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Elite\Quality Writers

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As 'probably the world's greatest content creator' I am always happy to assist and encourage my fellow creatives.

Apropos to this, may I suggest that a small adjustment be made, so that when a story qualifies for a Recommended Read or Editors Pick, the writer can elect to have their story published on a 'coins to read' basis.

This will provide the author with remuneration and perhaps some insight into the commercial value of their work.

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘
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Kind of an interesting idea but that would prevent non-members and people not logged in from partaking, wouldn't it? I suspect those are a big chunk of readership for many of us. I even read "offline" sometimes.

Still, worth some consideration, I think.

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Voyeur @ f/64

I usually have to pay people to read my stories.

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘
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Quote by kistinspencil

I usually have to pay people to read my stories.

Absolutely not, I hope. If they aren't reading, their loss though I guess the micro form is not for everyone.

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Voyeur @ f/64
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Quote by Seeker4

Absolutely not, I hope. If they aren't reading, their loss though I guess the micro form is not for everyone.

No, not the Micros, no payouts for them -- that would bankrupt me. Just the longer ones.

**Smile, it's free therapy**

Seems like an instant way to cut your number of reads and damage author statistics if you ask me.

RR's and EP's should be an encouragement to get more people writing, not a financial block to stop people reading.

Quote by kistinspencil
I usually have to pay people to read my stories.

For real?

Thats sad, you write some really good stuff.

I seem to write a story every 1.5 years on average.

You might as well check them out:



Site administrator

Quote by kistinspencil

I usually have to pay people to read my stories.


Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Quote by Georgia_27_8
RR's and EP's should be an encouragement to get more people writing, not a financial block to stop people reading.

Yeah, that's kind of where I was going. I wouldn't use the feature if it existed. If I wanted people to pay for my content, that's where Kindle and Smashwords self-publishing come in.

Also, comp winners and top tens generally get RRs and EPs, so does the site want to allow authors to paywall those?

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Easily amused

I think coin payouts to encourage commenting on stories might be a good idea. One idea: during comps, a coin award for every entrant who comments on all the stories.

Hey Jayne, that comma bothers me. Shouldn't you be "probably the world's greatest content creator"? Sans comma?

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘
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Quote by Ensorceled
I think coin payouts to encourage commenting on stories might be a good idea.

Hm. Maybe that's what I should do with my newly acquired coins. Offer a payout for the most interesting comment, positive or negative, on my next story. Assuming there ever is one. 😕

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

puts the ‘ass’ in ‘class’.

Quote by Seeker4

Hm. Maybe that's what I should do with my newly acquired coins. Offer a payout for the most interesting comment, positive or negative, on my next story. Assuming there ever is one. 😕

I offered a prize if someone could spot a hidden message in one of mine. Nobody won it. 🤣X

‘The pious fable and the dirty story
Share in the total literary glory.’

W.H. Auden

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Quote by NishasWorld

I offered a prize if someone could spot a hidden message in one of mine. Nobody won it. 🤣X

LOL. You're too good at burying messages in your prose, I guess. I kind of lost the plot on WannabeWordsmith's thread but it was kind of designed so someone would win.

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Site administrator

Quote by NishasWorld

I offered a prize if someone could spot a hidden message in one of mine. Nobody won it. 🤣X

I think I saw that but didnt want to say anything... an obscure reference to a Big Mac and large fries as I recall.

Her Royal Spriteness

Quote by kistinspencil

I usually have to pay people to read my stories.

reminds me - you owe me about 300 coins, girl.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.


Quote by Ensorceled
Hey Jayne, that comma bothers me. Shouldn't you be "probably the world's greatest content creator"? Sans comma?

Thank you, Jeff, you're absolutely right. I just checked the lager advertising campaign I pinched it from and they didn't use a comma. 👍

Voyeur @ f/64
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Quote by sprite

reminds me - you owe me about 300 coins, girl.

Is that all? A little disappointing, to be honest.

Charming as fuck

We tried having stories behind a paywall years ago. No-one read them.

Her Royal Spriteness

Quote by kistinspencil

Is that all? A little disappointing, to be honest.

2 coins per story sounds fair to me. i mean, i could charge you more...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
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Quote by Jen

We tried having stories behind a paywall years ago. No-one read them.


You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Best down-under

It is, so I am told, a fundamental rule of economics that higher prices decrease demand and lower prices increase demand.

At the current price point, namely zero, for my stories, I am not exactly run off my feet replying to comments on my stories nor admiring the ginormous number of likes they have netted, nor counting my stash of coins.

Quote by CallmeJayne
This will provide the author with ... some insight into the commercial value of their work.

And that is perhaps, Jayne, not something I really want confirmed. I'll settle for the occasional RR and EP. And more reads of course, here's my competition story; you have thank you, Jayne, others could, after all it costs you nothing

Couldn’t, Wouldn’t, Shouldn’t. | Lush Stories

Do check out my latest story:

Unleashed competition: Bull Shite, Bull Dykes, Bull Fights: That’s Your Everyday D/s Love Story. | Lush Stories

And my other stories, including 5 EPs, 22 RR's, and 15 competition top 10's including my pride competition winner: On Oxford Street, This Gay Girl Found Pride While Playing With Balls

Simple Scribbler
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I can see a reader paying an author in coins to write a particular story for them. Maybe to a reader’s fetish. Or use character names important to the reader. That would make a reader feel special and like it was “their” story.

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The most important word in my original post is elect. Does nobody think their story would do well if they elected to publish 'coins to view'?

Simple Scribbler

For me, no. There are too many other free options. And I think visuals will always be more enticing than the written word to members here. Maybe if we had audios again. Charging to hear the audio version of the story might get a few coins.

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Quote by KimmiBeGood

Charging to hear the audio version of the story might get a few coins.

Oh, no. Some members try to put on a sexy voice and it's just nails on the chalk board.


Quote by KimmiBeGood
Charging to hear the audio might get a few coins.

Now that's an idea with legs.👍

**Smile, it's free therapy**

Quote by CallmeJayne

The most important word in my original post is elect. Does nobody think their story would do well if they elected to publish 'coins to view'?

Given that coins have to be initially purchased by the author to then gift to readers, this idea in it's entirety would flop harder and faster than a rotweiler jumping off a 10m diving board.

I seem to write a story every 1.5 years on average.

You might as well check them out:



Site administrator


Oh, no. Some members try to put on a sexy voice and it's just nails on the chalk board.

Ahem... she says! I did one with audio... people said my voice was like Sean Connery or George Clooney... very complimentary.

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Quote by simplyjohn

Ahem... she says! I did one with audio... people said my voice was like Sean Connery or George Clooney... very complimentary.

You know very well that I love your voice and have encouraged you to do more, one might even say "begged," but that's kinda pushing it.

Sean Connery, I believe that but George Clooney? Clooney is so bland, you my dear, are not.

Your damn thick hair. Omg, shut up lol You best be keeping up w/ those visits to the barber!!!


Wait, did you just make fun of my natural squeaky voice? Oh, no he didn't!!!

(I had to come back and add .gif cause you caught me off guard)

Writius Eroticus

Quote by CallmeJayne
Does nobody think their story would do well if they elected to publish 'coins to view'?

Nope. It's hard enough getting a free like or a comment because my story appeal isn't all that great. Coins would add a further barrier.

Maybe if I had bigger tits, though... 🤔😂

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 111 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.