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What time of day do you prefer to work out?

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I've read a lot of scientific literature on this subject....

There are a lot of studies that can give recommendations as to what time of day you should work out depending on what you are hoping to achieve.

Personally, I find that the time of day directly corresponds to the effectiveness of my work-outs. I also hate going to the gym when it's crowded.

What time to you prefer to work out? And Why?

My exercise regime is generally walking or biking (stationary or regular). It's not intense but helps keep me in some semblance of shape. I generally exercise in the evening. Being a 9-5'er, other times don't really work as well practically.
My workouts fit around my work, during the week I go after work arriving at the gym at around 1730hrs each day. My workouts vary between weights and aerobic workouts on alternative days. On a Saturday I go to the gym first thing in the morning and do a long aerobic workout.
At 6 or 7:3OAM weekdays. I do Pilates and kickboxing. It's a great way to wake up w/ your body stretched out for the day.
Leaves me energized and pumped for the day.
I don't often 'work out' per se, but when I want to get some exercise I usually do so in the morning. A brisk walk, a somewhat lackadaisical run, etc. Wish I still had a climbing wall.
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I typically workout at night after work. Whenever I can get there usually about 6 - 9 . Try to get there at least 4 times a week. Usually spend first hour on weights, next hour on cardio.
I usually like to do my cardio and my weight lifting workouts at different times, though scheduling doesn't always work out the way l want.

I prefer very early morning weight lifting, then shower, get dressed and pick up some breakfast on my way to the office by about 7:30am. Then if possible bicycle after work or wait and run about 9:00 or 9:30 at night. All that works best during warm weather, which is most of the year where l live. During the winter l like to run before work and work out after work.
Mornings best. Earlier the better though I’ve slacked in that area.

Energy levels are higher. I’m tired by late afternoon. Not in the mood to lift after a long day. Plus, it’s the most crowded and I prefer my space and my quiet when I work out.

My dream is to eventually have my own home gym or home equipment. That’s a long ass way off though.
Early morning after my run. usually 7-730
Early morning, usually before 6:00 AM
Prefer early morning but I work early a lot so I rarely have the motivation
Early morning before I go to work. If a particularly stressful day will run a few miles after work.
I prefer to work out when there is absolutely no one in the gym. I despise working out in a crowded gym.

I usually like to go to 24 hour gyms so I can work out around 4 or 5 am.

If I can't make that or if I'm in a place with a non 24 hour gym I go for the 1-3 pm slot.

After the lunch rush and before the after work crowd. I used to work in gyms so I'm pretty aware of the good and bad times. I fucking hate crowded gyms.
Mornings. peaceful, quiet, start my day right. i get up at 4am (yes, i am insane), eat a light breakfast, stretch, do a short run to the park, do my short form (tai chi) run home, then it's off to the gym - speed bag, heavy bag, jump rope, weights. later in my day i try to get some yoga in, or hit the gym again and get in some sparring, but that's usually hit or miss depending on my schedule. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

My workouts are scheduled around daily gym and natatorium use at the university. I prefer not to exercise when there are athletic practices scheduled, so I arrange to swim when the pool isn't crowded with students, usually early mornings or late afternoons. I swim laps 3-4 times a week in winter, and every day in summer when I can swim in my own outdoor pool.
I have a gym membership but seldom go. I prefer outdoor activities. I hate waking up early but it is my favorite time of day. On my days off, I’ll make the effort to see the sunrise (brisk walk/run, hike, bike ride) On work days, I’ll walk or swim in the late evenings. I use free weights and resistance bands 2-3 times per week. I don’t like crowds and watching other people work out doesn’t really motivate me. Fresh air and the sound/sights of nature is inspiring. I don’t care if it’s hot, cold, cloudy or sunny. I just prefer being outside in the early morning or late evening.
Before the birds wake up
Early in the morning, if I wait till after work I won’t go. I’m too exhausted then.
Usually about 7, it's less crowded then if I'm going to 24 Hour Retardedness and always reliable spotters at the serious gym
6.30pm - When my working day is done.
Usually right after work. I tried first thing in the morning but I am NOT a morning person!
Usually in the evening. After work, during the week or late afternoon at the weekend (depending on one's social schedule). I Jog, Swim, Jump rope and very occasionally use the gym.
You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
When I'm asleep and dreaming I'm running on a beach in Hawaii.

I prefer 1st thing in the morning when I get up. It gives me extra energy for the rest of the day
Morning, but I also prefer to be at work early, and I'm at my best doing bookkeeping and estimates or correspondence early too. So I often end up doing workouts afternoon or evening.
I workout from home using weights and a Wonder Core Smart for my Abs. Because of this arrangement I can work out anytime I want . I normally work out in the very early evening before the evening meal listening to the news etc.