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The "L" word

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I was just having a discussion with another lushie about how we find it difficult to tell our parents we love them. I am curious, now. Do you (or if they are dead, did you) tell your parents you love them? I was never able to actually say it in words, but, of course we knew. My brother used to say it to mom and dad all the time, but I never did.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
Interesting question.

My family was very demonstrative .... brothers and sisters all have no issues with stating to anyone, including our parents ~ "I love you" ... or for that matter, while growing up "you piss me off" (to our siblings).

I know many of my male friends rarely say to their parents, I love you.

Maybe it's a "comfort" with being demonstrative? Like touching someone's elbow in affection when speaking with them.
I may not say it all the time, but you do things that reassures them of unconditional love. something as small as taking out the trash for them on garbage day.
Just let it go.
I have always been able to tell my family and friends that I love them. I think it has to do with how I was raised, my family was always demonstrative and my mother always told us she loved us, even after disciplining us.
My father, when we went to visit him the last words he said to us before we left was I love you always.
We were taught that even when your angry at someone, never leave the arguement or the room mad, let the last words be words of love.
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My mom and I always say "I love you" and on the rare occasion when I talk to my 'father' he tells me he loves me as well. That's just how my family is though.
I tell my mother I love her everyday. My sisters, everytime we part company.
I tell my mom and dad every day that I love them and they tell me they love me right back(getting teary eyed)
Every time I talk to them I tell them. You never know if you will get another chance.
Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer. ~Swami X

Growing up, my family always told each other we love them. And my daughters tell me they love me every day and I tell them I love them too. Same with my sisters and their families too.

Poizenivy is so right, you never know that you will have another chance to tell them.
I tell my mum every time I speak to her, likewise with my sister. I tell my dad on occasion. There's still a bit of macho-ness there but it has lessened over the years.

I have brilliant relationships with both of my parents and most of my family. We've always been close and we all know how we feel about each other.

I express my love to mother daily. Its not just spoken but also illustrated in my consideration for her. My father is deceased but it was the same.
I tell my mom and sister i love them all the time, even to my dad when we speak.

I even have this thing with my mom that when one says i love you, the other say i love you more and we say impossible!... silly but important!

Telling i love you to a guy...well that takes a lot of time for me!!!
Me and my mom don't say it a lot we never really have but there are times I do.
“I'm not one of those complicated, mixed-up cats. I'm not looking for the secret to life.... I just go on from day to day, taking what comes.”~Frank Sinatra~
Quote by latinfoxy
I even have this thing with my mom that when one says i love you, the other say i love you more and we say impossible!... silly but important!

We do the same!
In my family, we say I love you as often as possible. It is so often that you never know when it will be the last time. My dad passes away 5 years ago and I would give anything to be able to tell him one last time. My children hear "I love You" many times a day from me. There isn't an aunt, uncle, cousin, etc. that isn't told I love you when you hang up the phone or when you hug good-bye. People should never take for granted that the other person knows they are loved, it may be true but it is also nice to hear. Never let the opportunity slip away to say those words to someone that you do love, you may never get that chance again.
I tell all my family and friends that I love them because I have a lot of love to give. I even tell my dog that I love him. I love to love.
There are so many ways that the words, "I LOVE YOU", can be used and expressed.

Growing up, my family wasn't very vocal about it but we did say it.
It has come to be more frequently used as we have grown.

I use it with my family and even my friends, even though the meaning behind it is slightly different depending on the person it is being said to.

My Hubby's family was never open and siad it so it was a culture shock for him to hear me say it so much. But he adapted and began saying it to our kids and they in turn taught him how easy it was to mean it. Now he even says it to his own parents and they reciprocate as well!


I'm not the type of person who just like. Throws it around I guess you could say.
I do find it difficult to say to people though. So I rarely say it to family. But I do, they know I love them, & they know that when I do say it I'm not just going through the motions and I actually mean it.
"Do you want to live to work or work to live"

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"

"Always hold you head up high, never come off weak"

I managed to express my love to my mother in quite a few ways but sometimes I feel like I'm the worse daughter on earth.

As for my dad, never had the chance cause he passed on when I was very little.
Quote by Nikki703
Growing up, my family always told each other we love them. And my daughters tell me they love me every day and I tell them I love them too. Same with my sisters and their families too.

Poizenivy is so right, you never know that you will have another chance to tell them.

I was about 21 years old when I attended a funeral in the family.

I noticed my 38 year old male-second-cousin kiss his father on the cheek as he hugged him. We were all related to the deceased but 'she' was that mans' father's sister.

He loved his father. And at thirty eight he was not embarrassed to show this affection to anyone or everyone. They - Jewel (the father)l & Lyle (the son) were close...and they didn't care who saw this. To them, it was natural...not incestual. At the time... I was envious.

I've followed Lyle's lead ever since.

I've got no problem with showing my feelings. But I realize...

I am fortunate.

Not all of us ... can bring ourselves to go there.

Not all of us...can go there or even wish to.

I respect that - too.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
I tell my mom that I love her several times a day, and anytime I leave "goodbye" is accompanied with "I love you." But, I tell my dad maybe twice a year.
My parents weren't all cuddly with me but they did tell me they loved me, not on a daily basis but still. I didn't tell them every day but the last yrs of my dad I made sure I told him as often as I could... not out of a habit but genuine... God i wish I could tell him today... He 'knows' but I still miss him every day...
Well my mother was always effusive and affectionate, so that was never in doubt. I spent the last six-weeks helping to take care of her when she had cancer and we talked every day. My father on the other hand was very reserved and his mother and father (my grand parents) had been very reserved. I don't recall him ever saying he "loved" me as a child. Two years after my mother died my father got a very aggressive form of bone cancer. I was luckily in a financial position where I could go and take care of him while my siblings could not. I spent the last 3 months living with my father and caring for him, cutting his pills, getting him to the doctor, feeding him. I finally got to hug him, hold him, see him cry and tell him how much I loved him. This remains one of the most special times of my life. In our difficulties we sometimes find a hidden pearl of beauty and we don't realize until later that the thing we hated so much has left behind a gift for us. While my father suffered greatly in the final two months, had he died suddenly I never would have been able to share those hugs and talks. I may be selfish, but I'm so glad I got to share that time with him otherwise I would have huge regrets.
Not easy to say after growing older but i show my affection in manifold other ways!
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It should never be hard to tell your parents you love them. You don't know what you have till it's gone. I have lost both parents and wish now I would of said it to them every day.