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any workout tips guys and girls

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The Engineer
I recently joined a gym near my place. I have extensively worked out on legs and shoulder presses. I need some tips to streghten my torso and stomach muscles . so any tips on the workout regime?
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Active Ink Slinger
Well, a curl ups is enough to enhance my breasts shape and sit and reach for my belly...
If you want to have a stronger mid-section I would suggests a full body work out everyday. Or you can just jump as high as you can without rest for 5 minutes. It really should be 10 minutes but most people can't do that. And the ones that can shouldn't just be jumping. When that becomes to easy add another full body movement such as jumping as you run. Something my brother used to do back in the day was to jump rope while he went for a few mile run .

The sky is the limit. It is up you to you and what you want to achieve. For most people jump roping while they run as hard as they can for a quarter mile is more than enough to get them in the best shape of their lives. Just doing this everyday, for 5-10 minutes, will get anyone very fit. But the key is doing it everyday.

Everyday without rest makes it harder on your body at the same time your body gets more used to it so you're able to push closer to your max and maybe if you stick with it you'll be able to hit your max and keep red lining. To me and my brother, we've talked about this and both agree, this is the best feel you can get when being active. It is much better then the "pump" feeling a famous bodybuilder once talked about.

Redlining is a term I came up to describe the feel that only that calls themselves an athlete should always strive for. What is redline? It is when your skin is super hot and tight feeling but if someone touched you they would say you feel cold, and you feel like you can't get enough air but you're breathing in even more than you thought you could. That's redlining and you can't get to the red line just on your first go. Most athletes, most would call great may have never done a redline.

You have to be fit just to attempt to redline. And when I say fit I don't mean the people you see in the magazines or in social media. Here's the thing, go as hard as you can without rest until you are winded to the max. Then stop. At first if you are skinny-fat person this most likely will only take a minute or two. If you're a fat-fat person this most likely take a few minutes 3-7. If you're fat-skinny persons, someone that looks fat but is for purposes healthy, 10-20 minutes.

Do this everyday and you will see yourself not getting as winded as fast. And redline comes about when you are not getting winded but you have reached what you're body will allow for. When you get to this point that's where the fun starts because you begin to change your body down to the bone. You're body does this change because it has to in order up the maximum that your body will allow for.

This is a tried and true method that the men in my family have used for long before any of us were born. And we're all above the above-average strong guy so this must work. A thing I added is don't use supplements. It is a hunch that while they may make you look good, it is only fake, it will hamper your offspring.
My best advice to people when it comes to working out, is that you aren't going to get the best results if you still drink way too much alcohol, smoke way too many cigarettes, and do way too many drugs, or eat way too much food. I'm a hedonist, but hedonism doesn't necessarily mean excess, as I've come to learn, at least not for me.

Advide: focus on true lifestyle changes, rather than quick diet and exercise binges. Exercise regularly every day, not just a couple times a week. Much better to do 20 minutes a day, than to do 2 hours twice a week, and give up from torturing yourself. Consistency and moderation, and grinding out the "easy' exercises, will get you the best results in the end. I've walked off scores of pounds, without even needing to run, and you build up to become a runner, when you make progress. Treat it like a game, and get better at it.
I'd suggest free weights, and a program like Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5. They're both designed to increase overall body strength, and they focus heavily on the'll do lots of squats and deadlifts with both, among other exercise. Both have an easy-to-follow plan that increases the amount of weight lifted each session, increasing your strength gradually. Both are great programs.
Squats, squats, and more squats...and that will be the basic message from the 2 programs eros mentioned
Whatever you do for strength, can I also suggest that you learn some really effective stretches that you use daily to prevent the strengthening exercises from causing spasm and limiting your range of motion? Yoga classes (if you can find an Iyengar class I'd recommend that) are one way of learning safe but very deep stretches, but you could also do stretches using a power plate at the gym or as part of a warm up/down routine.

When you're looking at strengthening your torso, please don't only use the big muscles doing straight sit ups. Good definition involves using all of the muscles, including the obliques and all of the small muscles, so find something that rotates your torso in as many different directions as possible to make all of the muscles work.

Lastly, I'd recommend talking to a yoga teacher or physiotherapist who can teach you how to use your psoas muscles (part of your inner abdominal muscles) to protect your spine during activities that can cause stress to your lower back. With practice you can do all sorts of exercise with your spine supported separately by your psoas muscles, and this greatly reduces the chance of you damaging your back when lifting weights, for instance. I learned how to do this using an air pocket with a pressure monitor attached, placed under the small of my back and using the psoas to raise the internal pressure of the pocket in a controlled way.
Active Ink Slinger
Make it enjoyable so you don't burn out!
Find a professional trainer then get into a total body workout Be sure to emphasize core muscles and cardio. Simply not enough space to set up a program here, but a certified trainer would be happy to. My gym will help a member without charge. If you want a full time coach/trainer then expect to pay. My advice is get a program, stick to it for 90 days, modify it and continue. As a certified trainer myself I can only give you these general ideas; but find someone who knows your body, your skill level, and can guide you.
Head Penguin
There's a sure fire way to strengthen your abs. I do them every day. Lie flat on your back and put your calves on a chair, so that they are parallel to your back. Make sure the back of your knees are almost but not quite touching the front edge of the chair. You are now effectively making a letter Z. Cross your arms over your chest and lift your torso up as high as you can. Repeat until it hurts. My Mum showed me this, who is a doc. It gives the most benefit to your abs with zero involvement to the vertebra.

D x

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by DanielleX
There's a sure fire way to strengthen your abs. I do them every day. Lie flat on your back and put your calves on a chair, so that they are parallel to your back. Make sure the back of your knees are almost but not quite touching the front edge of the chair. You are now effectively making a letter Z. Cross your arms over your chest and lift your torso up as high as you can. Repeat until it hurts. My Mum showed me this, who is a doc. It gives the most benefit to your abs with zero involvement to the vertebra.

I'm not really sure why you presented such a detailed description when you're only referring to sit-ups, an exercise that practically everybody knows about.
Head Penguin
Quote by SereneProdigy

I'm not really sure why you presented such a detailed description when you're only referring to sit-ups, an exercise that practically everybody knows about.

Because everyone I see doing sit ups in the gym does them wrong. Most people do them with their body level with the ground. That risks hurting your back and requires a huge number of reps to tone the abs. The way I describe protects the back and firms the tummy with relatively few reps. I thought it was worth sharing.

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by mr_mandingo
My best advice to people when it comes to working out, is that you aren't going to get the best results if you still drink way too much alcohol, smoke way too many cigarettes, and do way too many drugs, or eat way too much food. I'm a hedonist, but hedonism doesn't necessarily mean excess, as I've come to learn, at least not for me.

Advide: focus on true lifestyle changes, rather than quick diet and exercise binges. Exercise regularly every day, not just a couple times a week. Much better to do 20 minutes a day, than to do 2 hours twice a week, and give up from torturing yourself. Consistency and moderation, and grinding out the "easy' exercises, will get you the best results in the end. I've walked off scores of pounds, without even needing to run, and you build up to become a runner, when you make progress. Treat it like a game, and get better at it.

Spot on.
Head Nurse
Quote by SereneProdigy

I'm not really sure why you presented such a detailed description when you're only referring to sit-ups, an exercise that practically everybody knows about.

Know about and do are two separate things!
Quote by DanielleX
There's a sure fire way to strengthen your abs. I do them every day. Lie flat on your back and put your calves on a chair, so that they are parallel to your back. Make sure the back of your knees are almost but not quite touching the front edge of the chair. You are now effectively making a letter Z. Cross your arms over your chest and lift your torso up as high as you can. Repeat until it hurts. My Mum showed me this, who is a doc. It gives the most benefit to your abs with zero involvement to the vertebra.

D x

This is how I was shown to do Sit-ups for exactly that reason; It doesnt risk injury to your back. The same with crossing your arms over your chest. Some are inclined to put their hands behind their head, but this can injure your neck as you "pull" yourself up.

Having said that...I have done exactly ZERO excersise since Christmas

Thank you for the reminder
You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
Quote by apptobebad

Having said that...I have done exactly ZERO excersise since Christmas

Lazy mare!!
Use these drugs and supplements.

1. Desoxyn
2. HGH
3. Preworkout Matrixes.
4. Cellucor Weight Loss Stack.
5. VPX Redline Energy Drink (A real energy drink, not like Redbull, which is sugared water compared to this liquid meth, lol)
6. Twintech Muscle Pills
7. VPX Stack.
8. Creatine Tri-Mesylate, Creatine Magnesium, Kreaklyn.
9. Phenylpiracetam, Nefiracetam, Fasoracetam, Coluracetam.
10. Concerta ER.
11. Mirapex ER.
12. Various Testosterone Like Steroids (The ones that don't have estrogen after-effects.
13. Drink BOTH Gatorade and Water. Preferably non-colored Gatorade.
14. V8 Juice. The 100% Juice kind, both the Juice and Vegetable Cocktails.
15. Every supplement at
If you do all of the above, you will look like a soldier within 3 months, and a superhero who can perform like the best pornstar within 6.
By the way, the advice above is only for males. Women should avoid the Testosterone stuff, but literally, everything else applies.
I feel that machine weights are the only weights anyone really needs to lift. Manual weight lifting, and bench pressing will only get you hurt inevitably.
Use these drugs and supplements.

1. Desoxyn
2. HGH
3. Preworkout Matrixes.
4. Cellucor Weight Loss Stack.
5. VPX Redline Energy Drink (A real energy drink, not like Redbull, which is sugared water compared to this liquid meth, lol)
6. Twintech Muscle Pills
7. VPX Stack.
8. Creatine Tri-Mesylate, Creatine Magnesium, Kreaklyn.
9. Phenylpiracetam, Nefiracetam, Fasoracetam, Coluracetam.
10. Concerta ER.
11. Mirapex ER.
12. Various Testosterone Like Steroids (The ones that don't have estrogen after-effects.
13. Drink BOTH Gatorade and Water. Preferably non-colored Gatorade.
14. V8 Juice. The 100% Juice kind, both the Juice and Vegetable Cocktails.
15. Every supplement at

This might be of use to someone who is a competitive body builder but I would caution their use as some have known side effects and can be harmful. As for Gatorade don't drink it, it has precious little value and has too much sugar; if you are drinking V8 get the low-sodium version. Lastly if you purchase all these from a reputable source you will probably go bankrupt. A good balanced exercise routine that mixes cardio with weight training is sufficient for most of us.
I'm also not a fan of weight machines as they do not replicate real-life application, can damage muscles/ligaments etc through over use in a specific area and can lead to muscular imbalances. I use free weights with the exception of heavy weights where I use a Smith machine for safety reasons. Using free weights is no more or less risky than machines...provided you learn to use them properly and have the discipline to not lift stupidy to impress that hot blonde in the sunshine yellow spandex.
Constant Gardener
Avoid pigeons.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
If you can afford to you should get a fitness evaluation and work out plan. What works for some people doesn’t work for others and professional help even if it’s just for some direction in the beginning is invaluable. Also, get a fitness tracker device. It’s the best way to measure progress and improve. I’ve run for years but only started to improve my endurance once I bought a tracker.
"A dirty book is rarely dusty"
Work out everyday at the same time. If you miss a day you'll get lazy.
I don't have any actual tips for your original post but hopefully other lushies will be more helpful.
Quote by DanielleX
There's a sure fire way to strengthen your abs. I do them every day. Lie flat on your back and put your calves on a chair, so that they are parallel to your back. Make sure the back of your knees are almost but not quite touching the front edge of the chair. You are now effectively making a letter Z. Cross your arms over your chest and lift your torso up as high as you can. Repeat until it hurts. My Mum showed me this, who is a doc. It gives the most benefit to your abs with zero involvement to the vertebra.

D x

What you are describing is actually 100% vertebral movement. Do you know what vertebrae are?

Oh wait... Your mom told you this? And she's a "doc"? Well then, let's all listen because we all know general practitioners have extensive knowledge when it comes to exercise techniques....

What you're describing is just a sit up. By putting your legs up on a chair, all you are doing is decreasing the range of motion while immobilizing the pelvis so all the movement is accomplished by the lumbar vertebrae. So you are actually minimizing the work done by the rectus abdominus, while maximizing the risk to the spine.

Doing crunches with your legs up on a chair is fine, but doing full sit ups in that position keeps the risk the same but decreases the reward.

Dammit... I swore I wasn't going to weigh in on these types of threads....
Quote by Guest
Use these drugs and supplements.

1. Desoxyn
2. HGH
3. Preworkout Matrixes.
4. Cellucor Weight Loss Stack.
5. VPX Redline Energy Drink (A real energy drink, not like Redbull, which is sugared water compared to this liquid meth, lol)
6. Twintech Muscle Pills
7. VPX Stack.
8. Creatine Tri-Mesylate, Creatine Magnesium, Kreaklyn.
9. Phenylpiracetam, Nefiracetam, Fasoracetam, Coluracetam.
10. Concerta ER.
11. Mirapex ER.
12. Various Testosterone Like Steroids (The ones that don't have estrogen after-effects.
13. Drink BOTH Gatorade and Water. Preferably non-colored Gatorade.
14. V8 Juice. The 100% Juice kind, both the Juice and Vegetable Cocktails.
15. Every supplement at

Is this a joke? Or did this person just buy the latest copy of muscle and fitness and list all the stupid shit that he saw in the ads?

And what the fuck is non-colored Gatorade?
Quote by simar
I recently joined a gym near my place. I have extensively worked out on legs and shoulder presses. I need some tips to streghten my torso and stomach muscles . so any tips on the workout regime?

You should probably just get a trainer and get the basics down. Most trainers are fucking idiots, but judging from your OP, they will probably know more than you. (legs and shoulder presses are a weird combo)

It all depends on what your goals are and what type of body you are starting out with. Are you endomorphic or ectomorphic? Are you wanting to drastically change the way your body looks? Or are you just wanting to be a bit more healthy? Are you looking to gain weight or lose weight?

These are all questions that matter when it comes to designing an appropriate exercise regime.

At the very least though, you should be working all the major muscle groups in the body. Initially you should probably add 1-2 back exercises and at least one chest exercise in addition to the stuff you do currently. Make sure that you do chest and back before you do shoulders though.

When it comes to the stomach... do you want it stronger? Or do you want it to look better? A lot of people equate the two, but that's not the case.

You can get a "strong" stomach easily, but having it look good is another issue all together.

If you are just starting out though, then you are kind of in a golden age when it comes to working out. You can make minor fuck ups but if you remain consistent you will make more gains in the the first few months than you will for the next few years after that.

Just avoid taking advice from females on the internet that have no knowledge of male physiology.