Congratulations to our 3 prize winners, Liz, Elliot and Hannah. I loved each of these poems. A special shout out to Elliot, who sits on the winners' podium for the first time:
1st Place: - Dark Rain, by Liz
2nd Place: - I Can Always Read Your Skin, by elliotlacey31
3rd Place: - Freefalling, by browncoffee
I urge our readership to read these excellent entries too, which made up our Top 15:
Fallen Angel, by Saucymh
little death, by Emerys
Drunk, Alive, and Full of Night, by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
Innocence Lost, by littleduchess
Lilacs and Tangerines, by Gil_Renard
Dark Desire, by Kee
In My End Is My Beginning, by KindOfHeart
The Star, by JWren
The Game, by Stormdog
Darling, Kiss Me, by Green_Man
The Slap The Belt And The Hook, by Gillianleeeza
Let's Fuck, by Lilly
An honourable mention goes to Sprite's "Ropes of Cum", which just missed the deadline, but embiggened the spirit of the competition, and gave many of us a giggle.
A huge thank you to everyone who participated in the competition, and to those who read, voted and commented on the entries.
Read all the entries here:

To the winners, I'll be in touch in the next day or so.