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Husband likes to watch me with other men. How far is too far?

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My EX Husband actually introduced me to interracial sex and he was the one who opened my eyes for big cock black men.He used to watch me being fucked by them and took video and pics of the action then when my pussy is full of their cum he likes to fuck me and cum on their cum.
Some great advice here and from reading the posts it would seem communication with eachother is the most important factor.
If you are swinging, that's one thing... If he is just watching you get pleasured by other men, that's something else - my opinion. Hyapatia Lee starred in a porn flick 30 years or more ago that explored this issue... In the film (and in a story here on Lush recently), the one getting all the pleasure, far more than had been experienced previously with the spouse, eventually is ready to leave the spouse.

Of course, there are other games. What if your husband says, well, you've had all this fun, now it's my turn. What do you do? How do you feel?
My wife and I talked about this for a long time and she finally ask how far can see go And I told her as far as she wanted. Seeing her with another guy was the most turn on there is, but, again we talked about for a long time.
The wife and had threesome and I have enjoyed watching here enjoying herself. Before we started I have told her how I felt and she told me how she felt and we both enjoyed it.
I would suggest you try a foursome. Then he can set the pace and you can follow. That way you will know how far he wants you to go. Seems there is already another guy in the scene - he may have a woman prepared to go the same distance. It is and can be great fun.
You seriously need to talk this out. Open marriage is something easy to start but hard to stop. It requires absolute trust. Once you walk through that door your lives will be forever changed.
We have always lived the Open Relationship Life. But I know many who have tried it and had a disaster. So be careful and communicate, communicate, communicate.

The turn on is tremendous, but so it the risk if things go wrong.

One day he may say" I did not mean for you to go that far."

He may throw that event in your face at every disagreement as long as you are together.

So be sure you are in agreement.

Discuss it and discuss it some more before you go there. Then discuss it one more time.

My husband loves it and has brought guys home strickly for me on any number of events.

What you decide, have fun and good luck.
I'm new here to Lush. But want to say thank you to every person who posted a comment. My husband is pushing for me to do another man, and he wants to watch. I'm willing, but don't want to end a marriage. So it sounds like "communication" is the key.
Obviously the two of you should talk about it (preferably when you aren't sexually turned on) and logically decide what you are BOTH comfortable with doing. Unless you both agree it wouldn't be a good idea to do anything more...
Quote by naughtynicole
It has just been handjobs so far witch is fine with me but he keeps wanting more. I think if it went further and the guy started going down on me or making me cum my husband may not feel the same.

It is progressive for sure. If he's not Jealous of you giving handjobs then I'm quite certain he wouldn't mind if it went all the way. But... What do you want? Think hard if this is what you see your future as. Kinda like losing your virginity. Once you cross the line it's hard to go back. Open marriage is more than just sex. It totally changes your marriage or relationship.
Talk about it in advance and let him know what your worries are.Make sure to let him know that if he wants you to have sex with another man that is what will happen,make sure he realizes that he is there as a voyer and has no power or control of what is happening .He cant decide it needs to stop,if he cant handle it then he has to leave the room.You are doing this because he wants you to,,you are doing it for him and what happens and for how long is between you and the man fucking you .Make sure to discuss it afterwards making sure th get any thoughts or questions brought out and answered.Is this just a one time thing ??
A 4 year old post and the original poster hasn't logged on in over a year.
Maybe getting pregnant would be too far.
Quote by Ls63563
A 4 year old post and the original poster hasn't logged on in over a year.

Not uncommon. Hopefully others have benefitted from the discussion.
Bringing extra people into a relationship, whether permanently or temporarily, has an amplification effect. If things are good, they will get better. If things are bad, they will get worse.

It kind of sounds like you are on pretty solid footing and both of you are on board with it. If that is really the case, I’d say go for it.
As your husband is there with you you need to make the third party aware of a safe word. If one of you use it the action stops there. At that stage you begin to discuss how far is too far.
For gods sake talk about it. He enjoys watching you give handjobs so I think he may want to see more. He’s not watching the guy as suggested above. My Hubby loves watching and he’s as straight as. Before we began our journey a lot of discussion took place so go talk.

Quote by naughtynicole
It has just been handjobs so far witch is fine with me but he keeps wanting more. I think if it went further and the guy started going down on me or making me cum my husband may not feel the same.

Obvious lack of communication, imo if you're inviting another into your sex life then there needs to be a real honest & open conversation before you even think about the who.

It really depends on both of you. My hubby and I have been in an open relationship since we met over 20 years ago. We have 4 kids and are still hot and heavy. Only Covid has slowed us down. The thing about us, is neither one of us has a jealous bone in our bodies. If either of you is jealous, if you aren't comfortable telling each other everything, i you don't get off seeing each other get off with someone else, then you may want to think about going further and discuss it.