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Versus Verses - Rhyming Challenge

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Ancient Rome

In Ancient Rome,
we were left for dead,
My sweet sister and I.
A gladiator found,
where we are,
by an olive tree,
The rays of sun,
scorching our eyes.

The gladiator stopped,
determined to help,
bringing us back to life.
With his loving hands,
and his loving touch,
he gave us his very life.

As we grew up,
fast and strong,
Forgetting the past and our strife.
Soon we left,
his caring home,
determined to get by.

Never once,
We will ever forget,
the kindness he bestowed,
or any of his sacrifice.
A stranger, a gladiator,
from Ancient Rome,
was able to heal,
my sweet sister and I.

continue: 'Love is... Lust is...'
Love's a word
Too often heard
It scarcely has meaning
Or so I have heard.

Lust's a word too
A "how do you do?!"
But what is its meaning?
Beyond a great screw?

Next: Love is a pair....
...of my balls

Love truly rests on you.
Your ability to secure and comfort.
To gently nestle upon you,
and glide smoothly,
upon your slick tongue,
upon your warm embrace,
that never falters.

Supporting your every flinch.
My ability to unnerve and discomfort.
To gently nestle upon you,
and glide smoothly,
with my slick tongue,
upon your warm embrace,
that never falters.

Open your gates of paradise,
as you blow my horn.
Open your will and want,
and I will, and want,
every parting glance.
And I, will never falter.

I was walking down the beach of Malibu
And staring at the pure water of crystal blue
When I heard the most beautiful voice say,
"You should watch where you're going today
Or you might miss out on something new!"

That made me turn around and see her
Sitting on a moped like she was Brittany Binger
Ready to do a photo shoot for Playboy
And my inner self began to jump for joy
When I saw the hot bod she had on her.

And after I got naked and rubbed my cock,
I walked over to that babe ready to rock
Her world and prove that I am not a sissy
By pulling her off the moped and fucking her pussy
As long and hard as I was able to push my cock
Right into that snatch while I was sucking her tits.

But that was before I got off and went to take a shit.

And when I got back, she was gone along with the moped
She was sitting on which made me slap my hand on my head
And realized that she was really not into it.

That was before this old guy came over to me
And said, "Do you want to know what I see?
I see another dumbass prick who was conned by that bitch
Before she took the money and ran! Now that's rich!"

And when I looked in my wallet, I began to see
How right that geezer was about me!

next...The Playboy Mansion
I went to see Hugh Heffner,
I was looking for a job,
Something that would pay quite well,
Where I'd earn a fair few bob.

He asked me to get naked,
Down to my birthday suit,
I bared my tits and pussy
And he stood and had a look.

He turned his head from side to side,
He gave my breasts a feel.
He asked me to bend over
And then he made me squeal.

My boobs they were not pert enough.
My butt had too much sag
My pussy hair not trimmed quite right
I'd let my grooming lag.

I looked at him all sad and shit
He shrugged, gave me a look
"I like them younger, it's my bad.
You're too old, in my book."

He spanked my ass and laughed at me,
Though not in a mean way.
He said they didn't need no help
And sent me on my way.

Next... First Impressions...
It was wrong of me to do that to your dad
And I really do know exactly how bad
Some of these first impressions are, Chad.

But I had to laugh because he wore plaid.

And is that the only suit he ever had?

Next: Cosplay
I get dressed to play Cosplay is fun. And Cos everyone wants fun. So let me be your fun. Cos I get dressed to get undressed when I play. Cosplay is mighty fun when there's a hon hung up on me. I might let it swing if he's that hung up, Cosplay is fun.

Topic: Lovers' heart beats.
It was in order for us to escape the heat
Of the Summer sun that we were able to retreat
Into the house where we allowed ourselves to first meet.

After we got naked and on the bed, we felt the beat
Of our hearts and found it to be so sweet.

Next: Threesome
I've heard them say that "Three's a crowd"
But I must disagree
For more than two should be allowed
To let your love run free

A hand in your cunt, a mouth on your tit
Can make a gal feel swell
And that is not the end of it
You get cock, and pussy as well!

Sticky cum is everywhere
And orgasms together
Oh yes! Both put your fingers there
3somes rule, forever!

My challenge is...

Sticky Situations...
English Rose
My fingers sticky,
I'll tell you why,
My hands running free,
You pass a sigh.

Moving together,
Sweet and sticky mingling,
Making love,
Everything tingling.

My challenge is....

My new story has been awarded the Recommended Read. If you adore a needy bottom and fancy a short, but very naughty read...
Advanced Wordsmith

My gooses have been bumped,
and who could blame them?
Your fingers trailing lightly over my body,
your voice gently whispering in my ear.

Hearing all those naughty things you want to do,
I shiver, my hair stands on end,
goosebumps form,
my mouth moans.

With just a touch and a whisper,
you have reduced me
to a moaning, goosebumped mess.

Next Challenge: Seduction.
At first, I seem to get goosebumps
Whenever I see some naked rumps
But do not say anything about it
Because I would rather be eating shit
Than become one of those chumps.

That was before my best friend had
Sent me on a job to this one pad
And do a portrait of a Ms. Denise Jackson,
Who happens to live in a mansion
That really is no ordinary pad.

And when I got there, some dude
Came over and said that I need to be nude
Before I could follow him to the pool
That happens to have water so cool
In it and meet Denise without being rude.

And of course, she was sitting bare-ass
Naked on a deckchair with this huge mass
Of a smile before she touched her hips
And slowly licked her whole set of lips
When she saw my dick become like brass.

Then, after she took my dick by the hand,
Put it in her mouth and done some sucking that was grand,
I laid myself on top of Denise and sucked
On her pussy before she allowed herself to be fucked
In the ass which I found to be totally grand.

And after we allowed cum to flow out of us,
I looked up and saw this guy named Gus
Standing and saying, "I see that her mission
Has been done for you fell for the seduction
Of her charms. That is why you are with us."

Next Challenge: Sex toys
Active Ink Slinger
Went on to the closet, rushing a bit....
pushing and shoving, hows it all fit?...

down to the basement, hoping its found.....
six inches in length, about 3" around...

emptied the baskets , checking the towel
its there, yet gooey and oh, smelling fowl

pitch you say, not using that...
get me another a bit longer and fat

I looked in the crisper to get a good peek....
Cucumbers, carrots, bananas, even a leek....

so careless I feel, so empty and lost....
I have to go shopping; what will it cost....

onto the internet I venture and find....
The Lelo Store, with toys of all kind....

I make my selecting, an Ina for her, a GiGi for me!
Order them both,they are battery free!

NEXT: voyeurs
Chat Moderator
I Walked out the shower
Naked and wet
Looking for a towel
But what did I get?

My shades were open
For all to see
My nosey neighbor, the voyeur
He's looking at me

I decide to play a wicked game
I rub my tits and call out my lovers name
He joins me in this window teaser
My lover, my man is the best pussy pleaser

As we look out the window
We see the voyeur stare
What's that in his hand
His little dick surrounded by lots of hair

So here we are, my lover and I
Playing and loving, I'm so wet not dry
I sit on his hard dick
Our tongues dance and lick

We've found our paradise
We're happy and in bliss
Sadly the voyeur is left all alone
His hand pumping
His load he's blown

NEXT: Beach
Advanced Wordsmith
The sun is shining.
Not a cloud in the sky.
For what am I searching.
I finally do spy.

My bikini top
All skimpy and small
And a pair of two flip-flop
Tucked away last fall

All winter I’ve been pining
To sink my toes in the sand
I can cease my whining.
The time is at hand

Off I do race
I’m in such a hurry
At so frantic a pace
I forgot my suit in all the flurry

I get to the beach
Lay out my towel
In my bag I reach
Then I realize my foul.

Much to my chagrin
My suit is not there.
I throw caution to the wind
And decide to go bare.

After I got home from another
Day of work, I heard water
Running in the bathroom
Which of course made me zoom
In there and find Susan in the shower.

And while she was soaping her nude
Body, I figured it was time for this dude
To get naked and join that sexy babe
For some heavy duty fucking worthy of Gabe
Swinger, that totally hot pornstar dude.

Then, after I went into her ass
With my tool while it was as hard as brass,
She grabbed my dick with her hand
And allowed me to do something grand
By fucking her pussy like it was grass.

And after we allowed ourselves to cum,
Susan laid her forehead on mine and hum
Before asking, "What do you think, Bud?
Do you still feel like you are a hot stud?",
Which made me smile and say, "You bet, Chum."

Next Challenge: Public Sex
Weaver of Words
Two people in a field of flowers
Behind a a bush of roses pink
Nearby the people stroll so close
Can't be seen or so they think

Kiss and hug till things heat up
Clothes come off and things get wet
Keep voices down so no one hears
Soon private parts of bodies met

Eventually the end arrives
They prepare themselves to go
But as they stand, the see a crowd
And realize that they all know

Next challenge: A new sex toy
Was on
A warm and
Dry Saturday
Morning that Brian
Got a package in the
Mail from his uncle with a
Note saying, "This is to help you
Get over being a virgin and
Start being a man with this new sex toy."

Though he was
Confused by the
Note, he was also
Curious enough to
Open the large box and see
That it had one of those human
Sized sex dolls in it just before he
Lifted it out of the box for a look.

As soon
As he placed
That doll on the
Sofa and opened
Her robe, something had made
Brian get naked and see
That his dick had suddenly got
Hard and stiff before he grabbed that doll
By the legs and stuffed that dick inside her.

He humped that
Doll for an hour,
Brian pulled his cock
Out of her cunt and sat
Down on the floor before he
Laughed a little bit, took a deep
Breath and said, "Thanks, Uncle Stewart. That
Sex doll is the best birthday gift I've got."

Next Challenge: Orgy
Active Ink Slinger
Danny and Manny were sharing Fran's fanny
While Pete was just beating his meat.
Ann and the nanny took turns with a tranny
Called Doris, (nee Boris) - the one with big feet.

Bill and Phil's brother were eyeing each other
In way that they hadn't before
While Jack, the poor boob, only handed out lube
And gloomily mopped up the cum on the floor.

Next: one night stand sex
Candyland Kitten
You laughed and I smiled
Oh so easily beguiled
Your compliments spun round my head

You charmed and disarmed
My morals you harmed
All while waltzing a trail towards your bed.

It was awkward at first
I was almost averse
To the way you began to disrobe.

But you licked in my slit
And I had my first hit.
Of the way that pure bliss curls my toes.

Then it was your turn to cum
And you were quickly all done.
And before I could say "Yes, again!"

You were back in your pants
Doing the get on my shoes dance
Guess you were blushing thirty seconds did you in.

NEXT: Spankings
Ruth walked into the library
And saw Mary
Get a spanking
While nude standing.

That was before a man came up
Indeed to cup
Ruth's breasts and say,
"You both should stay."

Then, he had taken out his cock
Hard as a rock
And shoved with class
It in her ass.

Next: Voyeurism
Active Ink Slinger
I got her naked and tied down
to a table without a frown
before I gave that ass so hot
eight spankings with this guy's own hand
before she looked at where I stand
and asked me, "Is that all you've got?",
before I answered, "No. Got more.",
and dropped down my own pants to bore
into her until that cum shot.

Next: Beach House
Active Ink Slinger
Let's go sit out on the deck
Wind-blown sand and spindrift flecked
Watching lovers on the strand
Walking, talking, hand-in-hand
Castles built of sand and shells
Breathe in ozone seaweed smells
Surfers swoop down rollers' faces
Softball players round the bases
Kites above us flit and dart
Then suck me off, you wanton tart.

Next: A worryingly adventurous partner
Active Ink Slinger
At first, she has been
reluctant to get naked
and join the orgy.

But that was before
she saw her date letting some
other chick ride him.

That made her take off
her clothes and let herself ride
some other guy hard.

Next: Public Sex