Whatever my wife gives me to use. My hair is short and no fuss. When I was single I'd use any bargain brand. Now I find shampoo and conditioner placed for me in the shower.
I like (no laughing) Suave 2-in-1 shampoo. My hair is very fine but very thick, so I have to put a ton of leave-in conditioner in anyway. Sebastian Potion #9 (too lazy to go look at the bottle) works wonders.
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Head & Shoulders. Does the job and I don't seen any need for anything fancier.
Suave, shampoo and conditioner. Inexpensive but does as good as any
Pantene Shampoo and Conditioner
I’ve used WEN by Chaz Dean for about 7 years now. Usually the Lavender, but fig if hair is really dry or damaged (see my purple hair phase in my gallery). It’s a bit pricy but I love it and it’s vegan/cruelty-free.
It varies. I think I have 3 or 4 different kinds in the shower right now.
Done with Garnier lol. It wasn't bad but Pantene is my true love.
I change among well-known brands I can find in the supermarket. Usually L'oreal, Pantene, sometimes Garnier, Tresemme. I buy shampoos that are specifically for curly hair, or if not available the one that seems will hydrate more. Or, if my hair is dyed at the moment, for dyed hair.
My last one was L'oreal for dyed hair.
I have more than half of the bottle in the bathroom but had a keratin treatment last week, so I'm using the shampoo and conditioner free of salt recommended by the hairdresser. It's from a brand I had never heard of before: Kativa.