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In interracial terms are Asian men considered desirable?

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Active Ink Slinger

One often reads and see interracial combinations of: White woman black man. Asian woman White or black man. Do not often see a combination of an Asian man applied. Considering Asian men are from the region that brought us the Kama Sutra, are they being overlooked?

What an interesting question.

I've only had carnal knowledge with one Asian man and he thought the Kama Sutra was an Indian restaurant.

I did get stuck in a lift with a Japanese gentleman once but he turned out to be pixelated so no joy there.

Active Ink Slinger

Some Asians are assimilating into Western culture, or losing their "Asian" heritage. Often seen with modern kids, or with 3rd Generations kids. Generally a person in their early 20s, would be approached by an elder in the Mosque, Temple or gurdwara. There a conversation ensues, and you learn about the karma sutra. Its more passed on via word of mouth. I guess enculturation is old fashioned now.

My commiserations on the Japanese gent, hope he at least pointed you to a good sushi joint.

Active Ink Slinger

Ok, this response is as an observation of American culture. Asian men in contrast to their female counterparts are considered unattractive. In media they have extremely low representation and are almost never depicted in romantic or sexy terms. It’s common in colonial cultures that a fetishized female are seen as exotic and desirable while the men are treated with extreme disdain. This subject is one that has a lot more that could be said about it and a lot of interesting studies, but it’s deeper than I’m willing to go on a forum post.

As a personal view, I love Asian men. One of my first budding man-crushes was Toshiro Mifune and Jackie Chan, both actors I watched a lot of. So I think they are sexy but the Western world does not as a whole.

Best down-under

There is no ubiquitous Asian culture or 'look.' Lets take care not to stereotype.

Asia is made up of many distinct cultures. Indeed there is an well accepted view here that Australia is part of Asia (though geographers consider it a separate continent.)

Any way I have a number of female friends whose background is European who are married to men whose families are from other Asian countries who would be justifiably outraged by the thought that their spouses are unattractive. As am I frankly, my nephew is half Hong Kong Chinese and is totally gorgeous.

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No, not for me.

I don't find humans from Asia attractive.

Active Ink Slinger

There’s a French movie called ‘The Lover’. The male lead is a young Chinese man having an affair with a teenaged white girl. That guy is very sexy.

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Rookie Scribe

Quote by RowanThorn

Seems like a confusing addition if the characters race are important in the plot.

What do you mean by that?
I've tried using it on the first few stories in the interracial section, e.g.

And it works flawlessly.

I'm not saying it will always work for every story, but I think it's pretty easy to change for a large number of stories. (Probably sex heavy as opposed to plot heavy.)

Living bi-cariously through Lush

I would agree that in general, American culture does not portray Asian men as very sexy or manly.

That doesn't mean that they aren't sexy or manly in reality, however. Personally, like RowanThorn I do find often find Asian guys attractive. There's an Asian-American dude I worked with not too long ago ... I bumped into him once at a fast-casual restaurant, ended up having lunch and great conversation together, and walked away thinking, "Damn, that could have been a pretty decent first date." Or better yet, just the beginning of one. The other man in my "Lewd Beach" story is based on him.

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Terrestrial Mermaid from Deep Space

Like other races, there are some who are and who are not. Plus what one may find undesirable may be desirable to another. "Beauty" is in the of the beholder. To each his own.

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Active Ink Slinger

They are like all men - only look different from the neck up.

I have had some amazing experiences with older Japanese men skilled in providing extreme pleasure to women. An experience I have never found the equal of with a caucasion guy.

CuriousAnnie comments make good sense. To me an Eurasian offspring is a very attractive mixture of both 'cultures'.