Good for you D_D! Thanks for sharing.
Shame I put mine in a ginger pork stir fry the other day
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Dancing Doll's Excellent Figging Adventure: The Full Report
Ok, so after Her Royal Spriteness put this idea into my head with this thread (thanks Sprite!), I had an interesting and very entertaining conversation about it last night (which is almost another story on its own.. LOL). Anyway curiosity made me decide to indulge my adventurous 'I'll try anything once' spirit and see what figging is all about.
After a trip to the grocery store earlier where I basically felt like a pervert sizing up the various sizes of ginger while other ginger-shoppers assessed them for culinary purposes, I made my purchase... which included some nice butt-plug shaped pieces.
Because I anticipated some kind of a burning sensations, I thought it might be a good idea to put my glass dildo into the freezer for a while while I prepared the ginger. I thought that alternating the sensations of the scalding pain (LOL, let's call it like it is!) and the ice-cold glass might make for a combined erotically stimulating experience.
During my playtime, I experienced an interesting progression of thoughts on figging.
After warming up in terms of solo-play arousal, I eventually took a deep breath and slid the carved 'ginger finger' into my ass. I felt it almost right away and the sensations build very quickly and intensely. Let's see... how to describe it... at first, it's kind of like sticking a flaming fireplace poker into your ass. Except it's more of a stinging than a full fledged burning. I assume people that eat jalapeno peppers will be able to relate to the concept of stinging-burn. I couldn't handle it for more than a minute or two at a time, so I alternated with the frozen glass dildo (which felt amazing as a contrasting sensation). I went back and forth with them while also using a vibrator. Then I became really sadistic and cut a slice of ginger and rubbed it on my clit (just out of curiosity). I didn't feel anything right away, so impatiently, I pinched the slice of ginger and squirted a bit of juice onto my clit... and ok... damn! I could feel it then! Yowwww....
Clearly this experience would be better with a figging partner (and a warm tongue), but if you aren't a BDSM kind of person, I think it's best to try this on your own at first and see if you even like how it feels.
While at first, I totally didn't get it and thought it was like some form of sexual torture (they should consider using this in Guantanamo, for sure), when the initial stinging-burning sensation starts to subside you do feel exceptionally horny and I had some rather intense orgasms. If I liken figging to a drug, I would say that my favourite part is after you hit the peak and you're coasting down from the high. It's hard to explain unless you try it yourself. Even after the ginger has been removed, the sensations continue for a good 20-30 minutes afterwards.
Would I do it again... uhmm... yeah.
I think it would be a lot of fun to play with sensations with a partner, and the frozen glass dildo creates a really gorgeous sensation. But you definitely want to make sure you're able to adjust the intensity to your own choosing, unless you're someone who's into restraint/pain/pleasure. Personally I wouldn't want to be restrained or have someone else controlling the figging in an aggressive BDSM way (I'm not into that scene). But as a twist on oral-anal pleasure and foreplay, and even solo-masturbation I'd say it's definitely worth a try! At least once... maybe twice... maybe more... ?
Thanks Sprite! Keep those ideas coming...
Now, who wants to bake gingerbread cookies with me!
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Would I do it again... uhmm... yeah.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by nicola
It was an interesting experiment, which I will say, was a moderate success.
You have to try these things once, that's my motto!
Quote by Dudealicious
Dudelicious' figging report
Well being very curious about the whole figging thing, and not shy about my own anal play I decided it was about time to get down to some figging.
While I was at the grocery store I inspected all of the "hands" of ginger with care wondering which one would provide the best "fingers" to carve. I must have been there for 5 minutes and I am sure that I had a few glances from people wondering what the hell I was doing inspecting the ginger so carefully. I decided on the best "hand", finished my shopping and headed home.
At home I made sure to log onto lush and pull up Sprite's thread about figging. I carefully prepared the finger as per the pictures (thank-you Sprite) and headed upstairs. As per the figging instructions I carefully inserted the finger without lube and waited for it's effects to start.
Much like Dancing Doll I felt a different sensation, more like a stinging sensation than a burn. I waited for the ginger to take more of an effect before I started my solo play. After about 15 minutes the feeling started to intensify, so much so, I had a hard time containing myself and wanted to draw out my orgasm. The ginger must have drawn more blood "down there" seeing as I was started to become SUPER SENSITIVE.
I managed to hold my orgasm back as long as I possibly could, all the while enjoying the different sensations of my first figging experiement.
Would I do it again, YES but that's just me.
Quote by CoopsRuthie
The subject of figging doesn't seem to come up much, unless I bring it up myself. It figures slightly in my most recent story though. I can't believe as many people haven't heard of it as say they haven't when I tell them about it. I was ready to try it the first time I heard about it. I haven't tried one to the peehole yet though. Thanks ginger86.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by sprite
only the really cool girls do it and yeah, sounds like i need to take it up a notch too