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Announcing our new "Microfiction" Story Competition

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Quote by naughtyannie

Help please! I have a problem already. When I hit "submit story", the text editor definitely said 100 words. But on the next screen it said 101. How do I get round this?

I'd make sure the cursor is sitting immediately after the final bit of punctuation at the end of the story when you hit submit as well. If the screens are registering different word counts, you never know what could be triggering it.

Beyond that, any words you can merge into contractions? Maybe somewhere you can take advantage of the way the editor counts correctly used em dashes that connect two words without spaces as though they were a hyphenated word, giving you a freebie? ( You're only trying to eliminate a discrepancy between the word count of the two pages, so it's not really cheating )

Good Will ---|--- Got Me Pegged <= Both almost famous, give them a read and get them one step closer!

Quote by vanessa26

Typewriters are romantic ?

Typewriters? You mean old-fashioned printers? LoL Not sure how romantic they can be. Quaint perhaps, but romantic? I mean, what sexual connotation can a typewriter evoke?
Quote by RejectReality

I'd make sure the cursor is sitting immediately after the final bit of punctuation at the end of the story when you hit submit as well. If the screens are registering different word counts, you never know what could be triggering it.

Beyond that, any words you can merge into contractions? Maybe somewhere you can take advantage of the way the editor counts correctly used em dashes that connect two words without spaces as though they were a hyphenated word, giving you a freebie? ( You're only trying to eliminate a discrepancy between the word count of the two pages, so it's not really cheating )

The trouble is, it's only after it's submitted that the 101 count shows, by which time it's too late to edit it.... ?

07 February 2025 - My latest dirty story is now online. Free Spirit on the Nudist Beach - Part 2 | Lush Stories Please read, comment and maybe give it a ❤️ - or even a⭐ if you really enjoy it! Thank you! Annie xxx

Quote by Meagananne1986

Typewriters? You mean old-fashioned printers? LoL Not sure how romantic they can be. Quaint perhaps, but romantic? I mean, what sexual connotation can a typewriter evoke?

I think it is not so much the typewriter that is romantic as things associated with it, at least for folks of my generation and earlier. It brings to mind writers of the pre-PC era bashing out their work on an old manual typewriter (see below) or IBM Selectric (yes, I did write a story on a Selectric once) with a cigarette and glass of booze at hand. Perhaps that association has been lost to millennials and later.

Quote by naughtyannie

The trouble is, it's only after it's submitted that the 101 count shows, by which time it's too late to edit it.... ?

May have to knock it down to 99 in the editor to get it to show 100 on the next page. Those tricks might work for that. Hopefully it won't then register as 99 on the next page due to some other idiosyncrasy of how that page counts words.

Good Will ---|--- Got Me Pegged <= Both almost famous, give them a read and get them one step closer!

Quote by seeker4

I think it is not so much the typewriter that is romantic as things associated with it, at least for folks of my generation and earlier. It brings to mind writers of the pre-PC era bashing out their work on an old manual typewriter (see below) or IBM Selectric (yes, I did write a story on a Selectric once) with a cigarette and glass of booze at hand. Perhaps that association has been lost to millennials and later.

I'm trying to jerk everyone's chain Seeker. I'm a nostalgic person myself. Life today is too hurried, too greedy, too competitive. I'd rather live a simpler, easier life.
Quote by Meagananne1986

I'm trying to jerk everyone's chain Seeker. I'm a nostalgic person myself. Life today is too hurried, too greedy, too competitive. I'd rather live a simpler, easier life.

Strangely, one thing that I am not nostalgic for is typewriters. They were good if you were transcribing from long hand or notes, but I tend to compose at the keyboard and a word processor works much better for that. I am nostalgic for my old Commodore 64, which got me through my last year of high school and my undergrad, but not typewriters.
Quote by RejectReality
Side note: The cool-down time limit between casting votes is a little frustrating when reading in the microfiction category. Acceptable and understandable because it's a necessary mitigation measure against voting shenanigans, but still frustrating.

I’ll see if Gav can remove this temporarily.
Please give my competition piece a read

For the past few months I’ve been using Instagram and been using the site to post my photography . Here’s the link to my profile

My recommended read

here’s a link to my photography album in my media

Wow, 63 entries in under a week.

This one is going to be a challenge to judge!
Quote by nicola
Wow, 63 entries in under a week.

This one is going to be a challenge to judge!

Good luck Nicola!

Glad it isn't me judging!
Insert something witty here.
Quote by StillUndecided

Good luck Nicola!

Glad it isn't me judging!

i am SO pumped - i entered this one so i am AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFIED FROM JUDGING!!!!! YES! *does happy dance around the room*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I've got a lot of micros to read.
Quote by sprite

i am SO pumped - i entered this one so i am AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFIED FROM JUDGING!!!!! YES! *does happy dance around the room*

Do we get a video of that? I'm sure it would sell for a small fortune.........
Insert something witty here.
Quote by StillUndecided

Do we get a video of that? I'm sure it would sell for a small fortune.........

you want the naked dance or the semi naked dance?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

you want the naked dance or the semi naked dance?

We are artistic, we writers; so your interpretation of Salome's "seven veils"dance, thank you. Oscar Wilde's play version, which some think is the origin of striptease should give you the idea of how au naturel we expect.

Do check out my latest story:

Festive Flash competition: The Ghost of Christmas Past

And my other stories, including 5 EPs, 24 RR's, and 15 competition top 10's including my pride competition winner: On Oxford Street, This Gay Girl Found Pride While Playing With Balls

63 already, huh? I only just caught up with responding to my comments from the last few days. I'll catch up with the entries on the morrow. With 100 word stories, I'm going to do my best to read everything this time around, even though I'm about 40 behind at this point. LOL

Good Will ---|--- Got Me Pegged <= Both almost famous, give them a read and get them one step closer!

There's been some great entries.

I'm really enjoying seeing people rise to the challenge.

This might be my favourite banner ever. You did a brilliant job again Liz!

Quote by sprite

you want the naked dance or the semi naked dance?

How about you share the semi naked dance and send me the naked one? biggrin
Insert something witty here.
By my (potentially wrong as I am very sleepy) reckoning, there are over 100 entries. I am REALLY glad I am not a judge.
Insert something witty here.
Quote by StillUndecided
By my (potentially wrong as I am very sleepy) reckoning, there are over 100 entries. I am REALLY glad I am not a judge.

Why? We usually just pick the names out of a hat or Sprite uses the drunken dartboard technique (DDT) to choose the winners

Actual footage of her preparing to pick the winners for the last comp:

Quote by nicola

Why? We usually just pick the names out of a hat or Sprite uses the drunken dartboard technique (DDT) to choose the winners

Actual footage of her preparing to pick the winners for the last comp:

Well, If I had known that was how you pick the winners I would have entered a whole lot more of the earlier competitions!

Rofl. Excellent plan.
Insert something witty here.
Quote by StillUndecided

Well, If I had known that was how you pick the winners I would have entered a whole lot more of the earlier competitions!

Rofl. Excellent plan.

One entry per person!
Lets face it, at 100 words per story, this one was probably doomed to have a huge entry list.

Read some really creative takes on the picture so far.
I think I've probably read about 2/3 of these nuggets. I have no idea how you pick just one.

At this point, I might be able to narrow it down to five....
Most Lush moderators will accept tips (read: bribes).
Quote by nicola
Actual footage of her preparing to pick the winners for the last comp:

Wasn't that at the last Christmas party when the male stripper was waving his dick around?
Quote by Liz

Wasn't that at the last Christmas party when the male stripper was waving his dick around?

I was being kind in photoshop!

115 entries so far. That's a new record.
We've had 124 entries and the competition is now officially closed.

Let the shortlisting, begin!