I can't do an official competition, because the tech team are on their Christmas break, and there are things they need to set up for a competition, but I thought it would be fun to do a Christmas Micro competition. So here are the rules:
1. You must use a Christmas/New Year themed picture
2. It must be max 100 words, min 80 words.
3. You must include the tag 'christmas micro' so I can identify entries. If you don't have the tag, I won't include it.
4. This competition will be judged completely subjectively by me. I can be bribed. I like cookies and fairy lights. And orgasms. And pizza.
Feel free to link to your micro in this forum. Closing date is Wed 4th January 2023.
One prize is on offer of $100.
Happy Lushing
EDIT: For anyone wishing to read the current entries, here's all the tagged stories.