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Story scoring / settings / future updates

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Quote by nicola

Comments are not going to be required for any scores.

Uh oh...I can see it average is going to go down from 4.8 to about 1.3...

Does this mean I'm going to have to start being nice to people???

I am really hating this already...

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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
I really don't see any other way.

I work on the principle that the majority of people are decent. Rotten apples will stick out like a sore thumb.

Forcing people to comment discourages scoring low. It discourages people voting at all.

Everyone voting a 1, 2 or 3 will have to be a member. Their votes will be tracked.

Someone voting lots of stories low, will be flagged. It will be done programmatically. It's easy to see when a story is well written, gets mostly 5's and 4's, then there's a 1 vote.

You have nothing to worry about.
Quote by nicola

I work on the principle that the majority of people are decent.

You have nothing to worry about.

Both of those statements scare me...

And btw...I agree with you...except for that one about the majority of people being decent maybe...

No, but really...the way it was heading was not good, the next step would have been to require any vote but a 5 to require a comment...and that wouldn't be good...

I'm really not that worried about scores anymore's not like I've never been on a Top Author list or anything...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
If people are really that concerned about scores, they shouldn't write.

If the Top Author list is what's causing stress amongst writers, I will remove it. Simple.
Quote by nicola
If people are really that concerned about scores, they shouldn't write.

If the Top Author list is what's causing stress amongst writers, I will remove it. Simple.

No...don't remove scoring and the Top Author list...

People would have nothing to talk about in the forum...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
maybe we could have a bottom author's list too, so Alan can see his name in print SOMEwhere *giggles* i think the problem of the low score bombs was taken care of when *ahem* certain members left? anyways, i'm on board. i promise not to be bitchy about 3's even. that said, if i get a 1, i am going to make it known that i am butt-hurt - where's that form that form that Chef always has handy? i need to start filling it out, just in case biggrin

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
maybe we could have a bottom author's list too, so Alan can see his name in print SOMEwhere *giggles*

You know Miss Sprite...I think that is a brilliant idea...

The problem is, those dame 5-Bombers will come along and give all my stories 5 votes just to keep me off it...

Damn...just can't win...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Quote by DirtyMartini
Quote by sprite
maybe we could have a bottom author's list too, so Alan can see his name in print SOMEwhere *giggles*

You know Miss Sprite...I think that is a brilliant idea...

The problem is, those dame 5-Bombers will come along and give all my stories 5 votes just to keep me off it...

Damn...just can't win...

Are all 5-Bombers Dames Dirty?
I´m glad this discussion already exists.

I haven´t written anything yet so I don´t know what it is to be voted on - so I can´t speak (write) from that perspective.

From a reader´s point of view - I wish I had more flexibility in my voting. In my humble opinion today´s system is too brute. I read a story recently that I thought was better then good but was not excellent. What do I do? I voted a 4 out of coherence because I had previously voted a 5 on a better story. My dilemma was that the story was better then good (a 4 out of 5 is 80% or a B) I´d give it an A just not an A+ -- feel me?

I´m not suggesting anything remotely close to a scholastic grading scale, but I need something in between a 4 and 5.

As I am writing this I thought - maybe the question is not the actual grade itself but the motives behind the grading. How many are guilty for voting higher on a certain story because it was written by a friend?

I believe that we have a responsibility as each others critics to be honest - vote correctly, have a sense of structure in your voting, don´t vote for the sake of voting. -- or don't vote at all.
You might be over thinking it curiouscat. These are fuck stories.
Quote by Magical_felix
You might be over thinking it curiouscat. These are fuck stories.

LOL Maybe we should just have a four penis voting system for these 'fuck stories'. Instead of numbers, just have 4 penises

Quote by Magical_felix
You might be over thinking it curiouscat. These are fuck stories.

Maybe. I accept that. But I´m sure there are writers in here that don´t agree with your statement that they are just fuck stories.

When I first came to lush I started reading stories through the "views" and "vote" filters. The results you get do not in any way represent the best writing on the site. I had to "friend" some people and invest time to turn over enough stones and find writers that I find interesting to read.

So I guess what I am attempting to show is this: As I slowly familiarize with the site, I have reconstructed my perspective on what lush stories really is. When I was not a member and just looking in for fuck stories I had a view - mainly that is was an fantasy site. After becoming a member and contributing in comments and voting, I had a different perceptive - a broader view.

I blame the skewed perspective on the voting system.

What I think about the site today is far from what it was when I first found it. I enjoy the social network it created. Reading peoples thoughts on matters, laughing a lot, exchanging information - all while reading fuck stories, great written poems, well thought out adventures, and stories that could actually be the first chapters of books if the author decided to invest.

Just a thought.
Many of the stories here are well written with a good story line and great details. I honestly enjoy reading a good story, but some have no story line and same old stuff.
For many writers I think the scoring they get is no more then an ego trip and them same people will use any means other then a good story to get a score. Personally I would rather see the score system go away but leave the comment section. I agree with one curious cat not all high rated stories are worth the read time.
I dont understand how the whole scoring thing works anyway!
Quote by tender_cowboy
Many of the stories here are well written with a good story line and great details. I honestly enjoy reading a good story, but some have no story line and same old stuff.
For many writers I think the scoring they get is no more then an ego trip and them same people will use any means other then a good story to get a score. Personally I would rather see the score system go away but leave the comment section. I agree with one curious cat not all high rated stories are worth the read time.

damn straight it's an ego trip. I mean, seriously, it's a good feeling to get praise. also, for the record, it's an incentive to write more, to improve, to try to make the next one better and sexier - something i think those of you who read, can appreciate? i mean, seriously, i love to write, but if i just put something up and didn't get some sort of feed back, i think i'd get a little discouraged after a while... and since we're on this subject, come one guys, if you think voting is dumb, but think comments are good? comment! i see stories here that have thousands of viewings and only a handful of votes or comments - and i'm talking some quality stories here! it only takes a minute, and it might just make somebody's day to know that someone appreciated all the hard work they put in - trust me, we just don't churn this stuff out while sitting on the toilet, it's a labor of love, but still, it's a lot of time and effort, and it's a part of why this site is sooooo good.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by DirtyMartini
Quote by sprite
- trust me, we just don't churn this stuff out while sitting on the toilet, it's a labor of love,

I'm sorry...what did you say???

ok, i should have said SOME of us don't. Alan is always the exception in every conversation here. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Ahh, an interesting topic that I discovered by using the "Search" function.
Thanks, Gav=d>

Perhaps, if the only way to exit a story would be by voting, the stories would have more than the present 1% voting factor.

But, it would scare away some readers who are unable or afraid to commit.
It would also prevent me from activating a simple program to open a story a hundred times a minute until it was the most viewed story in Lush history... (in only 54 hours; that should be a scary thought)

Seriously, I do enjoy comments more than the votes, and like many of us, a good comment from an excellent author makes my day. So, if some anonymous person gives me a lower score, I just go to the comments for the people's opinion that matter.

I am still the newbie here but it is nice to know I can still be heard.