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U.S Army girls

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Active Ink Slinger
Yes, he can... no, he can't

U.S. Army girls

How are the army girls strange or amusing?
Quote by MMonroe
How are the army girls strange or amusing?

Indeed I think it is very cool them being in the Army. Takes a lot of guts doing what they do. I think they should be shown more respect than that.
Active Ink Slinger
Why shouldnt women be in the army?
You give a woman a gun and she is just as good a killer as a man.
I have a lot of respect for a woman to be a soldier, especially when she's shooting that machine gun. I'd buy any of 'em a beer and tell them that, too.
Active Ink Slinger
I serve along side some great female soldiers. In the military, gender and race are irrelivent, you're a soldier.
Ferte in noctem animam meam, Illustre stelle viam meam. Aspectu illo glorior, Dum capit nox diem. Cantate vitae canticu, Sine dolore acte, Dicite eis quos amabam, Numquam obliviscar.
Mr Nobody
Or girls in street clothes ..Country ?????
Easy, Israel.
Advanced Wordsmith
Well, there is little point that makes me think about women soldiers. Us men? Well, we are all testosterone and hair and strong arm muscles to swing our fists. And we are good in finding excuses too. We are born like this... When it comes to death we are... natural. And we can find out good excuses for it, and even create them.

But a woman... She "can" give birth. She can feel the life growing in her belly. She knows the value of "life" much better then men can do, because it starts inside her. So it feels quite unnatural to me. Don't misunderstand; there is no excuse for killing, and a soldier is a person who kills with a discipline. I know about all the protect your beloved and kind'a stuff... But a women, giving death instead of life. Just makes me sorry. We should be the ones who carry this taint, this burden, this psycopathy.

In this new era of plastic feelings, plastic people, plastic lifestyles only few things remain worthy enough for an old soul like me. Women used to be a part of it. -everyone has to believe in something I guess- so this soldier girl thing...

There is no way I can describe it I guess...
Active Ink Slinger
nicola.. you know your stuff...
.. I was once the fastest and most victorious little sperm out of millions...
Active Ink Slinger
nicola.. you know your stuff...
.. I was once the fastest and most victorious little sperm out of millions...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ArconathResonath
Well, there is little point that makes me think about women soldiers. Us men? Well, we are all testosterone and hair and strong arm muscles to swing our fists. And we are good in finding excuses too. We are born like this... When it comes to death we are... natural. And we can find out good excuses for it, and even create them.

But a woman... She "can" give birth. She can feel the life growing in her belly. She knows the value of "life" much better then men can do, because it starts inside her. So it feels quite unnatural to me. Don't misunderstand; there is no excuse for killing, and a soldier is a person who kills with a discipline. I know about all the protect your beloved and kind'a stuff... But a women, giving death instead of life. Just makes me sorry. We should be the ones who carry this taint, this burden, this psycopathy.

In this new era of plastic feelings, plastic people, plastic lifestyles only few things remain worthy enough for an old soul like me. Women used to be a part of it. -everyone has to believe in something I guess- so this soldier girl thing...

There is no way I can describe it I guess...

I agree with you on this. I am a firm believer in women be independent and doing anything a man does, and I have the utmost respect for any woman who goes off to war for her country. One of my colleages went to Iraq twice and served her country leaving her two kids and husband back here in the states. I dont know how she was able to do that. I dont agree with war, because I dont see the point in it. (yes, I agree with defending my home but I dont think anyone should have to do that, there is plenty of room here for everyone to live thier life)

I tend to be very traditional in my views and still believe that women are the caregivers and nurturers and for me it seems to be a contradiction to see a woman going off to fight.

I'm sure I will get some flack for my ideas, but if anyone can convince me otherwise I am open to listening to new ideas / thoughts.
Active Ink Slinger

"D" day. Normandy Landings. I liked Obama's speech.
Active Ink Slinger
Nicola -

I can point out at least half a dozen clues that the photo of those girls in civvies with guns was taken in Israel. But none of those reasons are obvious at all. How did you know that?

I second hangin's comment - I'm impressed, too.
I will pm you notreallysure.

Are you not wondering how I know DB?
It's quite easy mara, go to google image search and type in what you see in the picture, all will be revealed
Active Ink Slinger
Nicola - your secret is safe with me. Besides, a woman needs to maintain a bit of mystery, right? (*laughing*)