My father's friend when I was younger
No... why would I regret feeling good?
I never really regretted having sex with anyone but have regretted a couple of the relationships. The sex was the only good part.
yea, my ex husband. He was not very good.
most definitely my ex wife ....would have been a lot cheaper!
Ex husband... regret, regret, regret,
Ms Daisy... I didn't know your name was Monica ;) hahaha
I think if anyone answers no, they are either telling little white lies or been very lucky.
Maybe one person who wouldnt leave me alone afterward. But really dont regret it now, maybe then I did, LOL
Yeah, a couple actually...
Only my first, I wish I'd saved myself for someone that knew what they were doing
My memory isnt great these days but nope .. no regrets ..
No - none. Some leave better memories than others - some leave none. A couple of folks have left wonderful memories.
Latest story revels one of them, over 40 years ago.
myself - it's never as good as with someone else!
with my ex husband... he was so good, nobody has lived up to him!!
i don't believe in regrets... All my actions, even the dumb ones have brought me to this spot... Tho, I have looked back and thought.. What the hell was I thinking..
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
Nope not one. Some of them I wish I had sex with more often!
for the sex no way ... for the aftermath that darkened the whole experience for him YES! How quickly you get over it thou, its a bonus.
NOPE! I'm divorced so the marriage didn't work out but I don't regret a single one of the ladies I've bedded over the years.
One--I was young, it was dumb...trying to make an ex jealous

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