Make a 5 word sentence, using the previous posters last word to start your post.
Food is always in Fashion
Fashion can sometimes be Ugly
Ugly Llamas don't have Friends
etc etc
I'll start it off with :-
Discofuri's Avatars Are Usually Ugly.
Ugly avatars are my weakness
Weakness - Work of the Devil
Devil, always taists so good.
Good grief Isobel! Its Monday!
Monday comes around too soon
Soon Isobel, but not today.
Today is but yesterday's tomorrow.
Side with the devil, everyone.
Lovers- one of the many things helping to entertain
entertain me sexually right now!
(sing in tune to ring of fire) Cum is a burning thing
Stroke me and get surprise
Surprise! I just stroked it.
It is feeling very happy.
Service you? Any way Sexy!
Horny doesn't begin to explain...
explain it again very slowly
Slowly, Ginger removed her underwear.
underwear, i'm not wearing any
Picture this! it's my arse!