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Do You Have Low Back Pain?

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Low back pain is one of the most common afflictions among human beings. But it is also one of the least understood.

I'll come out and say it... I hate dealing with low back pain. Give me a shoulder or a knee.... but back pain? Fuck!!!

I did my master's thesis on MRI imaging of lumbar pathology simply because as a master's student you don't really have a lot of leeway when it comes to subject matter. I picked that one because it was the least stupid of the options.

I love the aspect of problem solving. I love having a person come to see me so I can assess, study, research and make an informed decision. But with back pain? It's rare that you will ever get an actual diagnosis. So people are shoved into groups and treated like "it's all in their head."

Now don't get me wrong.... some people are pussies and their pain is somewhat psycho social. But many people also have legitimate injuries that we just simply don't have the knowledge to diagnose yet. And trust me... we can tell when you are faking it.

Even though it's my least favorite body part to study, I keep getting pulled back into it.

So since I'm forced to study this monotonous topic once again, I thought I would ask this question...

Do you or have you have low back pain, and what measures did you take?

Did you rest?
Did you go to the doctor?
Did you get meds? Which ones?
Did you seek alternative treatment?
Physiotherapy? Chiropractor? Massage?

Please let me know.

Whenever I have pain in my back or shoulder, not often fortunately, it's just muscle pain. But as I know that it will often spread and get worse as I tend to put tension on the muscles around it in order to relieve the aching one, I nowadays try to take some Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. This allows me to relax and move normally and often times one such pill already does the trick.

If it doesn't help and the pain goes on for a long time, the I go to a physiotherapist. I've done that twice for back/shoulder related issues, one of which was RSI related.


No, not yet but I suspect if you live long enough and live an active enough life, most people will.
Quote by Meagananne1986
No, not yet but I suspect if you live long enough and live an active enough life, most people will.

Exactly. I would not give up my playing days from the past. Yes, I am going through some aches, but so far i'm still active.
Almost every day. As soon as I wake up and it lasts until noon. Occasionally it lasts all day. I can't ice it, heat, stretch it out, or drug it into submission. It's right above my waistline. My doc is slow-rolling me on treatment so I have nothing to offer there yet. She's having me do physical therapy before we get into any imagery. Nevermind I've been hurting for a couple years.
Back in 2010 l was playing in a full contact football league. Yep, full tackle, pads, helmets, just like back in high school, only l'd graduated college a couple of years before. I hurt my back, actually it hurt like hell. I left the game barely able to walk with disclocated disks and awful pain shooting down my leg.

I'd gotten twisted in a pile, and then some jackass speared me in the back with a late hit. I actually had to use crutches to get around for several days. I couldn't do anything to ease the pain.

I tried a chiropractor. No change, in fact it got worse. So l went to a sports doctor, who put me on an opoid pain, killer, he considered surgery, but decided that because of my age, that physical therapy might work as a first try. That eventually worked. My doctor did tell me it wasn't a good idea to continue playing football since l wasn't a highly paid professional. Yeah, l guess he was right. But, damn, did l love playing.

However, since then l get recurring lower back pain when l run high mileage. Probably why l haven't done a marathon, though l do 1 or 2 half-marathons a year. Also, l've developed bad lower back pain from streneous heavy yard work or certain gym work outs. I immediately feel it. I no longer am doing free weight lat rows or deadlifts.

It is the 3 lowest spinal disks where l have trouble. When my back gets out, it makes everything miserable. Just sitting hurts, walking really hurts, and running and excercise is impossible. In fact, l feel like l look like a crab walking, kind of sideways and twisted. I use ice and heat. Plus, l regularly do the exercises and stretches l learned in physical therapy.

I am seriously into physical fitness, love running in 10k's and 5k's, bicycle races, golf, tennis, working out, water skiing, softball, etc., so when my back is giving me problems, it ruins my lifestyle and makes me miserable.
Quote by DamonX
Low back pain is one of the most common afflictions among human beings. But it is also one of the least understood.

Thankfully my back is good right now but I suffered for ages with a bad back. I sustained an injury doing kettle bell swings at the gym... Just kidding it was caused by flipping tyres at the gym.
Quote by sweet_as_candy

Thankfully my back is good right now but I suffered for ages with a bad back. I sustained an injury doing kettle bell swings at the gym... Just kidding it was caused by flipping tyres at the gym.

Well, you need a better trainer.... Too bad you would never be able to afford me... :P
If anyone has any issues with low back pain, then feel free to contact me regarding the issue, I can give info and keep the rest of the medical knowledge confidential.

Numerous people have already contacted me and I suggest that others do the same.
Damon, my husband has 3 herniated disks. They don’t believe operating can help given that he has degenerative disk disease and acute severe spinal stenosis. They say it’s less than a 50% chance of having and positive result as to relief. He’s been through Chiropractic, Facet Injections and epidurals and bilateral RFA’s . He was taking opioids for pain relief as prescribed. However given the current climate of medicine they no longer prescribe those except on a very infrequent basis and even then will only issue a total of 10 pills.
My purpose however is to offer hope! He is now finding full relief from pain with the use of Full Spectrum CBD oil taken sublingually. It has removed all pain though there is still discomfort from tightness. I realize that results in individuals varies with CBD. I only mention it as an offering of potential relief to those suffering. What I’ve seen and his results are truly amazing. I understand it doesn’t work for everyone but but it’s worth trying to find out.
Best wishes for all that suffer from this debilitating pain and thank you for your insights and willingness to help others.
Quote by DamonX

Did you rest?
Did you go to the doctor?
Did you get meds? Which ones?
Did you seek alternative treatment?
Physiotherapy? Chiropractor? Massage?

Please let me know.

I ruptured my L1 S1 (think I got that right) disc several years ago and did all of the above. Rest was forced on me ‘cos I couldn’t walk, I tried every pain killer going, had physio, went to a private back clinic, and did an awful lot of complaining about back pain to anyone who’d listen to me on Lush (sorry folks, and thanks for listening x)
By far the best treatment was a steroid injection into my spine. Very effective. Took me a long time to get that but it was worth the wait.
Quote by Saucymh

I ruptured my L1 S1 (think I got that right) disc several years ago and did all of the above. Rest was forced on me ‘cos I couldn’t walk, I tried every pain killer going, had physio, went to a private back clinic, and did an awful lot of complaining about back pain to anyone who’d listen to me on Lush (sorry folks, and thanks for listening x)
By far the best treatment was a steroid injection into my spine. Very effective. Took me a long time to get that but it was worth the wait.

So steroids are essentially fast acting anti-imflammatories. They attack the symptoms but do nothing for the underlying cause.

Most back problems are the result of years of minor stresses.

If you actually had a ruptured disc then I would have had you get as much meds to dull the pain. And corticosteroids are not addictive so that is fine. A short period of rest is fine, but resuming normal activities is key.

With a lot of orthopedic injuries, the continuous dysfunction is caused by disuse and atrophy of the surrounding muscles.

As a physio I always hated back injuries, because I knew that it would involve a long process. And if you are a smart person you know that you are not going to "fix" the person in one session. But with backs... people are always looking for a quick fix.

I've never had a person come to me after being in a car accident with 13 broken bones and expect me to fix them in a week. But back pain patients...? they want immediate results and will jump around to various practitioners in order to get a quick fix.
Acupuncture worked for me! I'm as fit as a fiddle now and can bend into all kinds of positions!
Had given up games for a year to focus on my academics. the long hour at desk and sleeping on my tummy finally brought the inevitable. After a week long session with my physiotherapist, i was advised to run to build my back muscles. Work in progress!
My older boyfriend David has back problems. He was in a terrible car accident 10 yrs. ago and sustained severe injuries and broken bones. He's only 43, but he now suffers from premature-onset arthritis all over his body, including chronic back pain, both lower and cervical spine. He's tried chiropractic, massage, exercise, heat/cold regimen, pain-killers, but nothing much helps. His sexual endurance has been compromised and we mostly have quickies, or I do cowgirl to keep him from over-exerting. But it's the main reason he moved one of my FWBs in with us five years ago for my benefit.
Okay was going to tell you about all my boo boo's. Whatever makes you feel better that's what you do and don't stop.Drink plenty of water and stretch, for me it's the most important thing to do
Quote by Saucymh

I ruptured my L1 S1 (think I got that right) disc several years ago and did all of the above. Rest was forced on me ‘cos I couldn’t walk, I tried every pain killer going, had physio, went to a private back clinic, and did an awful lot of complaining about back pain to anyone who’d listen to me on Lush (sorry folks, and thanks for listening x)
By far the best treatment was a steroid injection into my spine. Very effective. Took me a long time to get that but it was worth the wait.

I think you might mean L5 S1 It's the usual culprit when it comes to back pain.

Just know that pain relief is different than function.
Quote by fruit4passion
Okay was going to tell you about all my boo boo's. Whatever makes you feel better that's what you do and don't stop.Drink plenty of water and stretch, for me it's the most important thing to do

All booboos are different.... Tell me your issues and I will advise you the best I can.
Back pain is something I live with everyday. I had an L5/S1 fusion several years ago and I've never been the same. Prior to surgery I tried chiropractic and medication. I was a very active person. I rode four-wheelers, did demolition derby and loved going on motorcycle rides. I actually blew my disc from not thinking and jumping off the back of a truck a couple years prior to my surgery. I had never felt sciatica before then. I visited my chiropractor until it hurt to much to see him. I finally went to my doctor who sent me to an orthopedic surgeon. I had nerve pain that numbed my feet. I couldn't drive or do much of anything. After two surgeries I was able to function again for awhile although not back to where I was and the pain stayed. After my last pregnancy things changed again. I have now been in pain management for five years. I've tried opioid pain killers, steroid injections, physical therapy. Nothing has helped. My next step is a neurostimulator. I have spinal stenosis as well as arthritis in my spine and a magnitude of other issues. I am at a point that I am in constant pain. I've learned to cope as best as I can but it definitely affects my life.

My Anti-Valentine Entry 💔

My first EP and a top ten from the Pride Competition

Hanging in the background but around

Quote by DamonX

I think you might mean L5 S1 It's the usual culprit when it comes to back pain.

Just know that pain relief is different than function.

That’s the one, thank you. It’s a common injury that is frighteningly debilitating. Four years on from the injury My back pain levels are manageable but I still use a tens machine on my back once a day and I have to be really careful not to strain it. My lower back is weak and easily strained.

Edit. Surgical spinal fusion wasn’t offered to me. Physio, painkillers and rest were advised instead. It worked, but I had to take six months off work and was unable to do even basic tasks at the height of the pain. It was tough. Surgery would have got me back on my feet quicker, though reading Tonya’s post, I think I’m in a better place now.
Hugs, Tonya x
Unless I'm mistaken Sweet-as-Candy is the only one to mention successful acupuncture. About two years ago I had extremely difficult lower back pain. I feared standing up after sitting for any length of time because the pain was often excruciating. Physio and visits to the doctor tended to end up with the answer 'It's your age---back's do wear out. Then a guy, a few years older than me (there are one or two) recommended a local Chinese Acupuncture site not too far from where I live. After just two sessions I knew that just a few lightly jabbed needles were doing the trick. Within six weeks I had no pain. I know it is not wholly cured but at the first sign of any discomfort, I return for a short session and obtain immediate relief. I have heard that this does not work for everyone---but it is good to pretend to be young again.
Stretching helps for me. Regular swimming and yoga
Quote by sweetjenny
Stretching helps for me. Regular swimming and yoga

One of the reasons that yoga tends to help is because it focuses not just on stretching but stabilizing as well. The stabilizing and strengthening is far more important than the actual stretching.
Quote by DamonX

All booboos are different.... Tell me your issues and I will advise you the best I can.

hey thanks very kind of you. Issues 4 hernias 2 lower back l4/l5 , l5/s1. Was supposed to be operated on until i met my neurosurgeon , told me to go home that the hernias would shrink and the pain in my leg would get better. He was right,keep in shape,watch my weight, just my back goes out ever so often. My cervical hernia's brought me to my knees, my osteopath saved me. My knees on a scale of 1 to 4, 4 needing knee replacement are at 3.5 my surgeon told me after my operation. I have done it all. Even electro acupuncture. Had epidurals for my back,cortizone, witch doctor. If you can suggest something to help me with my knees I'm in.
I have had chronic pain for a very long time and not complaining when i see a guy with a crutch in each hand literally dragging his feet to get to work and he smiles at me, how can I complain.
Quote by TonyaL
Back pain is something I live with everyday. I had an L5/S1 fusion several years ago and I've never been the same. Prior to surgery I tried chiropractic and medication. I was a very active person. I rode four-wheelers, did demolition derby and loved going on motorcycle rides. I actually blew my disc from not thinking and jumping off the back of a truck a couple years prior to my surgery. I had never felt sciatica before then. I visited my chiropractor until it hurt to much to see him. I finally went to my doctor who sent me to an orthopedic surgeon. I had nerve pain that numbed my feet. I couldn't drive or do much of anything. After two surgeries I was able to function again for awhile although not back to where I was and the pain stayed. After my last pregnancy things changed again. I have now been in pain management for five years. I've tried opioid pain killers, steroid injections, physical therapy. Nothing has helped. My next step is a neurostimulator. I have spinal stenosis as well as arthritis in my spine and a magnitude of other issues. I am at a point that I am in constant pain. I've learned to cope as best as I can but it definitely affects my life.
I'm sorry you have to live with the pain you have. We have a lot in common. They just don't understand what we go through everyday,plays so much with your head, so just sending you a
Quote by fruit4passion
I'm sorry you have to live with the pain you have. We have a lot in common. They just don't understand what we go through everyday,plays so much with your head, so just sending you a

I'm sorry about your pain as well. Many people don't understand. My knees are messed up as well. Ortho says I have stage 4 arthritis in my kneecaps. It is painful. Sometimes more than others. He said I'll need both replaced but holding off as long as possible as he feels I'm still too young. I've had cortisone shots in both knees as well as "rooster's comb" injections. Neither has really helped. Between my back pain and knee pain there are days I don't wanna move but I always know there is someone out there worse than I am so who am I to complain. I hope you find relief soon. Sending you hugs.

My Anti-Valentine Entry 💔

My first EP and a top ten from the Pride Competition

Hanging in the background but around

I have suffered from a hereditary lower back problem since my teens, not helped, ironically, by playing certain sports and sitting at a desk for 40 years. Sciatica, slipped discs and back spasms were a constant, only treatable by physio, chairo etc. A typical 30 min physio session in London would cost £40 and would consist of 20 mins wired up to a contraption that issued electronic pulses via pads stuck either side of the spine, followed by a gentle massage. Around 7-8 years ago I read an article about how a hand-held Tens machine helped certain sufferers by doing a similar job to the physios machine. I bought my first one for about £30 and have never looked back and more importantly have not seen a physio to this day. One caveat, I retired 6 years ago so am much more mobile on a daily basis and not slouched over a desk. Whenever I feel my back starting to have those tell-tale early signs I have a couple of sessions each day lying on my bed going through the various programmes that I find help my condition and provides some pain relief. It won't help everyone, especially those with far worse problems than me. But it works for me.
I have been suffering with Bad back pain for many years. I had a few bad accidents that contributed to this condition. I have many many treatment options like physical therapy & Chiropractor adjustments but these were temporary fixes. I have taken many different meds over the years for pain. My back pain got SO bad that after a long drive I would have to pull my legs across to get out of my vehicle. Now at 62 I am trying to rebuild my back muscles since I can not get surgery for 5 degenerative discs in my lower back*
I have occasional lower back pain. Likely goes back to a couple cases where I buggered my back lifting. Get pain in the lower right side of my back between spine and hip, sometimes accompanied by tension headaches (yesterday). Keeping my posture good seems to be the key right now. At work I have a great chair and don't have much trouble. Some of the chairs at home, not so much.
No, not until you asked.

Actually, hurt it shovelling last week. Moron, I am. We got a big dump and I used the double wide shovel instead of the regular one ‘cause I wanted to finish faster. Can’t lift the full load, so I lift and twist to throw. Usually works well, but when there is less snow.

Incidentally, I didn’t connect the shovelling and back pain until today. My daughter asked if I had cancer. She didn’t want me to die... yet.

The next day I started having spasms in the kidney area. Brutal spasms. Took hot showers and got really friendly with my hot water bottle. No meds. Day two and three were equally painful and had difficulty sleeping. Difficult to find a painless position. Still no meds. The muscle relaxants I did have expired in 2015. To cheap to buy new ones. I usually try to avoid meds, if I can manage the pain with other methods.

Today is the first day it felt somewhat better. As long as I keep my back warm, it’s okay. After shovelling today, with assistance from my kids, I realized that I had hurt myself shovelling last week. Sheesh. A couple more days of warmth and caution, I should be good. However, - 40 C with windchill to - 50 C is here for the next few days... and more snow. I just need to be careful.