I can see that rating thing going south and not in a good way.
The blog idea is pretty cool.
I like the rating idea then.
I also like the Agony Aunt type thread, users being able to ask questions while being anonomous.
How about making the front page a bit more interactive, like "Stories being read now" banner?.
A volunteer editors section? People can submit there stories and Volunteers can help edit them to make them more acceptable.
Ive already mentioned giving the badges more ranking.
How about more awards for stories? Story of the day, Story of the week, Story of the Year?
How about a better user ranking system by how many badges they have. We can can show this by maybe putting a colour frame around the avatars, colours representing differnt ranks?. This is still a pretty new idea, it might require more thinking.
I like the idea of grading based upon the badge, or lush reputation.
Maybe also improve the image gallery? Making it much more like Facebook, dedicate an entire page to it, have seperat albums.
Not a bad idea. I know of a few users that want more images on there galleries.
We need a member search (maybe a should re-phrase that, we need a search for people on our site).
So I'm interested in making friends with people on Lush who are computer programmer's, are fans of the Star Wars saga and located are in Sydney, 1 result(s) found.
Anyway you get the idea......
Hi Everyone..
When a friend "pokes" you .. it asks you if you want to poke them back.
How about when a friend logs on and the little box pops up at the top, you get the options to poke them or start a chat with them?
I know a lot of times i'm reading a story and i don't want to click on their name so it doesn't close the story and take me to their profile page, but i also want to contact them.
Also, if there is a way to keep the banner at the top of the page, so that while i'm reading a story, i still have the links at top so i can right click and open up a new window with my inbox or friends or whatever without scrolling all the way up and losing my place in the story.
This will sound nit picky but, the "badges" are boring. I didn't know they were there until I stumbled upon them. Maybe colors for every catagory? Or..dare I say it, movement of some kind? Doesn't have to be Pixie's sparkles but something eye catching.
Yes a blog would be great and photo albums with a larger storage size for more pics and be able to organize them without having to delete them.

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off! I have nothing to ask for, but Lush is a great place and I have some great friends here and Gav is sweet and yes adorable too. Thank you to all the friends here. what ever you add we will ooooops I will be happy with
I was wondering for online chat, if there was a way to make a grouped window. For instance, a single window with tabs that flash when you recieve an instant message. It would make chatting easier than having random things pop up on me and having to cycle through them to find the person I want to talk to at that point....does that make any sense?
In creating a new chat room, how about an option for the ROOM OWNER to "only allow my friends"? It would save a room owner from sending passwords all over the place, and also keep the trolls out.