I wear all lengths, but I can't wear long dresses when it is really hot out. I like shorter when it is hot out.
I prefer shorter, although I have a couple of long sundresses that I love to wear
Asking a bloke this question is like asking men if they prefer their beer chilled in an ice bucket over left on the bonnet of their car in the hot sun....of course men prefer shorter skirts on women....lol.
summer is awesome (for positive, non aggressive, non invasive, discrete perving).
Surprisingly, I have more maxis than minis, and almost no micro-minis, except LBD's. I don't particularly like wearing heels, and mini-skirts almost require heels, especially for a shorty like me. In summer, I like cut-offs and short shorts for casual.
I really don't have a favorite. I will wear mini's, maxi's, sundresses, short shorts, etc depending on the situation. However I do agree that heels are required when wearing a mini, at least to me it is. It just completes the look!
I do agree with Bethany, when I at home just hanging out 9 times out of 10 I will be wearing short shorts and a cropped T or a bikini top.
A maxi dress and statement sandals is my go-to summer look.
Mini skirts or mini dresses if I'm wearing a jean skirt or dress I'm usually be wearing tennis shoes, if not I'll have heels on
I love to see a woman in a mini dress as I think it enhances her legs. I also love flowing dresses either short or long.
As long as she didn't ruin it with panties, I'm happy with either.
With a whisper, a touch, a kiss,
I showed her the path,
She ran to the arms
Of baby's safe harbor.
I wear both....as long as it is tight to my body. My preference is to go without bra and panties in the summer.
I have to say that wearing a mini in summer does attract more attention. I was walking my mothers dog (a golden lab)last summer on a hot day. I was wearing mini and tank top. The dog was thirsty and i knelt down to feed her water from a bottle i was carrying. A twenty something mom who was pushing a baby stroller coming the other way stopped in her tracks a few feet away. suddenly i realized I was exposing my shaved pussy to her.
Rather than bring my knees together i spread them further apart. The mom pretended to fuss over her baby but her eyes were clearly focused between my legs. I love the thrill of showing myself and exciting another woman. After a lonh spine tingling moment she moved on and i found that my pussy was absolutely soaked.
I love my mini in the summer.
I prefer she chooses..and ladies if you ask if the dress makes you look fat, the answer is probably yes, no matter what he says. I've never met a man with enough courage to tell the truth.
Got to go with the mini. Can't resist a little (or a lot) leg.
Girls should dress to make themselves feel good not to please a guy.
I prefer tight short mini dresses,to show off legs n ass
Depends on where I am going. Love the halter look!

Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed. My Mrs likes maxi dresses any time of the year . Its the only type of dress that she will wear without panties.