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Morning Routine

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Fancy Schmancy
Work days:
Wake up with alarm at 7
Lie in bed for a bit looking at my phone
Turn on the Today show
Brush my teeth
Drink a bottle of cold water
Feed the cat
Make iced or regular coffee
Take a bath and read and drink coffee
Wash my face
Put on lotion and moisturizer
Put on make-up
Put on perfume
Get dressed, including jewelry
Go to the office
Coffee while reading Lush, shower, work
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Get up, get dressed.
Wake up girls as I walk down the hall to make coffee.
Brush teeth, comb hair.
Start drinking lots of coffee.
Drive first kid to school.
Drive second kid to school.
Spend a half an hour on Lush and Facebook.
The Bee's Knees
wake (hopefully just before my dreadful alarm)
lie in bed thinking about how many hours until i can climb back in
run a hot wash cloth over my face
apply makeup
do hair
brush teeth
get dressed
out the door, still in a slight daze.

Say. Her. Name.

Site administrator
Wake .. fall down the stairs and wander into the kitchen
Kettle on
Check various things on the internet... email/bank account/weather etc
More Tea
Shower/Teeth/Dress (nope I dont wear a dress!)
Tidy up/make bed etc
Leave for work

The above about 2 - 2.5 hours. I am not one of these people who can be up and out the door in about 20 minutes. I need time to wake up 100% and feel ready for my day.
Madam Carol
1. Hear alarm and curse it out.
2. Pee like a Russian race horse.
3. Put on work out clothes make coffee and get paper
4. Go for jog and get in shower after.
5. Wash hair and shave legs if necessary.
6. Blow dry and curlers.
7. Wake hubby that ignored alarm.
8. Finish dressing and eat my granola.
9. Makeup and lip gloss.
10. Check schedule and plan day.
Prolific Writer
Since I'm a mom it's a bit different.

Turn alarm off
Get in shower
Get dressed
Wake up son
Make lunches for husband, son, daughter
Watch kids get on bus
Make Tea and breakfast
FREE TIME until they come back home at 2:30

Advanced Wordsmith
My morning routine is a bit different at the moment, as I'm on holiday from work...

Wake up at 5:30am (when my partner gets up for work)
Check my emails/social media etc
Get out of bed & walk down to make breakfast
Eat breakfast with my partner (usually yogurt or gluten free toast with tea or coffee)
Work on projects online for an hour or so and then it's shower time!
After showering I comb through my hair, blow dry it, apply my skin care regime, followed by makeup (if I need it for the day)
+ then it's onwards with whatever the day may bring for me
Fancy Schmancy
Generic weekends with no specific plans:

Wake up around 7 or 8, for some reason, and lie in bed, watching television, reading, or playing with my phone. Think I will get up, but . . .
Fall back asleep at some point, and get up at 10:30 or so.
Get up, brush teeth
Drink a bottle of cold water
Feed the cat
Drink coffee, eat something
Watch television, play around on the computer, read the newspaper
Leave the house around 2, sometimes later, to do whatever it is that I am going to do.

I am not a fan of getting up and out of the house early. Ugh.
Active Ink Slinger
Wake before the alarm goes off.
Say thank you.
Take the necessary pills.
Haul my ass up and down a few stairs.
Boil water, pour in some oats, eat.
Check online, email, msgs, weather,, market ... you know, the necessities.
Greet the world.

Class of 82 - The Little Sister Halloween Party ~ My newest story preparing for the annual fraternity Halloween party.
Journey With You ~ A love poem about a full life shared.
The Game's Ultimate Prize ~ The evening begins with cocktails ... a recommended read.
Chat Moderator
I'm up at least 90 minutes before my alarm (rarely past 5 am), not sure why I even set one.
Lay there blinking in the dark for a few
Pee and return to bed
Check emails, texts, etc and spend an hour or so catching up on what I missed while I slept.
Masturbation (3 out of 7 days)
Yogurt or over sized bowl of cereal for breakfast
Shower, hair, dress and either glasses or contacts depending on the day
Pee again
Turn the heat down
Warm my truck (even in the summer)
Listen to work voice mails while still in my driveway and triage what I need to do first
Yawn as I exit my yard

Total time: 2 hours
Active Ink Slinger
Bathroom: shower, pee, wash face, brush teeth, deodorant, get dressed. Takes roughly the same amount of time regardless of whether or not I shower. 20 minutes.
Kitchen: Boil tea water, make/eat breakfast, prep lunch, feed pets. 20 minutes.
Makeup if I feel like it. 15-20 minutes.
Active Ink Slinger
-wake up
-if I have the time, sex or masturbation, depending on the presence of company
-brush teeth
-shave (if it's been a few days)
-clothes on
-feed the cats (likely to be growing impatient by this point)
-work boots and jacket on
-grab personal phone, work phone, work ID, wallet, truck keys, and breakfast to go (usually a granola bar)
-out the door

Usually takes between 20 and 40 minutes, depending on my level of early-morning alertness.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Active Ink Slinger
My friendly, local Kookaburras are my alarm clock.
Wake up.
Scratch testicles (ladies rub their eyes), stretch and indulge in a bit of spine bashing.
Remember that I'm now retired from the profession.
Contemplate the morning.
Get out of bed, proceed to kitchen and make fresh pot of coffee.
Breakfast is weet-bix, honey, fresh fruit (blackberries and raspberries) and milk.
More coffee.
Check the news on TV, then check email in-box.
If nothing interesting is happening, I can always go back to bed.
Active Ink Slinger
Early Morning Sickness.

I crawl out of bed at 6:45.
Gritty eyed only half alive.
I breathe in deep my own B.O.,
A nut case raves on the radio.
The door slams to with a crashing roar,
I'm off to bastard work once more.
My job is pretty intense these days, lots of long hours. I'm pretty sure I have a morning routine but the fog lasts for a bit so I'm not clear what it might be. I usually reach wakefulness after enough coffee and find myself in the office with my computer flashing a dozen reminders at me. I have no idea how the fuck I got there. During lunch I go out to check my vehicle for new dents or bloodstains. So far, so good.
Active Ink Slinger
Normal days it's usually:
between 4:30 and 5:00 I wake up. Too early, so I wake up my computer and check the news sites, and then lush. Read some stories and poems, post a few things in the forum, until...
6:00 Alarm goes off, time to really wake up, if I'm not already, get up and dressed and make sure the kids are awake, especially my adolescent daughter, whose ears seem to filter out alarm clocks smile
Then get clothes for the little ones (6, 8 and 9) and make them breakfast.
6:25 The first one leaves for his schoolbus. By this time everyone is dressed and fed, and while they relax with Nickelodeon for a little, I have time to fix lunch boxes and check school bags. The older kids disappear one by one to catch their bus.
7:00 Time to pry the 9 year old loose from nickelodeon and get him to put on his shoes and coat, so he won't miss his bus
7:05 Coffee and a quick slice of toast for me, and then it's time to walk the dog, who by now is jumping up and down, resembling a kangaroo on a trampoline
7:40 It's time to get the remaining two kids into their coats and shoes and walk them to school.
8:15 Home again! So nice and quiet now. Time for another coffee, some serious breakfast, a few more lush moments and then ...
another day of household routine... Yippee!
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

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Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Active Ink Slinger
When I'm working, I get up at 6:45am.
Go for a quick cigarette, jump in the shower.
Have breakfast, normally Wheetbix or cornflakes.
Get ready for work then leave.

On a day off, sleep until late, run errands then sit down and watch some supernatural.
watch TV, feed the cats, watch TV with the cats
-wake up
-lay in bed for 3 minutes
-put my hair up to towel dry
-eat a little something, HYDRATE, drink water!
-brush my teeth
-lotion EVERYWHERE, don't skimp on moisturizing your skin
-get dressed
-do my makeup
-do my hair, I find it easier to do my makeup first so my hair isn't in the way
That's it! I think a lot of people forget to start their day off with water. They jump straight to coffee, tea, or OJ but forget water
up by 7
put on the coffee
let the dog out
turn on the news, shower and shave
have a small breakfast
light a cigarette
go to my bookshop and drink more coffee
I'm a morning person so dorm life was awesome, it meant i bugged the hell out of everyone.
Moving off campus into an apartment has settled me into a newer routine.

my alarm clock is my phone. I have to times set in it with the second going off 10 minutes after the first.
why, because I love to lay under the blanket, I'm a blanket person and I like to feel the warmth under the covers.
The second alarm setting is a "Just in case Alarm" just in case I do fall back to sleep which is very rare.

First I turn off the alarm hitting the snooze button
If I'm not sitting up before the snooze goes off I do when it does
I sit on the side of my bed and check out the weather app to help decide what I will wear. I don't know why I do that because it probably doesn't have any bearing on what I will put on.
Second I check my email. Just because... I never log into Lush anymore as I found it will wreck my morning routine. (Timing wise)
Third I take my vitamins I have in a daily medicine distributor that is on my night stand with a bottle of water.
Seriously, everyone has there little quirks about If I don't take them first thing then I'll forget.
Forth, now I really have to go pee I know, TMI, Yes, I wash my hands
Fifth I wonder into the kitchen and its the same every morning, a bowl of instant oatmeal and a small bowl of fruit and a small glass of juice. Please don't tell me how instant oatmeal is not really considered healthy. I think it is.
Sixth, then I brush my teeth. I used to do this when I made the bathroom trip earlier but I found I needed to brush them after eating oatmeal. The oatmeal thing caught me once, that won't happen again. Nothing more embarrassing than having someone point out you have food stuck on your teeth.
Seventh I get dressed and then I put on whatever makeup I think will get me by and out the door I go.
Active Ink Slinger
When I was working it was this:

Put on a pair of cargo shorts (no shades / window coverings in house except bedroom)
Pee, then wash hands
Let dog out
Go get cup of coffee, add milk.
Let dog in
Feed dog
Look at ocean (walk down if interesting)
Read personal email while drinking coffee
Shower (shave in the shower)
Take vitamins
Deoderant, comb hair,
Brush teeth
Dress in work clothes
Glass of water
Bring spouse coffee in bed
Fill travel cup with coffee
Kiss spouse goodbye
Grab computer and head out to work
In-House Sapiosexual
I’m generally up and on my run around five a.m.

I hit Starbucks on the way back around 6-6:15. I see the same people every morning and I actually love that. There is this one old guy that pays for my macchiato if I sing a few lines. Because of one particularly amusing morning, they put Beyoncé on my cup.

I generally have to sprint home because I have too much fun.

Shower with my husband…it’s our ritual.

I don’t work on Tues/Thurs and I do whatever I feel like with those days.27MLter4UB8TrA0H
I'll transition between yoga and weight training or I’ll do a walk-in at dance class.

I used to flat-iron my hair and all that—it takes forever. I literally just put a few dabs of product in my palm and tousle my hair with my fingers now—if I even do that. A good shake works well too.Cm678zJDpNuN4y3d If morning fun causes it not to dry fast enough—high pony and I’m through. My make-up is simple and quick. My dressing room is super organized. I pre-coordinate so that I don’t have to spend much time trying things on and such. Having a dressing room has been my dream, so I go all out and it saves mad time. I generally end up only changing my mind once.jbf2r8Br1qVwz2dx

If I eat breakfast, it is something I snatch out of my husband’s or son’s hand—which irritates them to no end.dpUBtTJoe8ojr1wm

Smooches in the drive and I’m off.

I sleep in on Sundays, except for that occasional trip to church at the request of my mother. I’m Buddhist. She doesn’t care.dFrj1z9D913wJU82
? A True Story ?