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Have you come out to family/parents?

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Iv'e never had a boyfriend so yeah my parents know,they've never seen me hanging out with guys
No, but I think my dad knows anyway. He went from being pretty homophobic to super supportive of gay rights.
Active Ink Slinger
As a bi-curious closet crossdresser, I have seriously struggled how and when to let friends and family know that I really enjoy wearing women's clothing, have thoughts of being with a guy, and my desire when I dress up to be a woman. My family are very accepting of homosexuals as my uncle is open with the family. However for some reason they think that a male that likes to wear women's clothes is weird and a male that wants to be a woman has issues. Needless to say, I'd love to let them know so they don't get a shock if they found out accidentally, yet I am terrified of the responses I would get from my friends and family.
Well my mom feminized me so lol she knows she made me into the girl I am today
Rookie Scribe
Quote by Guest
Well my mom feminized me so lol she knows she made me into the girl I am today

Mine was a very similar situation! Dad was gone before I was two, so I was raised by my lovely, hard-working and very sex mom and two older sisters. I idolized those three women and wanted to be like them from my youth, so liking men was perfectly natural for me!

When we were both in high school, my closest sister, two years older than I, discovered that I liked dressing up in her underwear and clothing and confronted me about it. She was more curious than angry and I admitted I liked wearing women's clothing, especially feminine lingerie. She told me that was okay and then nonchalantly asked if I liked boys instead of girls! I gave her the "no and yes" response, telling her I didn't care much for boys, but I did like men. She said she had suspected that (women have so much better "gaydar" than men!) And that she was okay with that, too. (Sis actually gave me some of her older clothes and underwear that day for my own use, adding that she'd keep my secret.) A very wonderful day for me!

A year later, in the spring of 1969, when my Sis was a college freshman and I was a 17 year old high school junior, she invited me to some springtime festivities at her college. When I met her on campus that weekend, she introduced me to Ted, a very masculine upperclassmen who was openly homosexual and we actually double dated with she and her boyfriend! He and I hit it off right away and it was an incredible rush to sit close in the car, hold hands and even kiss with my sister right there! Later as Sis and her boyfriend were heading for his dorm room to play, Ted invited me to his room. I will never forget my sister giggling and telling us not to do anything she wouldn't do! That was so hot!

But it was some years later that I came out to mom.
My life's motto: When it comes to pure sexual pleasure...Make Mine Male! And, ANY cock will do!
Yes both of my sisters know and my Mom knows
Didn't have to. They found out about it by going through my stuff. Saved me a lot of time
I came out when I was 14. My parents and twin brother took it very well seeing as how they said they pretty much knew all along, all I did was confirm it. My relatives also pretty much knew and were surprisingly relatively supportive, to verying degrees anyway. I had a ton of guy and girl friends before I came out, once I did come out all the guys who were truly my friends stayed my friends and the ones who were just my friends because they wanted me split, and all but 2 of my girlfriends dropped me immedietly. I was crushed for a while I lost so many friends until my brother convinced me anyone who didn't stay wasn't a friend anyway. My parents were initially just ok with it and over the last few years have grown to become very accepting and supportive and my brother always has been and still maintains he knew as soon as I did because we share our thoughts anyway.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Darling_Dani
I came out when I was 14. My parents and twin brother took it very well seeing as how they said they pretty much knew all along, all I did was confirm it. My relatives also pretty much knew and were surprisingly relatively supportive, to verying degrees anyway. I had a ton of guy and girl friends before I came out, once I did come out all the guys who were truly my friends stayed my friends and the ones who were just my friends because they wanted me split, and all but 2 of my girlfriends dropped me immedietly. I was crushed for a while I lost so many friends until my brother convinced me anyone who didn't stay wasn't a friend anyway. My parents were initially just ok with it and over the last few years have grown to become very accepting and supportive and my brother always has been and still maintains he knew as soon as I did because we share our thoughts anyway.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Not sure I have much to offer this thread but I got to wondering...
Its slowly becoming more common where families have two parents of the same gender and despite rhetoric to the contrary there is no evidence to support this will influence the sexual preference of the child. So in future I envisioned a coming out conversation like this:
"Dad. Dad. I'm straight" We might actually see this as progress.
When there is no need for the conversation at all, when it is just accepted we will have arrived.
I can't imagine the difficulties some may have had coming out...
Short Arse Brit
I would like to think that my children wouldn't have to tell me. I would already know. I would like to think that they wouldn't want or need to hide something like that from me.

My children are well aware of my views when it comes to a person's sexual preference. The only problem I would ever have would be if I caught them being discriminate against a gay, lesbian, bi or trans person, or a person's race, but they would never do that.

I know that had I been a lesbian or bi my father and anyone else who's opinion would matter to me would have been fine with it.

A parent should love their children unconditionally and support their life choices (unless those choices are illegal). Shame on those who don't.
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kiera
I would like to think that my children wouldn't have to tell me. I would already know. I would like to think that they wouldn't want or need to hide something like that from me.

My children are well aware of my views when it comes to a person's sexual preference. The only problem I would ever have would be if I caught them being discriminate against a gay, lesbian, bi or trans person, or a person's race, but they would never do that.

I know that had I been a lesbian or bi my father and anyone else who's opinion would matter to me would have been fine with it.

A parent should love their children unconditionally and support their life choices (unless those choices are illegal). Shame on those who don't.
This ! 100%
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Active Ink Slinger
It would be pretty impossible for anyone not to know about me
Yes my family knows all about who I am and who I need to be and they are all very supportive
My parents caught me wearing my sisters and girl cousins clothes a few times when I was younger .When I was a teen I continued to act more feminine so mom asked if I was still dressing up in girls clothes.I admitted that I was and wouldnt ever stop she told me I would make a good daughter .It was my father who walked in and caught me dressed up in my sisters slutty outfit sucking one of the older boys from down the street . That was when I first began dressing totally feminine at home
Active Ink Slinger
Like Cindy above I did when I was in high school. I am so lucky that I was supported and loved for who I am.
Yes my Mom knows that I want to be a girl and shes very supportive
My family knows tat I'm Gay and they are very supportive
My parents are aware that I enjoy sexual relations with both men and women and don't really have an issue with it.
Yes, I came out to my parents about it. My mother is accepting to it, my father however is not comfortable with it.
Yeah, actually. It was so long before I figured out I had anything to say about it, but it just came up in conversation. I wasn't even nervous about it until I was already in the middle of saying it. Lol ?‍♀️
Active Ink Slinger
I have long as I am happy...they are happy ?

Life is not a rehearsal!!
Yes, I have came out to my family as bisexual. My mother didn't mind that I am, but my step father however is very angry about this. He thinks it's a phase, when it's not. I've always known. Since I was younger and I finally came out in my teenage years to my parents about it. My step father always tells me to just be with a man and never be with a woman, but it's beyond his control. My mother knows I've had serious girlfriends before and she told me as long as I'm happy, that she's happy for me. I wish people were more accepting about it, but I know I can't control my step father or what he thinks or feels about it.
Yeah My Mom knows and so does my Aunt
Yeah My Mom knows and so does my Aunt
Active Ink Slinger
I was raised in a multi generational nudist family,so my being bi has never been an issue. there has always been a lot of sucking and fucking in my family..
Rookie Scribe
My mom, youngest brother, aunt, some cousins
Voyeur @ f/64
My father said he would have only been surprised if I said I wasn't queer. My mother (they were divorced by that time) said "Oh, that's nice dear." My sister informed me I was a godless sexual deviant and would burn in hell. She still does about once a week, when I bother to answer the phone. That said, it was more than a decade before I ever practiced what I preached.