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1001 reasons why Canada is the coolest country in the world.

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Quote by LYFBUZ
71? A Canadian Alexander Graham Bell, invented the telephone

Nope. Scottish. Get yer own inventors, lol.
Quote by Jen

Nope. Scottish. Get yer own inventors, lol.

we'll have to start a scottish thread next, Lassie.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

lol - is that for real? i need to look this stuff up. smile

Would I lie to you?

Its in a fairly remote area and difficult to get in to.
Quote by sprite

we'll have to start a scottish thread next, Lassie.

and they don't wear underwear.
Quote by Jen

Nope. Scottish. Get yer own inventors, lol.

Brilliant Jan is correct in that A. G. Bell was born in Scotland but immigrated to Canada in 1870. So we claim him!

185. 20% of Canada's current population was born outside the country....we are a welcoming nation.
more Canadian inventions:

187: IMAX
188. Peanut Butter
189. Butter Tarts
190. Baggage tags for air travel
191. Instant Replay
192. Garbage bags
193. Paint Roller
Quote by LYFBUZ

Brilliant Jan is correct in that A. G. Bell was born in Scotland but immigrated to Canada in 1870. So we claim him!

185. 20% of Canada's current population was born outside the country....we are a welcoming nation.

He was 23, lol. You cannot claim him. I went to work in Colorado when I was 20 but I was still Scottish smile

Paws off!
Quote by Buz

and they don't wear underwear.

Only the boys. Scottish girls are very prim and proper.

*keeps face straight*
Quote by LYFBUZ
more Canadian inventions:

187: IMAX
188. Peanut Butter
189. Butter Tarts
190. Baggage tags for air travel
191. Instant Replay
192. Garbage bags
193. Paint Roller

Don't know about the other things, but peanut butter isn't Canadian. It was developed in the US in 1893 by John Harvey Kellog
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by patokl

Don't know about the other things, but peanut butter isn't Canadian. It was developed in the US in 1893 by John Harvey Kellog

Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Canada was the first to patent peanut butter in 1884. He used roasted peanuts, Kellogg boiled his. Who the hell boils peanuts?

194. Wood from Ontario, Canada was used to rebuild Chicago after the Great Fire in 1871
Quote by LYFBUZ

Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Canada was the first to patent peanut butter in 1884. He used roasted peanuts, Kellogg boiled his. Who the hell boils peanuts?

I guess I'm never to old to learn.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by Buz
63. Canada belonged to the French and the Indians until 1763 when it was stolen by the British Empire. But they still speak French in Quebec.

This isn't entirely accurate. The great majority of today's Canadian territory wasn't even explored/charted by 1763; the Rocky Mountains were actually first seen by an explorer in 1754 (Anthony Henday), just a few years before the French people capitulated to the British Empire.

In fact, New France mostly claimed territories around the Great Lakes and what would later become the US Midwest. And it was essentially just that: claimed territory with a few strategic forts, rather than proper appreciable/flourishing settlements.

Look at how quickly the French people expanded their claimed territory between 1700 and 1750. You can rightly suspect that most of the southern colonies were still at an extremely embryonic state by 1763:

The strongest French settlements were mainly along the Saint-Laurent River (ie. Montreal, Quebec City, Trois-Rivières), and even those weren't fortified enough to oppose the British Empire. The pivotal Battle of the Plains of Abraham which was fought just outside of Quebec City in 1759 was actually an absolute affront to the French people: our troops were outnumbered, half of them were inexperienced militia, a few compulsory gunshots were exchanged and we capitulated within a mere 15 minutes. There was absolutely nothing epic about that battle, haha. Us French people still bear the shame of that event even today; we've been living as underlings to the English people ever since (more than 250 years now), so you can only imagine.

Oh, and if people are any curious, our downfall was mostly caused by two main factors. First, the French people were much too ambitious in their expansion (as expressed above), and totally neglected to fortify their key settlements instead. Second, at that specific time, France wasn't nearly as supportive to the settlers of New France as Great Britain was to the British colonies.

Sorry for the minor nitpicking, but I felt the need to clarify a few things. Us French people often are the 'forgotten ones' of North America, so I'm always inclined to make sure our history isn't entirely forgotten.
195. Canada has never possessed any nuclear warhead; at its peak in 1975, the USA possessed 27,500 of them.

And yep, those are the exact same kind of warheads that were launched against Japan in 1945 and that can each destroy an entire city.

I know some patriotic imbeciles from the USA will be tempted to turn that fact to their own merit, but I'd personally much rather live in an overall peaceful country that's well-loved all around the world than a militaristic one that imposes itself as a mindless bully to every other nation.
196. Canadian Tire. Because every good Canadian fundamentally needs a reliable supplier of winter tires, antifreeze and shovels.

197. Because every good Canadian also needs a reliable supplier of sex-toys to survive those long tedious winters.

198. American Apparel should in reality be called Canadian Apparel as its founder, Dov Charney, is a Canadian-born artist and businessman.
199. Nanaimo Bars
200. The Bloody Caesar was also first concocted in Canada, in Calgary, Alberta
201. We all know how to build an igloo.
202. The Superman character was co-created by Canadian artist Joseph Shuster who was born in Toronto. Joseph, who passed away in 1992 at the age of 78, said Metropolis was modelled on Toronto and the Daily Planet was inspired by the Toronto Star, which he delivered as a kid.
Quote by SereneProdigy
195. Canada has never possessed any nuclear warhead; at its peak in 1975, the USA possessed 27,500 of them.

And yep, those are the exact same kind of warheads that were launched against Japan in 1945 and that can each destroy an entire city.

I know some patriotic imbeciles from the USA will be tempted to turn that fact to their own merit, but I'd personally much rather live in an overall peaceful country that's well-loved all around the world than a militaristic one that imposes itself as a mindless bully to every other nation.

Awe! Now, why ya gotta be so mean? We're here to talk about how awesome Canada is (One of my points is that Canada is a peaceful nation.)

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Quote by Patokl
peanut butter isn't Canadian. It was developed in the US in 1893 by John Harvey Kellog

So, shouldn't we only be at 201?

I declare...202 is next

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

203. Tim Hortons.
204. The people of Gander, NL - they opened up their homes and hearts after the 9/11 attacks after US flighs were rerouted and grounded.
205. Sidney Crosby.
206. Wayne Gretzsky.
207. Anne of Green Gables
208. Highest tides in the world in the Bay of Fundy.
209. Free healthcare
210. You can do yoga on Parliment Hill

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Quote by SereneProdigy

This isn't entirely accurate. The great majority of today's Canadian territory wasn't even explored/charted by 1763; the Rocky Mountains were actually first seen by an explorer in 1754 (Anthony Henday), just a few years before the French people capitulated to the British Empire.

Sorry for the minor nitpicking, but I felt the need to clarify a few things. Us French people often are the 'forgotten ones' of North America, so I'm always inclined to make sure our history isn't entirely forgotten.

I am pretty sure the Rocky Mountains were seen plenty of times by the Native inhabitants BEFORE the French got there.

Sorry for the nitpicking
You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
whe i lived in canada 1999 and begining of 2000 was where i did everything naughty for the first time. had sex, smoked pot. was an amazing time of my life.
Quote by SeanR83
whe i lived in canada 1999 and begining of 2000 was where i did everything naughty for the first time. had sex, smoked pot. was an amazing time of my life.

Is that why Canada exported you to the United Kingdom, because you were so naughty? LOL (Sorry Sean, but I couldn't resist saying that. I'm sure you are a very nice guy.)
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Quote by Simmerdownchick
209. Free healthcare

Nothing in this world is free. Canada has tax rates that far exceed that of the U.S. at the federal, state (provincial) and municipal level, as well a consumption tax of 5% at the federal level and varying amounts at the provincial level, in order to pay for the high cost of providing universal social services, including health care. This is not a criticism of universal healthcare. I would actually like to see America model its healthcare system on something like Canada's, but you'll never get Americans to pay higher tax rates wthout a massive fight. But that's fuel for a fire to be fought in another thread. My point here is that while you can applaud Canada for having universal healthcare, it's completely erroneous to state that its free.