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Announcing the Winners of our "Supernatural / Sci-Fi" Stories Competition

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This competition really sparked the imagination, and we had some wonderfully creative stories entered.

Without further ado, here are the winners:

Winner ($150): The Curious Tale of Kitty Meowenstein, by Liz
Second place ($100): The Inheritance, by BillyBroadband
Third place: ($50): London's Burning, by Lupus

Honourable mentions go to the following stories, which made up the remainder of the Top 10:

Flat Out Dirty_D
Box Alexandra_A
The Naughty Adventures of Alice Willyc2licu
If We Break Before the Dawn Sprite
Spiritual Equinox Milik_Redman
The Last Human AbigailThornton
Freeing Samir Jayne33

A huge thank you to all those who took part, I really enjoyed reading the entries for this one.



You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I'm proud to offer my congratulations to the winners.
Congratulations everyone! Sucks that I couldn't make the top 10, but all the other stories definitely deserved to be there.
Congratulations all around.

You guys deserve it
Congratulations to 3 very deserving entries!!
Congrats to the winners and the runners up!

Congrats to all who entered was a very fine competition...

Love and hugs from Margot.

A huge congrats to Liz, Billy and Ben! And to the top 10: y'all deserve to be there! This was a really great competition! xx
Oo, a huge congratulations to the top 10 specially to first 3! My predictions were quite close with couple exeptions that I didn't manage to read on time. Well earned recognitions
My congratulations to all! Great stories from all the winners!
Massive congratulations to all that took part and especially to the winners.
Well done everyone; winners, honourable mentions and all who took part!!

Looks like I have (more) reading to catch up on for it was a very busy competition!!

I wonder what the next one will bring?
CONGRATS Liz, Ben and Billy! Kisses and hugs to all three of you. You guys really did a great job. Each story is amazing. The judges really had a challenge. Too, Hats off to everyone who entered as well. I'm so proud to be associated with such a great collection of writers. It's inspiring.
? A True Story ?
Congrats to all three of you guys. Liz didn't surprise me at all, but the rest had to be a tough choice... I read some really good stories. Guess I've got some more reading to do now.
Congrats everybody, especially to the winning three and the top ten. I'll be needing to step up my game for the next contest if it's anything like this one
Congratulations to the winners, runners-up, and everyone else who entered. I'm still a couple of competitions behind, but I can't wait to read all the entries I missed.

And as always, a thank you to the judges for a hard job done well.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Huge congratulations to the winners, the runners-up and everyone else who entered!

To me, there are more than a handful of outstanding stories that should have earned a place on the pedestal, and quite a few that unfortunately went without a honorary mention despite being brilliant.

Now, my only hope is that you'll all take extended holidays abroad where you don't have internet access while the next comp is on so I've got an effing chance! Seriously, though, that comp brought out the best in everyone, and reading all the great entries is both a huge inspiration and a challenge to do even better next time. Keep the comps going, Nicola!

*tapping fingernails impatiently on the table top and biting my lip* Has the new comp already started? Do we know what it is about? When can I start writing?
Holey moley

Thanks, everyone. I really do appreciate every comment I receive on my stories, so a big thank you to everyone who took the time to give this one a read and let me know what they thought.

A big congratulations to Ben and Billy on not only finishing in the top three, but also receiving their first EP awards. Very well done!

I also take my hat off to all the other entrants. It makes me proud to be a member of a website with such a high calibre of writer. You guys rock hard!

Lizzy x
Quote by ChrissieLecker
Huge congratulations to the winners, the runners-up and everyone else who entered!

Now, my only hope is that you'll all take extended holidays abroad where you don't have internet access while the next comp is on so I've got an effing chance! Seriously, though, that comp brought out the best in everyone, and reading all the great entries is both a huge inspiration and a challenge to do even better next time. Keep the comps going, Nicola!

*tapping fingernails impatiently on the table top and biting my lip* Has the new comp already started? Do we know what it is about? When can I start writing?

Does starting the next semester of grad school count as removing myself enough?
Quote by Liz
I also take my hat off to all the other entrants.

Yes, please take that bloody hat off!
Quote by clum

Yes, please take that bloody hat off!

It's pirate month!

Why, I'll hang ye by the gibbet and skewer yer gizzard, ye treacherous, barnacle bottomed, hammock hogging, scabby bilge swiller!
Congrats to the winners of this one - I am always amazed by the stacked talent on this site! I need to catch up on my reading for this comp but all the stories I read were fantastic. Kudos to all those that entered and placed in the top ten as well!
Fantastic effort everybody. Really well done to you all xx
Absolutely thrilled by this result!

(I say baldly that 'The Inheritance' was a personal fave so I'm delighted to see it place!)

Congrats to Betty Button and Loopy also, to the Top Ten and indeed to EVERYONE who entered.

I followed this one closely and I cannot commend the judging panel highly enough. There were AT LEAST another half dozen stories that might have placed in the finalist list and I know how much work and indeed heartache it takes to rank writing at this level. As Usual, the judging panel got it Spot On! Hats off to the judges!

xx Steph
congrats, everybody! =d>
CONGRAULATIONS! I'm so thrilled that so many people actually wrote Supernatural sex stories! smile