I never know whether anybody reads these “self-promotional” threads. But on the off-chance that some people do, I’ve started this one.
I’ve written a lot of stories, some better than others. They sit around on my profile page for a while, but then as I write more they drop off the bottom and into the well of old stories. Unless you’re interested enough to click on the link to find them all, they tend to languish there, unseen and unloved.
So I thought I’d use this place to say a few things about each of them, and maybe if you haven’t read them, you might be tempted to have a look. Looking back over them now, it’s tempting to rewrite sections, because my style has changed a bit over the last few years. But I’ve tried to resist the temptation, because that’s who I was when I was writing them, and have simply corrected some punctuation errors and typos that got missed first time round.
Firstly, there may be some people who are interested in a bit of background about me and my writing. So firstly…
Just who is this NaughtyAnnie person anyway?
Those of you who’ve been around for a while don’t need to read this bit, but newcomers to Lush might be vaguely interested.
The real-life me started to post stories on Lush in 2011 while she was still at University, and carried on after she left and got a job. I’ve always enjoyed writing, but writing erotica really took over when I was having a bit of a personal crisis at University, and it became a welcome release. I decided I didn’t have the skills to make it as a writer of “serious fiction”, but I discovered I could write filthy stories that people liked to read, and that turned them on. And I’m very happy with that.
A lot of my stories (in particular the early ones) are written in the first person, about a fictional “Annie”, who while sharing many of my interests and characteristics, has had a rather more interesting and varied sex life than the real me! Like me, she lives in London, is a bit of an exhibitionist, has had sexual relationships with both men and women, and has a bit of a kink for water-sports (in the sexual sense). But most of the stories about “Annie” are fictional (though there is sometimes a grain of truth in them), and are just the real me fantasising about things that I like. A few of them are true, however, and I’ll say which ones as and when I get to them in this thread.
And more recently, I’ve started to write more stories that aren’t first-person narratives, which explore sexual practices that don’t fit with the persona of “fictional Annie” – at least one gay male story, for example, which wouldn’t work at all! When I started, I never thought I’d be able to write in some of the lush categories, like “Cross-dressing” and “cuckold”, but branching out has been fun.
But what about the first story?
It’s this one…
Haven't had the chance to read all your stories yet, but try to get to them as soon as I can. I like your style and have read some of them. Keep up the good work.
Welcome back - I love reading the back stories! Keep them coming (and me)
I mean, I wish you were my sister, and I wish I were fucking you!!
This thread is getting as long as your story list LOL. Glad you are not on the Brighton line just now - a leetle bit cosy.