Quote by Buz
Wow! So far the entries into the Supernatural competition are fabulous. I'm hoping more people give those a read.
Yeah, we've got vampires, succubi, and spirits running all through Lush; it's awesome!
Quote by nicola
Thanks for the info about triffids, I had no idea of their supposed origins.
Wouldn't 18,000 tons of metal, be rather easy to detect, even with jamming software etc? I wonder what the point of submarines in warfare is sometimes.
Quote by LASARDaddy
Sorry, I am a nerd engineer and this is what I did for 35 years. I designed weapons systems then became a digital simulation expert. I never did believe in analog.
Quote by Liz
You're like the Tony Stark of Lush
Quote by LASARDaddy
The submarine has to be quite close to the surface and not to far from the craft carrying the detectors. It's called a MAD, Magnetic Anomaly Detecter, and does resemble a big-headed penis. It's usually a boom sticking out the ass end of a P3 or P8 patrol craft but is carried by heliocters, UAV's UUV's and others. It's on the boom because the iron in the aircraft effects the results.
Like this. The lower craft has the MAD sticking out it's rear end. The node on the end is the detector buts it's only good down 50 feet or so. Ships tow them several hundred feet behind to get it away from the iron hull.
This is kind of how it works. The box in the center is the sub, the long lines are the earths magnetic field and the dips in the center is what the detector sees. The sensor loops can be buried, automobile detectors for stop lights, or a hard, pulsed magnetic field generated by the MAD.
Quote by nicola
Good luck in the competition!
Quote by stephanie
I Remind, (if I need to?) that for those following the Comp Entries there ARE entries under both "Supernatural" *AND* ALSO "Fantasy/Sci-Fi" categories.
MOST entries so far have been 'filed' under SUPERNATURAL but there are some cracker contenders under FANTASY/SCI-FI...
For those who are following the Comp, if you CLICK on the Comp Announcement on the Home Page and scroll down, you will see an index of stories submitted so far.
xx Steph
Nicola: "They knew that..."
Me: "Fuck You..."
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by stephanie
If you read mine carefully you'll notice you are IN IT.
xx SF
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by stephanie
I'm going to write further upon something I referred to earlier... I do this, (at the risk of fucking myself) for the edification of my fellow members.
I REMIND everyone THAT I AM NO LONGER INVOLVED IN ANY WAY in the editorial process of this site. I DO NOT SPEAK for Lush Stories if indeed I ever did...
But I'm so excited by what I'm experiencing and reading.
Some, (MOST!) of these entries are STUNNING!
Here's what I'm seeing... As the Comp progresses, the bar is raised YES, (and I was the poor bastard who came in first) BUT, I notice that the Comp ITSELF evolves as entrants come in. It's almost ORGANIC. THE COMP ITSELF takes on a form, an attitude, a PERSONALITY, as FUCKING talented writers bring their best game. ANY ONE of the pieces I've read, (including fucking mine) are RR, some are EP, and yet the TALENT on this site FUCK WITH the envelope and push it with every entry.
(This is the bit where I FUCK myself...)
My story is quite brilliant. I'm proud of it. I'm glad I submitted it. BUT, as other entries arrive, (and that would be EVERY other entry!!!!) SHAPING the very nature of the Comp in YES an Organic way, I see what MINE doesn't have. Not enough well-written hard sex for a start. NOT as brilliantly imaginative as some of the others. Not as fucking long! (By which I mean developed...)
A BIT of me is pissed off that I threw such a FANTASTIC story into the ring. (In any OTHER arena I'd be preening my EP right now... *LAUGHS!*) But THIS is Big Gun time. And you know what? The Writer/Reader in me is PISSED about that, but also proud that I stand with other writers of this caliber. And I do.
I'm enjoying this so much as a contestant. It's FUN! It's teaching me a lot! It's also breaking my fucking heart!!!! *Giggles!*
There are TWO WEEKS left if you want to ride this Rollercoaster. Get on it! It's a trip!
xx Steph
(After I stepped down as a Mod, (Story There...) I wondered if I would stay at all. And I stayed for the reason I came here first, before I was EVER a Mod... Because I am among, can converse with, can read, can befriend, can learn from, can appreciate, can BE AROUSED AND AMAZED by some of the finest fucking writers I have ever read.)
Nicola: "Cute and true but it won't help you win..."
Me: "I don't care about winning..."
Nicola: "Yes you do you're a Fucking Writer..."
Me: "BITCH!"
Quote by Dirty_D
Me too. And after being blocked myself, I'm trying something fairly ambitious.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by Dirty_D
Me too. And after being blocked myself, I'm trying something fairly ambitious.
A steamy lesbian three way
Quote by Liz
Joke all you want, but I'm seriously pissed off about my Mac right now.
I write all of my stories in Scrivener, so Blahbetty blah, techie blah, blah, computery blah blah, blah blah blah, bu-dopp buh blah blah blah...
At least I have a few more weeks.
Quote by Liz
Joke all you want, but I'm seriously pissed off about my Mac right now.
I write all of my stories in Scrivener, so even the Chromebook which I have been lent as a temporary replacement can't run it. I've got to try and find a way to copy my comp story out of a proprietary format I can't open, and into a Google Doc so I can carry on with it.
A lesson for all of you who use a platform specific writing app!
At least I have a few more weeks.
Quote by Liz
Joke all you want, but I'm seriously pissed off about my Mac right now.
I write all of my stories in Scrivener, so even the Chromebook which I have been lent as a temporary replacement can't run it. I've got to try and find a way to copy my comp story out of a proprietary format I can't open, and into a Google Doc so I can carry on with it.
A lesson for all of you who use a platform specific writing app!
At least I have a few more weeks.
Quote by LASARDaddy
The lesson for all should be to, "BACK THE FUCKING THING UP" to something besides main memory. I mostly use an IPad now (love this fricking thing for it's convenience) but I'm getting the high end IBM pad. The options for file save are an order of magnitude better. It's a real pain in a very soft spot on this.
I've looked at scrivener but I prefer Word, another reason to go back to IBM. On the IPad I use Textilus. It's in the APP store and it's free to start. The purchased version has a couple enhancements but it basically works under any IOS system. I never liked Macs because of the case sensitivity. That started because of file name lengths but that problem went away 20 years ago and it's still there. You can write a book in the file name now. Well, almost.
Quote by billybroadband
As a newcomer to competitive writing, how IS the winner selected? It sounds as if all the mods get in a bar somewhere and hash it out. Is that about right?
Oh, and one slight bitch; it seems slightly unfair that during the competition competitive entries are highlighted as "story picks". Kind of hints at institutional bias. Not a big deal, just throwing it out there.
I'm with what Steph said earlier, I'm having a lot of fun as the competition goes on and some of the stories get entered. I love "the Blue Dress" and might have passed it by if it weren't in the competition. After reading her latest poem, I'm scared shitless of Averageblackgirl's entry. Steph, save me a seat at that bar.....
Quote by stephanie
Oh! I have a SUGGESTION for the theme of the next Comp...
An erotic tale based in and around the theme of "Left, Right, Left - The Rise of Militarism and the polarization of politics in The Weimar Years."
xx Steph
Nicola: "Isn't that the title of your thesis?"