I just wanted to address this because it's something we're seeing more and more of, and given the state of the world, I suspect it's only going in one direction.
coughs skynet coughs
This is a writing site, but more than that, it's a community of writers and readers who encourage, feed back to, assist and champion other amateur writers who take time and effort to learn the rules of grammar, hone their craft, edit and edit and edit and then put out something for others to hopefully enjoy.
Plugging something into an AI generator and presenting a story about five seconds later, in my opinion, is just as bad as plagiarism, which is already the top cardinal sin on a writing site.
Thing is though, unlike checking for plagiarism, we're never going to be able to tell your story is AI generated unless you mention it. And I've no doubt that some people just won't care in the slightest that it's not their own work. We can't police it, unfortunately.
So all I can ask is that you please don't. Don't cheat, don't take the easy way, don't pass skynet's generic wank fodder off as your own. Have a go yourself.
Thank you.
Ps. If we do find out your story is AI generated, your story will be returned and you may face an account ban