an extra hour out of it.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I'm gonna need more time...
but if I only had one hour and I could choose the time of day or night I'd lay down beside the ocean or a waterfall. I'd just listen to the surf or falling water and look up at the stars in the sky and think about all the special moments in my life. I thought about being with someone but I don't think I'd want that for them.
i'd spend some time figuring out where Lyfbuz was hiding, then sit down near him with a boom box and play hip hop really loudly.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
i'd spend some time figuring out where Lyfbuz was hiding, then sit down near him with a boom box and play hip hop really loudly.

To think my original post was going to be "Kiss Sprite"...and then knowing I did something magical in my last hour...
I would be surrounded with my family and friends and would just enjoy them all for 1 last hour.

I wouldn't be scared as God would be waiting for me in heaven. I would then be surrounded with family and friends who were waiting in heaven for me.


P.S. - This is what happened when my father died. My mother and my brother and myself were surrounded praying and talking with our dad when he took his last breath. It is something I shall never forget. He slipped away peacefully knowing he was loved.
Well.....since I'm at the doctors office when they tell me I have only an hour. I'd go sit in my truck in the parking lot and call everyone and say good bye.

I don't have Facebook or Lush on my phone......
Quote by sprite
hopefully i'll have it perfectly timed for daylight savings so i can get an extra hour out of it.

I'd prefer to hear it at the end of DST...

"Sir, I'm afraid you're left with only one hour to live. Sir?"


Order the best sushi I can find. Have great sex while it is being prepared. Go out with a smile.

(Edit) When I was diagnosed with cancer, I wrote my obituary, made sure my partner had well organized records, and told everyone what they meant to me. Luckily, I didn't die, so I am reasonably prepared. Writing your obituary is funny, sad, and surrealistic. Life is to enjoy, not to lament the fate that awaits us all.
Wish my family goodbye, make sure my wife has the passwords needed for various accounts, and then read Horace (the Latin poet who gave us "carpe diem") until I drop.
I presume if the doctor gave me only one hour to live I'd be too messed up to get out of the hospital bed. So I'd probably ask for a lot of morphine.
I could provide an insightful and emotional answer to that, but realistically I'd race home to get rid of the compromising stuff that's in my sexual cache and on my hard-drive. Or alternatively, I'd call my girlfriend to take care of that so that my parents wouldn't stumble across all these things themselves after my death.
Something insightful would be nice but after reading the above I realize I need another plan. I need to find someone to get rid of a few "things" at my house that I wouldn't want my grown children or parents find and someone to wipe my computer. Plus get rid of my notebooks full of some of my writings and musings.

Although on second thought, they already know that I am not the "typical" mom or daughter. Maybe I should just let them find all those things and hope they get a good laugh out of all of it. I can hear then now, saying, "She always was a little weird, it figures she'd have all this 'stuff'."
I would settle a few scores, there are a few that have been cruising for a bruising for a while and this would give me that chance without impacting on my career. Once that is done and dusted its time to party and just run amok..
Telling me I had one hour to live, I probably would die laughing!
Chain smoking while listening to The Chainsmokers because wtf, i'm gonna die anyway! I'd also thank God for giving me a relatively painless death. And politely ask to go upstairs, not down.
I like how in all the scenarios above you're all knowledgeably in the last hour of your life, and yet you describe your actions of that hour as that of a person who is completely at peace with their impending doom. I suppose it's left to me to be the only honest one who thinks that in such a scenario I'll spend an hour shit scared and praying to a God I don't believe in (you know, just in case...) and telling all those who'll listen that I don't want to die

Erm....sorry. Have I ruined the game?