awwww babes, cd may not be able to give you cooties but he can give you viagra poisoning. he takes them by the handful and i heard if you get poisoned by them your boobies will turn blue and your nipples will stay hard for months.lVRNUVgvrsja0u7U
Absolutely, but only if she consented.
That depends, do I get the boat?
yes, if she wasn't straight
Yes. I'll leave my ninjas at home
That's not nice. But I don't care. Yes to no protection
Ahhh *cough* heidi changed her original "in a dark room comment" Just sayin
That's right! No protection needed
of course i would, anytime heidi
I'd be a damned fool to refuse that.
oh hell yes. awww adi, don't you always look like that after you cum?
Would I NEED protection w/ Ginger???
EDIT: A BIG cheek smooch for Heidi ... No protection needed???
I'm ready if she is!!!! Let's go!