Is the placement of a story in the list of stories controlled by more than just publication date? Today, for example, on Micros, the first story shown was posted on the 20th. Next is one from the 21st, then mine from the 22nd. After that there are a half dozen more from the 21st, before you get to the 20th posts. I hope this is clear. I have noticed this several times in several categories in the past.
I'm not complaining, just curious why some posts remain in the top spot.
The more nudes you send to the mods, the longer they stay at the top.
As far as I can work out, the date shown is the date of submission, whereas they are ordered by date of verification (most recent at the top).
Most of the time these will be roughly the same, but it can vary depending on how many verifiers are working the queue at the same time and if there are issues with stories that need discussing.
That's how I've always understood it.
Stories go straight into the category when they're published, but will be held back from the front page if you have another one less than 24 hours old.
So you may have the newest micro on the front page, but it might not be the newest in the category page.
I never look at the Main stories page, but just did a check. None of my stories back to the 10th of this month even appear there. Is it supposed to be all inclusive, or just some of the categories?