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Popular Dating Site OkCupid Takes a Stance Against Mozilla Firefox

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OkCupid, a fairly popular dating/hookup site, is apparently boycotting Mozilla Firefox after their newest CEO admitted to being 'opposed to equal rights for gay couples'. If you try to access the site (OkCupid) via your Mozilla Firefox browser, this is what you will see:

I think it's pretty damn awesome.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Its nice they are taking a stance. I find it difficult to support anyone that believes some people should have rights and others should not. Such anachronistic ways of thinking will hopefully die out in a few generations.

Oh and Dani, you get extra points for your sig. Nice to see other people remember Tiny Toons.
Just keep wallowing in your own chaotic insecure delusions.
Currently removing Firefox as my primary browser...
I honestly thought this must be an April fool prank...
SOOOO disappointed that it's not...

I've just posted about this on Facebook, so that my friends can make decisions about Mozilla...

Shocking in this day and age...
Never used them, but I know a few who do.

I am telling 2 individuals as I type this ... to tell a friend, and then they can tell a friend, and they can tell a friend, and ......
Being bi myself and having a brother who's been married to his husband for 13 years now (USA, you're late to the party!) I absolutely disagree with Brendan Eich's position on this, but as a web developer he's also kind of a hero of mine, professionally. Still is.

Brendan Eich invented JavaScript in 1995, while working at Netscape. It's nowadays one of the most used programming languages in the world and is THE programming language of the web. It's in all modern browsers and almost all websites use JavaScript, including this website and even the editor I'm typing this in right now uses JavaScript. Without JavaScript the web would be a much duller place.

Eich also co-founded Mozilla when AOL, who had bought Netscape, didn't show any interest in continuing that browser. Mozilla's goal is to ensure that the web stays open. Open for everyone, including gays and other under-privileged (think about Firefox OS for instance). Microsoft's Internet Explorer had an almost complete monopoly (around 95% market share) at that time and Mozilla's first big achievement was to bring that down and show other companies that there was room for more more than one browser and that web standards are important for interoperability. Microsoft/Internet Explorer was famous for abusing their market share and pushing rivals out of business by making their monopoly browser less and less interoparable. The fact that people can now easily sack a browser because of the misguided ideas of it's CEO about gays is in fact a direct result of Mozilla's success.

I'm sure the web has played a big role in the emancipation of the LGBTQ community, because it is open and accessible to many people. Mozilla plays a big part in making sure it stays open and accessible and as a co-founder Eich plays a big part in Mozilla.

I really don't understand how he can align his anti-gay views internally with his 'open for all' views for the web. He doesn't express his bigotry in public, but he did indeed financially support Prop 8 and anti-gay politicians (the world found out because his donations were made public). I sure hope he will apologize soon, but I won't be holding my breath though. And I also hope that the Mozilla project won't make a plunge because of this.


From yesterday's CNET interview with Brendan Eich:

"What's your response to OKCupid, which recommended Firefox OS users switch browsers?
Eich: We didn't hear about it until it was up. We're talking now, because it may be they'll take it down. They didn't seem to be aware of the statement that Mitchell Baker made over the weekend. As an organization, Mitchell said, Mozilla supports LGBT equality. I don't think they heard about that. There's a good chance that'll come down. I can't promise you. We're talking to them now."


A good thing that was avoided, though I wonder how well a boycott of him and everything he has done would actually work. The man invented javascript, too.
Just keep wallowing in your own chaotic insecure delusions.
I think it is a good thing that companies publicly support equal rights for all....maybe I'm an idealistic fool but I think I'd rather see OKCupid hope Mozilla Firefox has the good sense to change rather than fail...but conversely this kind of idiocy does beg for strong statements so good for OKCupid
Quote by Milik_Redman
Currently removing Firefox as my primary browser...

If you did remove it I hope you didn't swich to Google or ! I hope you also removed Adobe, Oracle and all Microsoft products. If you have an iphone, ipad, Mac or any other Apple products they'll have to go.
Don't shop at Gap and Disney, Warner Bros and Dreamworks are aslo off the Christmas card list.
By the way, the $1,000 donation by Eich was the only one by a Mozilla employee and was more than cancelled out by the three donations by Mozilla employees.
In total $300,000 was donated by employees of 25 tech firms.
Yet in the 6 intervening years Mozilla Firefox is the only firm that has been targeted. That strikes me as odd.
Quote by dpw

If you did remove it I hope you didn't swich to Google or ! I hope you also removed Adobe, Oracle and all Microsoft products. If you have an iphone, ipad, Mac or any other Apple products they'll have to go.
Don't shop at Gap and Disney, Warner Bros and Dreamworks are aslo off the Christmas card list.
By the way, the $1,000 donation by Eich was the only one by a Mozilla employee and was more than cancelled out by the three donations by Mozilla employees.
In total $300,000 was donated by employees of 25 tech firms.
Yet in the 6 intervening years Mozilla Firefox is the only firm that has been targeted. That strikes me as odd.

Symbolic actions are often futile by their very nature. It reminds me of people making a certain day a 'don't buy gas' day to protest high prices. Everyone knew it wouldn't do a thing to their profits because sooner or later you were going to fill your tank.

I used to suggest that one company be targeted. Say Mobil or Shell. Just pick one, single entity and strangle it until it is forced to lower its prices. Once it did, the rest would follow suit just to keep their sales.

This holds true for Mozilla as well. You are right that they are hardly the only who deserves it, but we cannot attack across the board effectively. Therefore, logic dictates that one should be made an example. Destroy it's reputation and end the use of its product. When they scream uncle, I promise the rest of the industry will do anything to avoid being next.

Sadly, the masses lack the discipline necessary to make this workable. That's why such efforts are almost always futile.
Quote by dpw

If you did remove it I hope you didn't swich to Google or ! I hope you also removed Adobe, Oracle and all Microsoft products. If you have an iphone, ipad, Mac or any other Apple products they'll have to go.
Don't shop at Gap and Disney, Warner Bros and Dreamworks are aslo off the Christmas card list.
By the way, the $1,000 donation by Eich was the only one by a Mozilla employee and was more than cancelled out by the three donations by Mozilla employees.
In total $300,000 was donated by employees of 25 tech firms.
Yet in the 6 intervening years Mozilla Firefox is the only firm that has been targeted. That strikes me as odd.

You left out OKCupid!, which started the shitstorm.

Let the witch hunts begin!

OKCupid's co-founder and CEO Sam Yagan made a $500 donation in 2004 to the election campaign of Utah Republican Chris Cannon, according to FEC records.

At the time Cannon openly opposed same-sex marriage, voted against a ban on sexual-orientation based job discrimination, and voted for prohibition of gay adoptions.

Tim for Yagan to go.

Who's next? Attend our upcoming press conference in Salem, Massachusetts, for the next riveting installment.
Quote by marktreble

You left out OKCupid!, which started the shitstorm.

Let the witch hunts begin!

OKCupid's co-founder and CEO Sam Yagan made a $500 donation in 2004 to the election campaign of Utah Republican Chris Cannon, according to FEC records.

At the time Cannon openly opposed same-sex marriage, voted against a ban on sexual-orientation based job discrimination, and voted for prohibition of gay adoptions.

Tim for Yagan to go.

Who's next? Attend our upcoming press conference in Salem, Massachusetts, for the next riveting installment.

I see where you are going. I suppose it would be better for us all to sit back and let injustice and bigotry run around unchallenged just because we can't be sure everyone in our little mob has always and forever been a social activist.

Yeah, let's never forget what someone may have done in the past. Screw what they may be doing today...
Quote by Milik_Redman

I see where you are going. I suppose it would be better for us all to sit back and let injustice and bigotry run around unchallenged just because we can't be sure everyone in our little mob has always and forever been a social activist.

Yeah, let's never forget what someone may have done in the past. Screw what they may be doing today...

What evidence is there that Eich continues to support efforts to deny equal marriage rights to all? Isn't it the responsibility of the accuser to point to current activity rather than past?
Quote by marktreble

What evidence is there that Eich continues to support efforts to deny equal marriage rights to all? Isn't it the responsibility of the accuser to point to current activity rather than past?

There has been no evidence that he ever supported the denial of rights, simply the term marriage. The rest is pure speculation and I refuse to go along with it. I want some hard evidence before I'm going to condemn the accused. Isn't that the correct way to go about it? Innocent until proven guilty not the reverse, it reminds me of lynch mob justice.
Quote by dpw

There has been no evidence that he ever supported the denial of rights, simply the term marriage. The rest is pure speculation and I refuse to go along with it. I want some hard evidence before I'm going to condemn the accused. Isn't that the correct way to go about it? Innocent until proven guilty not the reverse, it reminds me of lynch mob justice.

The hard evidence is that Eich paid money to help put a policy of discrimination firmly into place through state law. It's not just a matter of him having an opinion about what the definition of marriage should be, because in this case his "opinion" is that there should be laws that exclude gay couples from the same rights as heterosexual couples, and he put his money where his mouth (or perhaps just opinion) was.
Quote by LadyX

The hard evidence is that Eich paid money to help put a policy of discrimination firmly into place through state law. It's not just a matter of him having an opinion about what the definition of marriage should be, because in this case his "opinion" is that there should be laws that exclude gay couples from the same rights as heterosexual couples, and he put his money where his mouth (or perhaps just opinion) was.

I have never seen so much misinterpretation of the facts. Op 8 was about the definition of marriage and only that. Eich, in his actions at Mozilla when setting up the code of practice, ensured that same sex couples had the same benefits as married ones. These are the facts! The rest is pure speculation!
Quote by dpw

I have never seen so much misinterpretation of the facts. Op 8 was about the definition of marriage and only that.

Sorry, wrong answer.

Proposition 8, written word for word identical to the previous Proposition 22, attempted to strictly define marriage, not only for the sake of doing so, but to in turn deny benefits and status which are only afforded to those legally considered 'married'.
The multi-laser was definitely twisted prior to entry despite the poor photographic evidence. However, the gene pool will never be the same again (apart from Wednesday afternoons). Nigel saw me.
My Karma just ran over your Dogma