You know, I am not looking for any pity but I just need to tell someone that will listen....
I had my moment earlier today. It has been a good year and an half since the last time I have fallen into a deep depression. And it was because of a short trigger sentence to make spiral down and feel like I shouldn't be here. It was quiet a painful moment to think that no one really needs me. No one will miss. I guess, it would make someone happy to know I have stop living. So I spent a good two hours looking at a box I kept under the bed. It has a note and a razor when ready to use. Debating if I should let it go. Be free. Sigh, I was really close you know. Making the pain go away. Even if I knew it was just a brief feeling that would last until I can finally feel up and right again. So tempting.... But here I am, just kind of feel dead inside til the time passes and I can be the best me I can. I hope soon...
Ok first off I'm not that gifted a writer so I really hope I don't mess this up but I'm trying to convey something that runs throughout this thread...I really hope this doesn't come out wrong....This is a really important thread, I read it because I think it keeps me in touch with the best parts of me.
The poignant honesty and courage displayed in post after post here is extraordinarily heartbreaking but at the same time I somehow found myself feeling incredibly uplifted...bearing witness to the indomitable triumph of the human spirit. I am in no way making light of anyone's pain nor am I trying to gloss over that pain with a rose-coloured lens. But as I read so many heartfelt words this thought kept recurring in my mind: All I see is your beauty...
In some way each of you has touched me and I am the better for it...
All I see is your beauty and everyone of you shines with a beautiful light...
I've been reading over a few of the pages on this topic and there are a couple of things that have struck me.
First off - how amazing this community is.
Secondly - how strong you all are - you're amazing as individuals too.
Thirdly - how few men there are posting here.
Fourthly - the amount of time and energy that some of you are putting into trying to help complete strangers - I have no words.
But it has got me asking an important question - we men, are we all just cunts?
(Btw you don't have to answer that. )