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Exs being friends

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Rookie Scribe
So lots of us know that exs can end up being great friends. But what I'm wondering is, would it be weird for an someone to help their ex by setting up a date for them with one of their friends? What do people think of this?
Active Ink Slinger
I think it depends on the relationship between them. It could be weird, but then again, who knows better what you need than someone who dated you?
Nope, if thats what your realationship is like.
Active Ink Slinger
You asked if that would be weird? Errr, well, my answer would have to be a resounding YES!!

However, it's a strange and wonderful world, so......
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Since you both had taken a vow previously, to be exclusive, looking for a partner for your ex (pimping) is bizarre, IMHO.
Constant Gardener
Quote by evengeline
So lots of us know that exs can end up being great friends. But what I'm wondering is, would it be weird for an someone to help their ex by setting up a date for them with one of their friends? What do people think of this?

Eh, I've assisted with a pair of ex's ... when it comes to introducing them to friends or associates of mine.

Who cares what anyone else thinks. If it feels good, go for it.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Alpha Blonde
I have set up exes a few times. In those cases it was because I had broken up with them, and I felt some residual guilt over how I handled it, and felt like they were not getting on with their lives and still trying to linger in mine.

These set ups have never worked out , of course, but I have done it. I think this sort of thing is ok when you're dealing with exes from casual dating relationships, or relationships that never went into serious emotional connections or actually falling in love.

When things are less emotional, and the break-up ended on good terms, then I don't think there's anything that wrong with setting them up if you think they'd be a good fit for someone you know. If you have any lingering feelings for them, however, it does have the potential to become awkward to have them dating your friend, and potentially re-entering your social circle as someone else's boyfriend.
Quote by WellMadeMale

Eh, I've assisted with a pair of ex's ... when it comes to introducing them to friends or associates of mine.

Who cares what anyone else thinks. If it feels good, go for it.

I agree with WMM. It would be nice to have set my ex up with someone really special instead of the bitch that has hog-tied him! (ok only a slight exaggeration!) - but you get the drift. If you broke up amiable - why not!?

"eh? - WMM are your stealing my Eh?"

Constant Gardener
Quote by VanGogh
"eh? - WMM are your stealing my Eh?"Van

You're rubbing off on me, Van. I see something I like, I tend to borrow and use it, too!
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Rookie Scribe
that never works. you should be bed buddies but don't tell anyone so that when you both start to date again, there are no "issues"
Flutterby Pharie
I would say no. There is a reason they are ex's to begin with.
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Quote by Pixie
I would say no. There is a reason they are ex's to begin with.

I disagree. If I was interested enough in my ex to be a pre-ex/current, then there may be some positive there. If my ex is not a creep, abusive or a total tool, why not introduce to one of my friends who is interested where I no longer am?
I know for a fact I'd never set any of my ex's up on a date.
I totally agree with Sam
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I have set up exes a few times. In those cases it was because I had broken up with them, and I felt some residual guilt over how I handled it, and felt like they were not getting on with their lives and still trying to linger in mine.

These set ups have never worked out , of course, but I have done it. I think this sort of thing is ok when you're dealing with exes from casual dating relationships, or relationships that never went into serious emotional connections or actually falling in love.

When things are less emotional, and the break-up ended on good terms, then I don't think there's anything that wrong with setting them up if you think they'd be a good fit for someone you know. If you have any lingering feelings for them, however, it does have the potential to become awkward to have them dating your friend, and potentially re-entering your social circle as someone else's boyfriend.

The lingering Ex Factor is more than enough reason so stay away from setting up ex's with new partner's.
Active Ink Slinger
Every situation is different. My first ex husband I would gladly set up with a friend of mine. We didnt divorce because he was a bad husband or bad to me but because neither of us were ready to be married when we were. He is a good man and would be wonderful for the right woman, one who is more conservative like him.
As for my second ex husband, I would never set him up with a friend of mine or even a total stranger. He was and still is a controlling ass and I know his dark side and would not want to subject any woman to that.

I still talk to both ex's, although the second one is only when necessary. My first ex is still a close friend. He has been there for me through bad times, even when my second husband left me for my "best friend". I have listened to him when his girlfriend left him after five years and we talk about alot of different things in our lives.

Look at your ex and see if the reason he is your ex is something that you would want another woman to have to deal with or if it was just something that you and him couldnt work out.

Hope this helps!
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Active Ink Slinger
I have never set up an ex with anyone but really dont see anything wrong with it. It all depends on the situation. I have a few ex's I am still friends with. The break ups were very amicable. We broke up because we wanted different things from the relationship, not because anyone did something wrong. So under that type of situation yes, why not!
Active Ink Slinger
Been divorced almost three & a half years. I have moved on to a much better life. If I knew someone to fix her up with I damn sure would try. She needs to move on. Should have taken her maiden name back in my opinion. It sometimes feels as if some family members try to maybe nonchalantly. arrange for us to be somewhere where they know the other will be. This is the reason we divorced in the first place, after38 years of marriage. I'm extremely happy in my new life & relationship but sometimes on what I mentioned above puts a strain on it. PLEASE somebody send her a man or woman. I don't care. I'm 60 years old & life way too short for any B.S.
Active Ink Slinger
I have in the past and probably will do in the future.

Just because we were not right for each in the first place doesn't mean a friend isn't!!!!

But then again, I try like mad to try to remain friends with my exes. There was a reason I decided to be with him in the first place. And I do have to say... it is fun to watch him squirm from across the room when we get to giggling. What can I say? I can be mean at times!!!! LOL!!!
Living life and enjoying life are two different things... just need to figure out how to do both at the same time to live it right!

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