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Erotica Without Sex?

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Erotica Without Sex?
Is Erotic Tension EROTIC Enough?

-----Original Message-----
"Can a story still, be considered erotic without lots of sex? Can the sexual tension throughout the story make it erotic?" -- Shy-writer

YES! A story can be VERY erotic without actually having sex. The point of eroticism is to excite the Reader, and I'm sorry to say even graphic sex is not always exciting. However...

If you label a story Erotic, the Readers are going to expect Sex.

My publishers all want stories with graphic sex, but they also expect a compelling story. In fact, many of them will take a good story with lousy or very little sex over a wall-to-wall sex extravaganza. However, they Do expect at least some sexual content because that's what their readers are shopping for.

If you don't want people to expect sex in your story, don't use the word Erotic to describe it. Many authors that don't write detailed love scenes, but do have a lot of sexual tension use the word Sensual to describe their work.

The trick to Eroticism is ANTICIPATION.
The Catch is DELIVERY.

If you build an expectation, (whether you're writing erotica, romance, horror, or suspense,) you had better deliver on it. If you don't - you will Pay Dearly! Think: Hate Mail. This of course comes after your book has been thrown across the room by a frustrated reader, and already hit the wall.

Lack of Delivery is like being on a roller coaster that has this HUGE climb and then drops about three feet - and stops. The riders look at each other and say: "What happened? I thought I was in for this big swooping, falling Whoosh of a ride? Where’s the whoosh?"

Just like with that roller coaster, Erotic build-up must have a corresponding action sequence of some kind (a whoosh) to diffuse the tension generated by anticipation.

This is true in any genre that uses anticipation, whether it's erotica, romance, horror or suspense. No matter what you write, the anticipation must lead to a scene explosive enough to match -- and diffuse the build-up.

Untapped Anticipation = Monumental FRUSTRATION.

Frustration is BAD. Anticipation needs RELEASE and that means an action scene strong enough to invoke a visceral and / or emotional response in the reader Equal to the amount of tension built up.

However... Action doesn't always mean SEX! There ARE other ways to deliver Whoosh!
-- The problem with releasing sexual tension is that Sex is an ACTION, so only another high-tension Action will do. However, it doesn't have to be the same kind of Action, it doesn't have to be Sexual. What it must possess is the same level of Sensory and Emotional detail to keep the story level.

Examples of scenes that can be used to diffuse Tension:

> Dramatic Dialogue (funny, angry, terribly poignant...)
> Fight Scenes (swords, guns, knives, fists...)
> Chases (cars, horses, on foot through the forest...)
> Pratfalls (Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplain anyone?)
> Graphic Violence (blood, gore, etc...)

Mary Janice Davidson uses seriously snappy dialogue exchanges and lots silly situational comedy. Angela Knight delivers perfectly balanced Whoosh by using a blend of rip-roaring Adventure Action, in addition to snappy dialogue and roasty-toasty sex! (And a twisty plot too!)

The key is to a sufficient Release in Tension is EMOTIONAL INVESTITURE.
-- In your story, what Emotion is also being invoked with your rising Tension? Fear, Love, Hate, Anger...? Whatever emotion that tension invokes MUST be Present and Countered along with the Action to enact a sufficient release.

For example, if your heroine is physically attracted (sexual tension) to someone she Doesn't like, (anger) then an angry kiss would diffuse that tension, as would an angry sex scene. (Grudge-fuck anyone?)

"Can a story still, be considered erotic without lots of sex? Can the sexual tension throughout the story make it erotic?"
-- Yes! You can have an amazingly erotic story that has no sex in it. Anne Rice is a master at sex-less erotica. She uses graphic violence to diffuse her sexual tension. Most horror stories are erotic in nature and they ALL use graphic violence to diffuse their sexual tension.

BUT ~ Anne Rice's books are NOT labeled as Erotic! Nor are Laurell K Hamilton's, and LKH has LOTS of sex -- as well as violence -- in her later books. Their books are labeled Horror.

The problem is not the STORY.
It's the Publishers and the Readers.

If you label a story EROTIC, they EXPECT SEX.

-- If you don't plan to have a lot of sex in your story, you can get around this by NOT calling it EROTICA. But don't worry, all that lovely Erotic tension will get noticed just the same! (Reviewers are funny that way.)

Erotica & PROFANITY?
Vocabulary Issues

-----Original Message-----
Is it necessary to use profanity when writing love scenes in erotic romance? Like the measure of how graphic the sex should be, is profanity in love scenes a publisher requirement? I realize each publisher has different requirements, but I'm, talking about a general accepted, EXPECTED format for the genre in question.

How much Profanity should go in your Erotica?
-- However much it takes to tell the story from THAT character’s POV.

This is where we get into the controversial subject of VOICE. My opinion (and that of ALL of my editors’,) is that the level of profanity used in dialogue and to describe the actions of a sex scene should be in direct correlation to the POV characters involved. Ahem... Text should always reflect the POV character’s Voice PERIOD. Anything else is AUTHOR INTRUSION.

A nice girl is not going to use profanity in her dialogue or in her descriptive thoughts. It would not be unusual for her to refer to a guy’s dick as a thing, or thingie, or a penis.

However, a Marine never refers to his dick as a penis. It's a dick. Penis is considered a girly-word. Someone’ else’s dick is a ‘prick’ and he calls his dick a 'cock' when he’s actively engaged in using it. And a Marine fucks, he does not make love. Only wimps, pansies, and limp-wristed mommas’ boys ‘make love’.

If the Nice Girl is the POV character, the descriptive text will not be all that profane as the scene is being told from her view. However, the Marine’s dialogue will have loads of profanity peppered throughout it. Profanity is a guy thing, especially if they are Military or work outdoors.

I have NO Respect for an erotica writer that wimps out and uses; member, penis or vagina in their fiction. We’re adults writing for ADULTS. Let's have some realistically Adult Language. Thank you verra much.

If you have problems writing profanity:
DON’T use a POV character that would use profanity.

It’s that simple.

DISCLAIMER: As with all advice, take what you can use and throw out the rest. As a multi-published author, I have been taught some fairly rigid rules on what is publishable and what is not. If my rather straight-laced (and occasionally snotty,) advice does not suit your creative style, by all means, IGNORE IT.
Morgan Hawke
Purveyor of fine Smut.
Morgan Hawke's DarkErotica ~ My Website
DarkErotica Blog ~ My Writers' blog

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
Albert Einstein
Can't understand this. Doesn't make sense.
My style totally depends on explicit sex. Without the sex scenes my books would be totally boring.
They would be reduced 1o only a few hundred words if you cut out the sexual bits.
Why write an erotic book if its not sexually stimulating.
I think it can, don't think I am of that standard of writing though.

So after reading at least five different threads in this forum from the OP, this is the first one that I actually was able to absorb the message. Great post!

Check out the hit series!

Introduction - Chapter 03 - Published | Chapter 10 – Published

Chapter 03 - Chapter 04 – Published .. | Chapter 11 – Submitted/Awaiting approval

Chapter 05 – Published .............................. | Chapter 12 – Waiting for submission

Chapter 06 – Published .............................. | Chapter 13 - Waiting for submission

Chapter 07 – Published .............................. | Chapter 14 - Being Written

Chapter 08 – Published .............................. | Chapter 23 - Written

Chapter 09 – Published

At least one person can answer without writing a novel as explanation. The correct answer is absolutely erotic and sexual explicitness don’t necessarily go hand in hand.

I suppose one option is that the story could be entirely about the fantasies in somebody's head. There might be sex, but it's entirely imaginary. There are any number of reasons why these are not consummated, or perhaps even attempted. A story about an obsession with a celebrity might be worth trying. It doesn't have to go all the way to John Hinckley levels of craziness, but I suppose it could.

The movie Taxi Driver (partially inspired by would-be assassins Arthur Bremer and Squeaky Fromme) has some very dark but unfulfilled eroticism in the interactions of Travis with Betsy and Iris. And of course, reality followed art in that Hinckley was inspired by the movie to do what he did.

Had a mod decide to add the 'No Sex' tag to a recent story. The 'No Sex' is the Kiss of Death, and few people have even bothered to look at his important chapter in a series.

i am interesting for Erotica Without Sex

Quote by kistinspencil

Only if one possesses such skill

And you do posses such skills.

i've done it actually, it's about a mindset of a character

I suppose if I became a general fiction writer, I might be interested in writing such a thing. But I'm on a sex-stories site, and it's mostly sexual stories I'm interested in writing.

My Dirty Talk competition entry: No-Dating Policy

I get dicked by a federal agent. My top-ten Noir competition entry: Dick Job

My alliteration-addled Free Sprit competition entry: Buff Bluff in Banff

Card catalog? Hard catalog! My library

Quote by kistinspencil

Only if one possesses such skill

I only just now saw this. Thanks K! Hi to Miss Pixel!

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Erotica without sex is just regular writing. Better make it good.

I have seen it done--I remember a story (in a published erotica book) that seemed to ooze sex just by describing dew dripping from leaves. I imagine that a good writer, if they're feeling sexy, will get it across. That story certainly did. I suppose the secret is, 'does it arouse?'

Erotica is more about making you think about sex, about going into a character's head while he or she imagines a beautiful partner, about what they think. I wrote years ago a piece of erotica from the point of view of a young woman watching a blacksmith, stretching and folding the metal, his muscular body straining and sweating while she let her imagination run free.

No, they never touched, but i was proud of it.

I wrote a story a while back where the characters meet in a bar and the sexual tension is high. The story ends as they leave the bar with the intent to have sex. Readers seemed to really enjoy it. It’s one of my favorite stories that I’ve written.

Dirty White Boy

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

I try not to be crude or thoughtlessly explicit in my writing. Mainly because I am inept at doing it and that may be why my stories are poorly received.

I mean, how many times have we watched a TV show or movie and felt such palpable chemistry between characters that never even copulated, and felt more excitement over that UST than explicitly erotic scenes? There are memes about how bizarrely sexy Padme's outfit is when she goes to reject Anakin. Sexual tension is sexy in itself. Hard to pull off without payoff though, admittedly.

I've written a few stories here without explicit sex scenes (i.e. penis in vagina fucking). It's about the titillation, the sexual chemistry, the suspense and longing. That's what separates erotica from mere word-porn in my mind. If you do it right, the explicit sex-scene is superfluous. Here's one of mine that turned out pretty well, I think.

Don't believe everything that you read.

I'd like to be able to write something incredibly erotic without being very sexual - we'll see what the future holds.

Yes, maybe I guess. A build-up to the erotic or "Lush" parts has my commanding attention. One in particular was from Daniel Quentin Steele, "When we were married" WWWM. I was consumed for hours/days. A little over the top in the courtroom stuff so easily skippable. I use Chrome read-aloud app with Windows 11 Zira voice, easy to skip some of the parts.

I love stories about erotic tension and seduction, with or without sex. I've written a fair few where the sex is all in the person's head which kind of counts as "no sex". Sort of.

I've also written a few, as others who posted above have, where the tension is sustained with barely any contact between the leads. A few examples:

A City Full Of Stories

The Five-Year Silence


Thirteen Steps From Heaven Or Hell

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 112 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.