A quiet buy behind the scenes who would allow me to help out and who unfortunately got caught between the nonsense w/ users(cause you know, they'll report me to him lol)
I know you won't fully leave us(you won't delete account?) but have other commitments.
I wish you the best!
I've seen the site change between these 5yrs(soon it'll be Six) and I appreciate your help.
See you soon Gav.
Natalya Von
"the Great God (snicker)" - James 'Bear' Llewellyn
I've not had a huge amount to do with Gav, but the few occasions I have reached out, he was always really helpful.
It'll be a shame to see you go but I hope that your new endeavours bring you happiness and success.
PS Don't forget to release the hamsters before you go.
Trust people to be themselves...
I've never interracted with Gavin, but I must give respect where it is due. Managing a site as large as this must have been absolutely nuts! Based on that alone, so much must've been given... sacrificed.
Thank you for your years of dedication and good luck with all future endeavours.
I think they should create a new badge for him - "Moderator Emeritus." He is responsible for this site being as good as it is. He's going to be missed and whoever follows him certainly has huge shoes to fill and high bar to jump over.
An anonymous, but ever present member of the team. Quick to respond and more than efficient. What an asset you've been to Lush
Thank you Gav for all your hard work behind the scenes both here and the Blue site. Much appreciated, best wishes for the future - Amy x
Thank you for all you've done, and best of luck for whatever you do in the future.
Annie x
there would be no lush without you, so we all are appreciative of what you do.
A great big shout out to Gav! Thanks Gav for all the hard work you put in, helping make Lushstories the greatest erotic story and social site on the entire internet.
So much done behind the scenes, but we sure wouldn't be doing all this without you! Thanks for all the hours of enjoyment, fun, and diversion during the pandemic that you helped to provide, Gav. Happy trails!
Thank you so much for everything you do for everyone and for being an amazing friend to me!!
You are amazing ❤️