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What is love or What do you think love is about

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So tell me What is love and What do you think its all about. and can you have love with lust invold
Love is talking to that certain someone all day yet not wanting to say goodbye, love is missing someone like crazy even tho you can watch them sleep, Love is special and blind, Love is everything, love is acceptance and forgiving, Love is unexplainable and undeniable. Love is just Love
You basically begged for a poetic answer so, here's my lame attempt:
love is respect,

love is inspiration,
love makes you more than what you are alone,
love is wanting another's happiness more than your own,
love is truth,
love is a core of happiness that you feel no matter what else is going on around you,
love is seeing another person's flaws and loving them anyways,
love is knowing that all is right with the world because he/she/it/they exist,
love is giving your heart to another with no need for anything in return
love is....everything

Of course you have love with lust involved. I've had love with so many emotions mixed in:
- Lust
- Pride
- Disappointment
- Anger
- Sadness
- Etc.

The real question is "why do you ask?"
Love is subjective, proceed at your own pace.

There is no one definition, and to capture it would be death.

Love is being there for the person when they need you.
Love is giving the person space when they need it.
Love is careing for a person that you see no wrong in them
Love is seeing the beauty in thier soul
Love is forgiving them when you have an arguement
Love is knowing that person cares about you and you them
Love is have faith in them with out question
Love is holding them when they hurt
Love is caring for them when they are sick
Love is putting thier happyness before your own
Love is accepting
Love is appreciating
Love is wanting another to feel good
Love is unconditional
Love is painful
Love is love
Love is all around.

Love is....
Man of Desire
When you think about someone else before yourself. Always.
Quote by shima21
So tell me What is love and What do you think its all about. and can you have love with lust invold

The shameless plug - DirtyMartiniesque style

Love without lust? Not only possible, but perhaps probable. Not that that's a bad thing.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Magical_Felix is on to something, I dare say. I'd put it this way: love is found in that moment when you are completely enthralled in the possibility of bringing happiness to another. Or to yourself.

The most important thing to understand about Love between human beings is this: Love, sex, and relationship are three completely different things. A lot of what is said, written, implied, acted out, and passed along as knowledge about Love makes the mistake of confusing them. Also misleading is the traditional notion of "romantic love". There aren't different types of Love, there are only different ways to express Love which are appropriate to different relationships.

Love is a desire of the Spirit.
Sex is a desire of the body, but may be used as as expression of Love.
Relationship is just the imposed boundaries of interaction between two people, but has nothing to do with sex or Love per se. You have a relationship with your most ardent enemy, an adversarial one. No love there!

"Romantic love" as we've been taught (and I'm assuming that's what you're asking about) might be expressed as Love + relationship + sex. That's a lot to handle all at once!

So, yes, it's possible. Love itself is easy, even; it's as natural to us as breathing. But a romantic relationship will fail unless both parties involved understand the roles that Love and sex play in it.
Is there a way to define love? True love is unconditional, it only grows with time, its accepting of someone for who they are, despite their flaws. Love trusts, love forgives and forgets, it has no boundaries, love is being complete by having the one you love in your life. Love is compromising - not because we learn that as we grow, but because you want to - the desire to put another's happiness before your own.

Love is falling in love all over again and again and again.

Love is not only being willing to accept and trust and take someone completely and wholly for who they are and giving them all that you can, but also opening yourself up to be accepted and trusted and letting someone see all it is that makes you you and letting them take you completely and wholly for you are - and accepting all that they want to give you as well.

It's shameless - it's give and take - it's growing, learning, exploring, winning, losing, laughing, crying, struggling, overcoming, arguing, make up sex - together.

It's 2 as 1 - unconditionally.

While lust and love are 2 different things - to lust for someone you love - very possible.
love is deep emotion for someone wanted to be with and when i'm in love i want to give everything to her just make her happy, interms of lovemaking it really feel good not just having sex
There are of course many different kinds of love, the love we have for our children, our friends, our family, even love for our favourite popstar/moviestar/athlete etc..each form of love is different and unique to those relationships.

Then we have as the proclaimers sang about - Romantic Love - Which is seperate from and different to the love mentioned above. Romantic love is the love we feel when we first meet a person we are attracted to...there are physical and emotional reactions - which are needed or we perhaps wouldn't its the butterflies in the tummy, our legs go weak, we swoon etc etc - this romantic love is intrinsicly linked to lust....again necessary to ensure the survival of our species.

Then we have the other kind of love - many have already mentioned it, its the love that endures, through lifes ups and downs - essentially I can perhaps put it down to one thing - When we close the door on the world - do we accept that person for who they are - and allow them to be that person...this for me is love.

That being said, I also agree that there is something else, which I haven't mentioned - and Ihaven;t mentioned it because it shouldn't perhaps be said....if the knowledge is universal...then the next wordsworth, shakespeare, byron etc will not have an opportunity to provide us with such wonderful words and metaphors, our music would be much less enjoyable, our movies poorer...our sense of meaning reduced...creativity would undoubtedly be stunted with a pure single definition...which is why we enjoy it being so out of reach on occasions.

The question as to why you ask, is perhaps a more interesting one?
Quote by shima21
So tell me What is love and What do you think its all about. and can you have love with lust invold
Love is loving you. You are my best friend, you make me laugh you make me smile, I cry when i haven't heard from you, I worry all the time, but then again, i know your safe and that you'll get to me soon. You are so special to me, and even if there is an ocean between us, i know our love crosses that and reaches beyond. I'm in love and lust with you. so yes it is quite possible, i don't ever wanna imagine my life without you. call me when you get a chance babe i would love to tell you this with my voice.
Love is when he loves me for my faults as much as my boobs and genius level intelligence.
I find it impossible to describe love. I have tried and failed in the past.

I have been in love once and, although it was unrequited, it felt wonderful. There have been a few other times when, caught up in the moment, I believed I was in love, but when I reflected on it, knew I wasn't, just infatuated.
Love is different things to different people. To me it is trusting someone with my secrets. I'm more scared of that than anything else in this world. When I let someone in then I realise it's love. The greatest poets had difficulty defining it.
i always love you to sad its shame u dont want me
Quote by Princess_Jennifer
Quote by shima21
So tell me What is love and What do you think its all about. and can you have love with lust invold
Love is loving you. You are my best friend, you make me laugh you make me smile, I cry when i haven't heard from you, I worry all the time, but then again, i know your safe and that you'll get to me soon. You are so special to me, and even if there is an ocean between us, i know our love crosses that and reaches beyond. I'm in love and lust with you. so yes it is quite possible, i don't ever wanna imagine my life without you. call me when you get a chance babe i would love to tell you this with my voice.

i love you more its a shame you dont want me anymore
Love is a LIE, just a made up fairy tale
To me it's something about two people breathing life into each other, becoming more alive and complete than the sum of the two individuals. A paradox I think, that the better we are loved the better we are able to discover ourselves as an individual. And in reality, it tends to be how we change when going through the shit of life that says whether we learned to love along the way, not how we behaved when the wine was flowing.
Lust is the lowest form of sex energy, love, the highest form, unless your lust becomes love you will be missing your goal, when lust is transformed and you enter into the city of love, you enter unattached, remember, that is their definition of love, if love has attachment in it, it is lust, if love has no attachment in it, only then is it not lust, when you are in lust you are not really thinking of the other, thinking of your beloved or lover, you are simply using the other for your own ends, and of course, attachment is bound to be there, because you would like to possess him/her, and you would like to possess him or her forever. Because tomorrow also you may need, the day after tomorrow also you may need, you need a lover and you want to possess him, remember lust is always cunning and love is always compassionate
Love is ageless and limitless, love is knowing them completely. it is needing someone, wanting someone and knowing it will stay like that forever but love is brittle and easily broken although real love should be enough to overcome even the ultimate temptations. love can be like a poison with no antidote, it can hurt but it can heal. real love is forever and can never be truly over.
Quote by Loislane
Love is different things to different people. To me it is trusting someone with my secrets. I'm more scared of that than anything else in this world. When I let someone in then I realise it's love. The greatest poets had difficulty defining it.

I agree with this completely.

Love is to be treasured, as it's highly valuable. It can be volatile. Like an airplane in a tailspin, once it's out of control, it's hard to get it back and steady. It provides us with the most wonderful feelings, then taunts us with the memories of them once things go sour. It gives us hope, and makes usrespect commitment and sanctity. It gives us fear of never getting back what we've now experienced. It's mysterious. Like a rainbow, each of us sees love differently. It's not any one thing, it's simply a feeling that is unique to every person.

Love is worth giving.
love is when you meet first in mind then in heart THEN in body...finally and ultimately you meet soul to soul. at least, thats what it was for me...
Love is something to be very careful with......
Rubber Ducky your the one, you make my life so much fun
painters could not find any picture to describe it, poets could not find any is between somewhere non-existance and can not be described
Love is hard to describe in words though the feeling is indescribable... you recognize it instantly when it hits you... You'll know!
Love is..................
Blimey Shima 21 thats a tough one. Don't think there is an easy answer. There are lots of cliches around: Love is never having to say you're sorry (?), You can never say the wrong thing to the right person, Love conquers all, etc. And there are different kinds of love. I have friends (just friends) who I love dearly and would hate to lose. For me, love is about two people who are so in tune with each other that they are like a single entity, although I have experienced this and it turned out it was not true love, just two people who knew each other very well. I think love is a mutual experience which transcends everything else.
But, as I haven't really found it yet, I can't say what it is really like. But to lighten the mood here's a poem I know:

There's the wonderful love of a beautiful maid,
And the love of a staunch true man,
And the love a baby that's unafraid--
All have existed since time bean.
But the most wonderful love, the Love of all loves,
Even greater than the love for a Mother,
Is the infinite, tenderest, passionate love
Of one drunken sod for another.