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Which additional features / services / sections would you like to see added to

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Quote by SweetBitch
Quote by Exakta66
Quote by bikebum1975
Quote by Exakta66
Hey Lushers and Lushettes...this may sound minor, but I hate the online chat thingy...what I hate about it is that you have to hit the send button to send the text, unlike the regular chat where you could just hit "enter"...when you are used to one, it makes it hard to use the other...for me at least...if there was some uniformity between the two, it would be a lot easier...

I never hit the send button always enter for me.

I must be doing something wrong...I always seem to have to hit "send" for online chat...I'll try it again one of these days...

Do you mean "send an online message"? If so, I can't press enter either, I have to click on send.

Yes! Thank you...I find it a bit annoying that the regular chat works one way, and the online chat another...also, if someone sends me an online message...the only way I know to send one back is by going to their profile page...if you could add a "send msg back" button like the poke thing has now...that would be great..

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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Gav has this thread bookmarked, don't worry
A feature I've found useful on other sites allows users to access a list of new responses on threads they've already posted on. Te e-mail notification system is okay, but having the info on-site would helps those with less than perfect memory (not me, of course) recall threads recently besmirched by some of our, I mean, their, posts.

Rumple Foreskin

eta: Any news on the idea of allowing image(s) on your Lush submissions?
RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Quote by FantasyFiction
Maybe a singles room?

are you not alone in your room at home lock the door turn off the computer and you in a single room giggles there your single room hahahhaha you want to be alone while on Lush? for what doing what alone? giggles
Quote by RumpleForeskin
eta: Any news on the idea of allowing image(s) on your Lush submissions?

If you own the rights to the images, then you can do that now, you just need to provide proof of ownership and email the images to Gav. If you can't provide proof of ownership, then we can't post them, simple as that.

I know of a client (where I work) who had to pay a certain large company, rhyming with "Yeti images", thousands and thousands of $ because they used images without licencing them. I don't want to open any cans of worms like that here.
Thanks for all your feedback.

I'll sift through this thread and pick off requests, from easy to hard.

I've just coded it so that members can deleted their own comments from their friends profile page. It seems when an image posted on a profile page goes bad, there's no way for the poster to remove it. Fixed!
Quote by gav
Thanks for all your feedback.

I'll sift through this thread and pick off requests, from easy to hard.

I've just coded it so that members can deleted their own comments from their friends profile page. It seems when an image posted on a profile page goes bad, there's no way for the poster to remove it. Fixed!

Rumple Foreskin
RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Quote by gav
Thanks for all your feedback.

I'll sift through this thread and pick off requests, from easy to hard.

I've just coded it so that members can deleted their own comments from their friends profile page. It seems when an image posted on a profile page goes bad, there's no way for the poster to remove it. Fixed!

Thanks Gav! You know the story behind this one......I could of dealt with it myself.....but
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Ok here is my request/idea.......please feel free to shoot it down if you like.

I know there are a few members on here that for whatever reason their spouse/family or whatever does not agree or want them on here. E-mails from here are able to be traced and tracked and that makes their time here un-enjoyable. about doing some kind of offline message thing? You know, where you can go to someone's profile and if they are not online at that time send them a offline message. And when they sign back on a box pops up with the message that they have been sent. Nothing to be traced, no e-mail notifications, just a nice little box that pops up.

What do y'all think??
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
That's what a private messaging system is Pixie! When someone gets a new message, when they visit the site again, a box pops up telling them that.

Or do you mean something entirely different? You can turn off email notifications in your privacy settings.
I think she wants the black box online message to be available whilst the user is offline.

Currently, it wont let you send a online message if the user is offline.

Anybody want?
I like that idea. It seems less intrusive than a private message.
Quote by gav
Anybody want?

Yes please gav. It would also be good for lost connections.
Quote by nicola
That's what a private messaging system is Pixie! When someone gets a new message, when they visit the site again, a box pops up telling them that.

Or do you mean something entirely different? You can turn off email notifications in your privacy settings.

I, myself am not worried about the e-mail notification. All I was trying to say is that this feature would be nice for those who are worried about e-mail notfications. (I know they can be turned off) and I am sure others do too. Besides, it may be a nice little surprize to have a message pop up when you sign in....kind of like being poked when you sign in. It would be the same as an offline poke, except its not a poke, its a

Does anyone know what I am trying to say? lol
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Quote by gav
I think she wants the black box online message to be available whilst the user is offline.

Currently, it wont let you send a online message if the user is offline.

Anybody want?

YES!!!!!!!!! That would be a great add
I have to be honest, the only thing I would really love to see added is a new story catogory: FanFiction. I have always loved reading these, but there is none here. I don't know if anybody else agrees, but oh well. (Sorry if anything is misspelled.)
Quote by nicola
Quote by RumpleForeskin
eta: Any news on the idea of allowing image(s) on your Lush submissions?

If you own the rights to the images, then you can do that now, you just need to provide proof of ownership and email the images to Gav. If you can't provide proof of ownership, then we can't post them, simple as that.

I know of a client (where I work) who had to pay a certain large company, rhyming with "Yeti images", thousands and thousands of $ because they used images without licencing them. I don't want to open any cans of worms like that here.

Holy smokes, talk about a steaming can of worms. I totally understand and agree. So in that case, how could someone establish that he or she owns the right to the images?

Quote by gypsymoth
Holy smokes, talk about a steaming can of worms. I totally understand and agree. So in that case, how could someone establish that he or she owns the right to the images?

Precisely. It's very difficult to.

If the images are of themselves, it would be fairly easy to prove - a photo in front of their computer screen with the Lush page open for example. If they bought the images, then photo agencies will (should) have provided them with all the necessary documentation for 2257 etc (if they're of an adult nature, that's a requirement in the US at least).
Ok Pixie, if I may borrow your wand for a minute, I would like to grant some wishes.

*swish* To Alan, I grant you the ability to press the enter key to send an online message
*swish* To Pixie, I grant you the ability to send a message whilst the user is offline
*swish* To john712live, I grant you the ability to reply to an online message within the black box

And finally one for me. You can now delete any comments you have posted on one of your friends profile pages.

I'll hack away at some more features next week.

Happy poking......
Quote by gav
Ok Pixie, if I may borrow your wand for a minute, I would like to grant some wishes.

*swish* To Alan, I grant you the ability to press the enter key to send an online message
*swish* To Pixie, I grant you the ability to send a message whilst the user is offline
*swish* To john712live, I grant you the ability to reply to an online message within the black box

And finally one for me. You can now delete any comments you have posted on one of your friends profile pages.

I'll hack away at some more features next week.

Happy poking......

Simply BRILLIANT Thank you....
Quote by gav
And finally one for me. You can now delete any comments you have posted on one of your friends profile pages.

Could we possibly have the same feature in story comments .... but instead of delete, have an edit option?
Gav, you made it possible for someone to now be able to delete anyones comments on any profile they choose... I can see that going down not too well...
Quote by gav
Ok Pixie, if I may borrow your wand for a minute, I would like to grant some wishes.

*swish* To Alan, I grant you the ability to press the enter key to send an online message
*swish* To Pixie, I grant you the ability to send a message whilst the user is offline
*swish* To john712live, I grant you the ability to reply to an online message within the black box

And finally one for me. You can now delete any comments you have posted on one of your friends profile pages.

I'll hack away at some more features next week.

Happy poking......

Bless you Sir are truly a miracle worker...there should be a special Merit badge just for you...
Toast to Gav...


You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Quote by Necho
Gav, you made it possible for someone to now be able to delete anyones comments on any profile they choose... I can see that going down not too well...

Necho, I just went to a couple of profiles and can only delete my own comments, no-one else's. Can you see things differently because of being a moderator?
Yay, Gav! Thanks!
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥

Your moderator powers allow you to remove anyone's comment, not just your own.


I can add a delete option to the story comments easy enough, will this suffice?
Delete would work Gav, people can easily put in their comment again.

Thanks for all the little fixes.
Great work again, Gav. I know I screwed up a few comments on profiles when I tried to add a graphic. Whups. Now I can correct it.
Awesome work Gav I love the new reply button you put for the online messages and the offline one is great to keep up the great work Brother.
I've noticed some of these enhancements and I can't help but think how cool it is to have an on-site coder. The online message thing is really nice.
One thing I've noticed is the forums lack a multi-reply button. So you have to reply to each person separately. But a multiple reply button could be really nice to have.
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